How To Expand Your Business With a Localization Strategy


2022-07-07 08:00 Morningside


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Today the globalization of organizations isn’t uncommon. Organizations across varying industries have much to gain by expanding their customer base and workforce abroad, which often means being able to communicate in their language, which will require you to implement a localization strategy. When your business reaches beyond the borders of your home country, simply translating the words of your business materials into a foreign language is not sufficient for building your brand abroad. A well-thought-out localization strategy is essential in ensuring that your translation has the maximum effect on the targeted audience. To reach your new audiences, be that customers or employees, you must adapt your business materials linguistically through translation and culturally through the localization process. Here are four popular ways to localize your organization. Saturate new markets with a website localization strategy High-quality personalized site experiences are a central focus for businesses looking to gain unique and larger audiences. You must consider translating and localizing your website content to achieve the most successful online user experience in new regions. That includes everything from blogs, forms, and buttons to videos, captions, and image alt text. When planning for your website translation and localization, it is crucial to ensure your carefully crafted content is found by various search engines available in various regions. For example, less than 2% of internet searchers in China use Google. To expand your business into China, you’ll want to consider optimizing important keywords for Baidu’s search algorithms, not Google. If you are looking for more on Website Translation, we can help 7 Tips to Prepare for a Website Translation Project Multilingual Websites: Which Languages Do You Need? 5 Website Translation Best Practices Attract new users to your app To gain more users on your software application worldwide, you will have to implement a localization strategy to your user interface (UI) for each target market you would like to pursue. Your app localization is especially recommended for Internet of Things (IoT) devices and multi-player gaming apps. Make sure you use local metrics, relatable images and appropriate content. Constantly adjust the text length to fit correctly in each language’s UI, and don’t forget to localize the copy for push notifications (a rich opportunity to build relationships with consumers). Lastly, if you maintain a web and mobile version of your software, consider using Progressive Web App (PWA) development to combine your apps into a single simple-to-maintain platform that allows users to work offline. If you are interested in localizing your application, here are a few additional blogs to get you on your way, Best Practices for Localizing Apps Why Localizing Your Mobile App is a Must 10 Steps Required to Prepare for Your Software Localization Project Simplify customer service with chatbot localization A chatbot is a computer program that runs off a pre-set script to simulate conversation with human users. Chatbots (or bots) are becoming increasingly popular in providing instant responses to online customer inquiries. This rise of real-time messaging has led to a fundamental shift in how people prefer to communicate – they don’t want to wait on hold on a customer support phone line. They want to go online, see a product, type in a question and get an instant response. A recent report found that people from all 195 countries worldwide use chatbots, and 41% of those chatbot users are business executives. Here’s some food for thought: While AI and machine learning are the driving factors behind a chatbot’s abilities to do its job well, none of that matters if the script it runs off of is awkwardly written or incomprehensible. After all, chatting — whether with a person or a bot — requires a common language. So, if you hope to close more deals and increase customer satisfaction by adding a chatbot to your website, it’s critical to ensure that all your chatbot scripts are translated and localized correctly. 7 Tips to Prepare for a Website Translation Project Multilingual Websites: Which Languages Do You Need? 5 Website Translation Best Practices Embrace eLearning for more effective training For businesses that operate in multiple regions (or in areas where various languages are spoken), eLearning is one of the most effective and versatile training tools at your disposal to connect with learners. You can use eLearning modules internally to conduct employee job training, deliver product guides and information to your clients, and much more. Effective localization of an eLearning course means reviewing every element of every slide, including text, images, captions, image text, videos, scripts, audio narration, subtitles, quizzes, example scenarios, etc. For a deeper dive into how to optimize your eLearning content for translation, you can review these blogs below. Producing Multilingual eLearning Courses: Morningside Best Practices Starting A New Multilingual eLearning Course Maximize Global Employee Engagement and Retention Use an expert Language Services Provider There’s much to get right with eLearning translation, chatbot scripts, and website/software localization. If a translation is wrong, it can quickly go viral — turning a well-meaning company into an overnight laughingstock. Even if a poor translation doesn’t turn into a meme, it could still hurt your business if the content does not effectively deliver your message or branding. As a result, it is in your best interest to partner with a language services provider (LSP) with localization expertise in your industry. A qualified language partner like Morningside, a Questel Company, can provide a step-by-step plan to ensure that your online content is successfully and efficiently prepared to resonate with all suitable targets. Gain comprehensive corporate translation services for eLearning & training, human resources, legal, corporate and business translations in all regions you operate. Our global translators have deep corporate compliance expertise and know-how to translate employee manuals accurately, policies, benefits information, training videos, and more into 200 languages. Contact us for any of your translation or localization needs!
