Gamification for Global Trial Participants


2022-07-06 15:58 lionbridge


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Anyone who has stared at a pill bottle in their hands and thought, "Wait, did I already take my dose this morning?" knows how mindless and boring it can be to adhere to medication routines. While missing your allergy meds or taking your ibuprofen a few hours late may result in some extra sneezing or a worsening headache, there’s much more at stake when people neglect to take their meds during clinical trials. It’s essential to secure a study participant’s interest and commitment — even beyond regulatory requirements — to successfully execute a trial and collect meaningful data. Datacubed Health is a technology company taking an innovative approach to patient engagement and data collection for decentralized trials that span the globe with a gamification approach to transform the patient experience and achieve retention. Lionbridge is an integral part of the solution by localizing Datacubed Health’s app and enabling effective communications in the study participants’ native languages. Datacubed Health uses behavioral science to motivate study participants throughout their journey. It has developed an app that assigns each participant an avatar that promotes a positive identity, increases a sense of belonging in the study, and helps reduce the dropout rate. And the app rewards study participants with things like digital confetti for completing steps, such as filling out diaries. The model advances the goal of a clinical trial from simple patient engagement to patient enjoyment. Like any app or game with high-quality UX, Datacubed Health must deliver a tailored experience to each user. And that’s where language comes in. The transition from in-person studies to hybrid and remote modes has opened patient recruitment options to a broader audience. As such, there are more potential participants. This is advantageous when starting a trial but presents challenges for study organizers who must accommodate a broader range of personalities. It’s critical to personalize the experience for participants to achieve a good outcome. Lionbridge is proud to partner with Datacubed Health and help the company realize its vision to transform the patient experience. At every touchpoint on the go-to-market journey — from drug or device development to the moment your product makes its way safely and effectively to patients worldwide — Lionbridge helps you get there faster. Our extensive experience in global clinical trial translation, linguistic validation, and life sciences marketing ensures that projects, visions, and strategies are successful in many languages, markets, and cultures. Get in touch If you’d like to learn how Lionbridge Life Sciences Services can help support your translation and localization needs for clinical trials, contact us today.
有人盯着手里的药瓶想,“等等,我今天早上已经服了药吗?”知道坚持药物治疗是多么愚蠢和无聊。虽然错过过敏药物或晚几个小时服用布洛芬可能会导致额外的喷嚏或头痛加剧,但当人们在临床试验中忽视服药时,风险更大。 确保研究参与者的兴趣和承诺--即使超出监管要求--对于成功执行试验和收集有意义的数据是至关重要的。Datacubed Health是一家技术公司,采用创新的方法进行患者参与和数据收集,通过游戏化方法在全球范围内进行分散试验,以改变患者体验并实现保留。Lionbridge将Datacubed Health的应用程序本地化,并以研究参与者的母语进行有效的沟通,这是解决方案的一个组成部分。 Datacubed Health使用行为科学来激励研究参与者的整个旅程。它开发了一个应用程序,为每个参与者分配一个头像,以促进积极的身份,增加研究中的归属感,并有助于降低辍学率。该应用程序会奖励参与者完成填写日记等步骤的数字五彩纸屑等东西。 该模型将临床试验的目标从简单的患者参与推进到患者享受。像任何高质量UX的应用程序或游戏一样,Datacubed Health必须为每个用户提供量身定制的体验。这就是语言的作用。 从面对面研究到混合和远程模式的转变为更广泛的受众提供了患者招募选择。因此,有更多的潜在参与者。这在开始试验时是有利的,但对必须适应更广泛个性的研究组织者提出了挑战。为参与者提供个性化的体验以获得良好的结果是至关重要的。 Lionbridge很荣幸能与Datacubed Health合作,并帮助该公司实现其改变患者体验的愿景。 在上市过程中的每一个转折点--从药物或设备开发到您的产品安全有效地到达世界各地的患者手中--Lionbridge帮助您更快地到达目的地。我们在全球临床试验翻译、语言验证和生命科学营销方面的丰富经验确保了项目、愿景和战略在多种语言、市场和文化中的成功。 取得联系 如果您想了解Lionbridge生命科学服务如何帮助您支持临床试验的翻译和本地化需求,请联系我们。

