Challenges of a Machine Translation Corporate Program


2022-06-24 10:25 GALA


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The implementation of a Machine Translation Program within a large organization is a multi-faceted problem. A good understanding of MT-related processes, MT technologies and their business and deployment model is just part of the equation. The other big part is represented by the understanding of your organization’s needs, processes and dynamics. What are the MT needs within your organization? How do you collect and structure them? How do user satisfy those needs in absence of a corporate program? Would a single solution meet all of the needs? Where does the management of a MT program belong in the organization? What are the dynamics at play to get a new piece of tech implemented and rolled out? Where should funding reside? What are major roadblocks? And finally, how do you manage expectations and educate users to a responsible use of the technology? This webinar is not meant to be a lecture, but an interactive session to share and compare concrete experiences.
在大型组织内实施机器翻译程序是一个多方面的问题。对MT相关流程,MT技术及其业务和部署模型的充分了解只是其中的一部分。另一个重要部分是对组织需求、流程和动态的理解。 您组织内的MT需求是什么?你如何收集和构建它们?在没有公司计划的情况下,用户如何满足这些需求?单一的解决方案能满足所有的需求吗? MT计划的管理在组织中属于哪里?实施和推出一项新技术的动力是什么?资金应该放在哪里?什么是主要障碍? 最后,您如何管理期望并教育用户负责任地使用该技术? 这个网络研讨会不是讲座,而是一个互动的会议,分享和比较具体的经验。