今天,组织的全球化并不罕见。跨不同行业的组织通过将客户群和员工队伍扩展到国外可以获得很多好处,这通常意味着能够用他们的语言进行交流,这就需要您实施本地化策略。 当你的业务超越了你的祖国的边界,简单地把你的商业材料的话翻译成外语是不够的,以建立你的品牌在国外。要确保您的翻译对目标受众产生最大的影响,深思熟虑的本地化策略至关重要。 要接触新的受众,无论是客户还是员工,您必须通过翻译在语言上调整您的业务材料,并通过本地化流程在文化上调整您的业务材料。以下是四种常用的组织本地化方法。 以网站本地化策略渗透新市场 高质量的个性化网站体验是企业寻求获得独特和更大的受众的核心关注点。您必须考虑翻译和本地化您的网站内容,以在新地区实现最成功的在线用户体验。这包括从博客、表单和按钮到视频、标题和图像替换文本的所有内容。 在规划您的网站翻译和本地化时,确保您精心制作的内容能够被各个地区的各种搜索引擎找到是至关重要的。例如,在中国,只有不到2%的互联网搜索者使用谷歌。要想把业务拓展到中国,你需要考虑优化百度搜索算法的关键词,而不是谷歌。 如果您正在寻找更多关于网站翻译的信息,我们可以提供帮助 7提示准备一个网站翻译项目 多语言网站:您需要哪些语言? 5网站翻译最佳实践 吸引新用户使用您的应用 为了在全球范围内获得更多用户使用您的软件应用程序,您必须针对您要追求的每个目标市场对您的用户界面(UI)实施本地化策略。特别建议您对物联网(IoT)设备和多玩家游戏应用进行应用本地化。 确保使用本地指标、相关图像和适当的内容。不断调整文本长度,使其适合每种语言的用户界面,不要忘记对推送通知的文本进行本地化(这是与消费者建立关系的大好机会)。 最后,如果您维护web和移动版本的软件,请考虑使用渐进式Web应用程序(PWA)开发将您的应用程序合并到一个易于维护的平台中,该平台允许用户离线工作。 如果您对应用程序的本地化感兴趣,这里有一些其他的博客可以帮助您, 本地化应用程序的最佳实践 为什么必须本地化移动应用程序 准备软件本地化项目所需的10个步骤 使用聊天机器人本地化简化客户服务 聊天机器人是一种计算机程序,它运行一个预设的脚本来模拟与人类用户的对话。聊天机器人(或机器人)在为在线客户查询提供即时响应方面正变得越来越流行。实时消息传递的兴起导致人们更喜欢通信方式的根本转变——他们不想在客户支持电话线上等待。他们希望上网、查看产品、输入问题并获得即时响应。最近的一份报告发现,全世界195个国家的人都在使用聊天机器人,其中41%的聊天机器人用户是企业高管。 下面是一些值得思考的问题:虽然人工智能和机器学习是聊天机器人出色工作能力背后的驱动因素,但如果它运行的脚本写得笨拙或难以理解,这些都无关紧要。毕竟,聊天——无论是与人还是与机器人——都需要共同的语言。因此,如果您希望通过在网站中添加聊天机器人来达成更多交易并提高客户满意度,那么确保所有聊天机器人脚本都得到正确翻译和本地化就非常重要。 7提示准备一个网站翻译项目 多语言网站:您需要哪些语言? 5网站翻译最佳实践 采用电子教学,提高培训效率 对于在多个地区(或使用多种语言的地区)运营的企业,电子学习是您与学员联系的最有效、最通用的培训工具之一。您可以在内部使用eLearning模块进行员工工作培训,向客户提供产品指南和信息等。 有效的电子教学课程本地化意味着审阅每张幻灯片的每一个元素,包括文本、图像、标题、图像文本、视频、脚本、音频解说、字幕、测验、示例场景等。要更深入地了解如何优化电子教学内容以进行翻译,您可以查看下面的博客。 制作多语制数位学习课程:晨兴最佳实践 启动新的多语言电子学习课程 最大限度地提高全球员工的参与度和忠诚度 使用专业的语言服务提供商 电子教学翻译、聊天机器人脚本和网站/软件本地化有许多需要改进的地方。如果翻译错误,它会迅速传播开来——一个善意的公司会在一夜之间变成笑柄。即使糟糕的翻译没有变成模因,如果内容不能有效地传递您的信息或品牌,它仍然可能损害您的业务。 因此,与您所在行业中具有本地化专业知识得语言服务提供商(LSP)合作是您得最佳选择.像Morningside(Questel旗下的一家公司)这样的合格的语言合作伙伴可以提供一个循序渐进的计划,以确保您的在线内容能够成功、高效地准备好,从而与所有合适的目标产生共鸣。 在您运营的所有地区获得全面的企业翻译服务,包括电子学习和培训、人力资源、法律、企业和商业翻译。我们的全球翻译人员拥有深厚的企业合规专业知识和专业技能,能够将员工手册、政策、福利信息、培训视频等准确地翻译成200种语言。如有任何翻译或本地化需求,请联络我们!

