Tips to Write a Perfect Technical Writer Resume


2022-07-13 20:00 clickhelp


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When applying for a job, you need to submit a CV (curriculum vitae) with your personal details, education, qualifications, and work history. Most jobs are advertised online, and before you submit your CV, you should study the job description carefully. It is important to find exactly what the employer is looking for (a certain amount of experience, knowledge of specific programming languages, etc.). In resumes, applicants try to show that they have all the qualities, qualifications, and experience the employer is looking for. However, not all CVs work. Some end up in the litter bin the moment the HR person sees them. This blog will focus on how to write an effective technical writer's resume. Technical Writer Job Description First, let us pin the technical writer job on the professions map. The labor market is full of jobs bordering on writing (or content creation) and technical areas, such as IT and engineering. Writing is also merging with communications, both business and political (marketing, advertising, public affairs, PR, GR, etc.). These two tendencies have caused the emergence of new professions, such as: technical writing (writing in technical areas), copywriting (writing in business and marketing), and speechwriting (writing in politics). This ‘triad’ forms lots of opportunities for creative people to produce high-quality textual content and, at the same time, are familiar with the daily routine of IT specialists, engineers, marketers, or government officials. Now, let’s have a closer look at the job of a technical writer. This person lives in a world related to the technical field, which is quite wide and encompasses areas from software development to yacht design. The main technical writer’s responsibility is to write effective technical documents (clear and concise for the target audience). In a sense, a technical writer’s job is to translate technical content produced by technical specialists (full of tech terms and descriptions of complex phenomena) into a simple language for customers who just want to use the product. The need for the technical writing profession has emerged due to the transformation of the way people consume information: users no longer have time to read bulky manuals. Instead, they want to perceive information intuitively or (if the product is complex) to read short and simple texts that provide quick solutions. For example, people who want to use an electric heater at home do not necessarily need to understand the principles of its work. This is when the tech writer comes in. Their job is to write a short instruction about turning the heater on and off and switching between the heating modes. The customer does not want to know how the electric current is converted to heat. The happy owner of the heater usually has no idea of the electrical resistor inside the heater or the principle of Joule heating. The customer wants to warm the room. The technical writer's job is to walk in the user’s shoes and explain simple things in simple words. Tips to Write a Perfect Resume Every applicant wants to get a response from potential employers. However, not all CVs pave the road to job interviews and further offers. Here are a few tips for writing an effective technical writer resume: As you are applying for a writer position, include samples of your work in the CV. Otherwise, HR will hardly be able to evaluate your writing and technical skills. You can add a link to your portfolio to make your CV look impressive. Make your portfolio ‘to the point.’ If necessary, think about several versions of the portfolio, or make the content adaptable to the demands of new employers. If you apply to an online market selling technical appliances, you’d better not include texts about ‘using resins in interior décor.’ If you attach samples to your e-mail (instead of giving a link to your work), don’t stuff the letter with too many texts. This will make the reader’s head reel. Three samples will be enough. Make an emphasis on your tech writer skills in your CV, not just good writing skills. The fact that you know the publicistic/technical/scientific style of writing won’t impress anyone. But if you write that you have a technical background in IT, design, engineering, or any other industry-specific experience, HR will undoubtedly put your resume on top of the pile. Use figures instead of words. Don’t say that you have completed ‘many’ projects. This sounds vague. Instead, write that you have completed ten and give links if possible. It is a psychological trick, but it works and makes people focus on the information. In the skills section of your CV, give a list of style guides you know or have worked with (ASD-STE100 Standard, or the Simplified Technical English style guide, Google Style Guide, Apple Style Guide, Microsoft Manual of Style, etc.). This will characterize you as a professional. The same applies to CMS (Content Management Systems) and digital tools, such as Joomla, Drupal, Magento, etc. All these are relevant skills for this job. Besides, a list of such skills makes you look trendy and in line with the main developments in the industry. It is advisable to finish your CV with a formula that sounds like ‘Endorsements available upon request’ or similar. This will make the potential employer trust you as someone who has no ‘clashes’ with colleagues or top managers. It is essential if you are looking for a long-term job and want to make a technical writer career. For more tech writer skills that can be mentioned in your CV, read our article 11 Skills of a Good Technical Writer. Technical Writer Resume Examples It’s hard to understand the difference between good and bad CVs without examples. So, let’s give two of them. The resume on the left is poorly structured. On the other hand, the one on the right (marked with a green tick) is more 'to the point' as it starts with a concise intro and work experience. The 'Experience' section is in the page's center. As a result, it catches the eye of the reader immediately. Personal info is shifted to the left and does not 'press' on the reader. If HR gets interested in the work experience, they will switch to personal details. By comparison, in the CV on the left (marked with a red cross), all sections are placed vertically, one over another. This makes the text lengthy and tedious. Although a CV has a very rigid format (a certain number of sections must be fitted in), there is still some place for visualization. The resume example on the right represents skills with 'progress bars' showing the applicant's level in this or that field, while on the left, we can see a list of skills only. Where to Apply a Technical Writer Resume? There are many industries where a technical writer can find a well-paid job. You can find a job in civic and social organizations. The skills of a technical writer are needed here to enhance communications with the public. For example, explanations (guides, instructions) may be required for those who want to vote online or apply to an educational institution. The electric power industry (including generation, transmission, and distribution) provides many opportunities for technical writers. Whenever a power billing and metering device is installed, the users need an instruction. Software development is another huge industry where tech writers are required, and the demand for this job is growing daily. Conclusion The efficiency of a technical writer's resume depends on how focused you make it. Think of your audience and its needs. Give your potential employer the information they want and remove unnecessary details. Try to look at your CV with the eyes of the HR who will receive it. Show that you possess the main skill of a great tech writer – the ability to walk in your reader's shoes. Good luck with your technical writing! ClickHelp Team Author, host and deliver documentation across platforms and devices
申请工作时,您需要提交一份包含个人详细信息、教育背景、资历和工作经历的简历。大多数工作都是在网上发布的,在你提交简历之前,你应该仔细研究一下工作描述。准确地找到雇主所需要的是很重要的(一定的经验,特定编程语言的知识,等等)。在简历中,求职者试图表明他们具备雇主所要求的所有素质、资格和经验。但是,并非所有CV都有效。有些人在人力资源部的人看到他们的那一刻就被扔进了垃圾箱。这个博客将集中在如何写一个有效的技术作家的简历。 技术文档撰写员职位描述 首先,让我们在职业地图上标出技术文档编写员的工作。劳动力市场充满了写作(或内容创作)和技术领域的工作,如IT和工程。写作也正在与商业和政治(市场营销、广告、公共事务、公关、GR等)沟通融合。 这两种倾向都引起了新职业的出现,如: 技术写作(技术领域的写作), 文案写作(商业和市场营销写作), 和演讲稿写作(政治写作)。 这种“三位一体”为创作人员创造了大量机会,使他们能够创作出高质量的文本内容,同时又熟悉IT专家、工程师、营销人员或政府官员的日常工作。 现在,让我们更仔细地了解一下技术文档编写员的工作。这个人生活在一个与技术领域相关的世界里,这个领域相当广泛,涵盖了从软件开发到游艇设计的各个领域。 主要技术文档作者的职责是编写有效的技术文档(对目标受众而言清晰、简洁)。 从某种意义上说,技术写作人员的工作就是将技术专家编写的技术内容(充满了技术术语和对复杂现象的描述)翻译成简单的语言,供只想使用产品的客户使用。 由于人们消费信息的方式发生了转变,因此出现了对技术写作职业的需求:用户不再有时间阅读庞大的手册。相反,他们希望直观地感知信息,或者(如果产品很复杂)阅读提供快速解决方案的简短文本。 例如,想在家里使用电加热器的人不一定需要了解其工作原理。这时候科技作家就来了。他们的工作是写一个简短的说明,关于打开和关闭加热器,并在加热模式之间切换。客户不想知道电流是如何转换成热量的。热水器的快乐主人通常不知道热水器内的电阻器或焦耳加热的原理。顾客想让房间暖和起来。 技术文档编写人员的工作是站在用户的立场,用简单的语言解释简单的事情。 写完美简历的技巧 每个申请人都希望得到潜在雇主的回应。然而,并不是所有的简历都能为求职面试和进一步的工作机会铺平道路。以下是撰写一份有效的技术写作简历的几点建议: 当你申请一个作家的职位时,在简历中包括你的作品样本。否则,HR将很难评估你的写作和技术能力。您可以添加一个链接到您的投资组合,使您的简历看起来令人印象深刻。 让你的投资组合“切中要害”。如果有必要,考虑几个版本的投资组合,或使内容适应新雇主的要求。如果你申请的是一个销售技术设备的在线市场,你最好不要包括“在室内装饰中使用树脂”的文字。 如果你在电子邮件中附上样本(而不是链接到你的工作),不要在信中塞太多的文本。这会使读者的头脑眩晕。三个样品就足够了。 在你的简历中强调你的科技写作技能,而不仅仅是良好的写作技能。事实上,你知道的宣传/技术/科学的写作风格不会给任何人留下深刻印象。但如果你写的是你有IT、设计、工程或任何其他行业的技术背景,人力资源部无疑会把你的简历放在最上面。 用数字代替文字。不要说你已经完成了很多项目。这听起来很模糊。相反,写上你已经完成了十个,如果可能的话,给出链接。这是一个心理上的把戏,但它起作用,使人们专注于信息。 在简历的技能部分,列出你知道或使用过的风格指南(ASD-STE100标准,或简化的技术英语风格指南,谷歌风格指南,苹果风格指南,微软风格手册等)。这将使你成为一名专业人士。 同样适用于CMS(内容管理系统)和数字工具,如Joomla,Drupal,Magento等。所有这些都是与这份工作相关的技能。除此之外,一个这样的技能清单让你看起来很时髦,符合行业的主要发展。 最好在简历末尾加上一句类似“可根据要求提供推荐”或类似的话。这会让潜在的雇主相信你是一个与同事或高层管理者没有“冲突”的人。如果你正在寻找一份长期工作,并希望成为一名技术作家,这是必不可少的。 要了解更多可以在简历中提及的技术写作技能,请阅读我们的文章11《优秀技术写作技能》。 技术文档撰写人员简历示例 如果没有例子,很难理解好的简历和坏的简历之间的区别。那么,让我们举两个例子。 左边的简历结构很差。另一方面,右边的一个(用绿色勾号标记)更“切中要害”,因为它以简洁的介绍和工作经验开始。“体验”部分位于页面中心。因此,它立即吸引了读者的眼球。 个人信息向左移动,不会“按”在阅读器上。如果人力资源部对工作经历感兴趣,他们会转而关注个人信息。相比之下,在左侧的CV(标有红色叉号)中,所有截面都是垂直放置的,一个在另一个之上。这使得文本冗长乏味。 尽管CV的格式非常严格(必须装入一定数量的部分),但仍有一些地方可供可视化。右边的简历示例用“进度条”表示技能,显示申请人在这个或那个字段中的水平,而在左边,我们只能看到技能列表。 在哪里申请技术写作简历? 在许多行业,技术写作人员都能找到一份高薪工作。你可以在公民和社会组织中找到工作。在这里需要技术作家的技能来加强与公众的沟通。例如,对于那些想在网上投票或申请教育机构的人,可能需要解释(指南、说明)。电力工业(包括发电、输电和配电)为技术作者提供了许多机会。无论何时安装电力计费和计量装置,用户都需要一份说明书。软件开发是另一个需要技术作家的巨大行业,对这份工作的需求每天都在增长。 结语 一个技术写作者的简历的效率取决于你如何使它集中。想想你的读者和他们的需求。给你的潜在雇主他们想要的信息,并删除不必要的细节。试着以收到简历的人力资源的眼光来看待你的简历。证明你拥有一个伟大的科技作家的主要技能——设身处地为读者着想的能力。 祝你的技术写作好运! 单击帮助团队 跨平台和设备创作、托管和交付文档

