Content Usability and Contexts


2022-06-23 11:25 clickhelp


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Marketers have long realized that products won’t sell themselves. Sales have to be boosted by high-quality content that accompanies every product. Most often, content means technical documentation that comes together with the product: manuals, quick start guides, specs, instructions, etc. The marketability of the products depends on these documents. However, the availability of these docs is not enough. It is product design that matters. Content has to be usable. Only this can enhance the marketability of the product. That is why technical writers, marketers, and product developers focus on usability. This blog will help understand why content usability is essential and how to achieve it. What Is Content Usability? Content usability is largely defined by user experience (UX). Imagine that you have installed a new application for 3D modeling. You have already tried some similar apps and think you will understand how to use the new one intuitively, but this doesn’t happen. You get stuck at the first step – you cannot understand how to move or delete objects, and you cannot see the right tools on your dashboard. Finally, you realize that you have to read a 100-page long user guide before you can start working. What is happening to you is negative UX and non-usable design, which means that you are actually losing your time and money. Usability means the ease and speed with which users can handle the application or any other product. In the case above, the user will have to spend several hours (or even days) before they can really ‘use’ the app. To avoid this, product developers and technical writers should think of UX at the initial stage of content creation. They should try to walk in the users’ shoes and look at the product with their eyes. This will make content more usable. How to Add Value to the Content? There are many ways to add value to the content and make the life of the users easier. Below are just some of them. First of all, don’t forget about the ‘WYSIWYG’ formula: What you see is what you get. This is what editors say when they want to enrich the text with images, graphs, tables, statistics, drawings, links to videos, etc. Readers like it when information is presented in various forms, so don’t ignore this advice and alternate textual information with figures and drawings. After all, it’s visuals that we remember best. High-quality content is what makes the text value for the user. So, study the matter carefully before you start writing. Immerse yourself in the product development process. This is the only way you can sound professional and produce quality content. Shareability matters for the audience. No matter what your text is about (a ‘new’ salad or crypto-currency), provide social media buttons so readers can share your information on such media outlets as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. Use links so that the readers can travel from one post to another. Mind that not all your readers are professionals; some want to read more on the topic. The golden rule of marketing says that people remember only the text's beginning and end, so make sure your post has a catchy heading and an informative conclusion. Provide the audience with an opportunity to ask questions. It can be an email address, a link to a forum, or a FAQ page. Don’t forget about the style. Paragraphs should not be lengthy. The text should be balanced, so make sure that a passage is no longer than four or five lines. The shorter, the better. Bold and italicize important information. This makes the text more structured and more pleasing to the eye. Besides, it helps when the readers are just looking through the text. Bold type and italics catch the eye. Contexts in Technical Communication Technical communication evolves in many contexts. Most people are used to thinking it mainly concerns communication in an academic environment. Still, it is a much broader notion and encompasses many areas which require a special professional language. The most common types of professional communication are documents and everyday correspondence such as memos and emails. The technical documentation includes design and detailed design documents, manuals, instructions, guidelines, and minor visual docs, such as graphs, charts, images, videos, and other forms of content, which usually accompany larger texts. The primary communicative purpose of these documents is to inform and clarify a complex, typically technical matter. However, the practical purposes may be different. If we regard marketing and PR documents as technical documentation, the purpose of these documents may be defined as information plus persuasion. The latter function is typical for this area, as the content targets potential customers or voters. The audience is a major aspect that forms the context of technical communication. You should bear in mind that a manual is usually targeted at both domestic and foreign readers. These can be people with various backgrounds and experiences. Very few of them are engineers by education. The majority want to read complex information in a simple form. So, make sure the language of your content is simple and clear. The authoring process is another aspect that defines technical communication. A team of writers or co-authors usually produces technical docs. This makes the issue of uniformity and single-sourcing stand out. Finally, there is language and style. It is usually ruled by conventions or codes accepted in technical writing. In general, technical content is written in a formal and conservative style similar to that of academic writing. However, today things are changing, and more often, you would come across a text that sounds informal and casual. This largely depends on the culture of the society and the in-house policy of the organization. If company leaders are in favor of a democratic style of leadership, the style of the content produced by the technical writers of the company will be informal. Context-Sensitive Help in ClickHelp ClickHelp offers its own solution intended to enhance content usability. It is context-sensitive help (or CSH) in software products. The need for CSH emerged with the software consumption growth rate and the general expansion of the market. People no longer had time to read hefty manuals before starting to work. Instead, users just started to work right away and solve problems when they occurred. When they have a question, users usually write to the support. Of course, this is time-taking, as the support often does not give the correct answers, and the correspondence continues. As a result, some users become frustrated and switch to other, more usable content with intuitive solutions. Context-sensitive help allows users to get the information online in real-time. It saves the effort that would have otherwise been spent on browsing help documentation. Most often, CSH looks like pop-up menus offering tips on solving burning issues. CSH has advantages not only for users. It saves time for the customer support team as well. Support specialists often speak of case deflection, a process that allows ‘deflecting’ or diverting a large number of questions from customers due to CSH. Users get the right answers from the ready-made pop-up solutions and don’t write to the support team. CSH has other forms except for pop-up elements. Links to relevant topics open in a new window are another way to implement context-sensitive help. There are also assistant panels — special areas in the product UI or lightboxes — overlays on top of a page. Probably, you have come across a common type of CSH known as tooltips. When a user hovers the cursor over a link, a tooltip appears. To sum it up, CSH is an intuitive way to provide a user with the needed information. To improve the UX, parts of technical documentation get embedded right into a product UI. You can generate code snippets for Context Help turning your help topics into a digital tour of your app. Context Help solves a user’s problem, and your customers won’t need to contact support. To see how it works, have a look at the ClickHelp dashboard, where you can monitor projects, clients, and sales. There is a question mark next to every parameter. If you hover the cursor over it, you will see the necessary information and the ‘Learn more’ link. Conclusion Content usability is the focus of attention of software developers, UX designers, marketers, and technical writers. An understanding of content usability importance is essential if you want your product to be marketable. High sales depend on the usability of your product. If your product is complex and requires assistance to the user from the customer support team, content usability is to be put on your list of top issues to be solved. Good luck with your technical writing! ClickHelp Team Author, host and deliver documentation across platforms and devices
营销人员早就意识到产品不会自我销售。每个产品都必须附带高质量的内容来促进销售。大多数情况下,内容是指产品附带的技术文档: 手册,快速入门指南,规格,说明等。产品的适销性取决于这些文件。 但是,这些文档的可用性还不够。重要的是产品设计。内容必须可用。只有这样,才能增强产品的适销性。这就是为什么技术作家、营销人员和产品开发人员关注可用性的原因。这个博客将有助于理解为什么内容可用性是必不可少的,以及如何实现它。 什么是内容可用性? 内容可用性主要由用户体验 (UX) 定义。想象一下,您已经安装了用于3D建模的新应用程序。你已经尝试了一些类似的应用程序,并认为你会理解如何直观地使用新的应用程序,但这不会发生。你在第一步被卡住了 -- 你不能理解如何移动或删除对象,你也不能在你的仪表板上看到正确的工具。 最后,您意识到必须先阅读100页长的用户指南,然后才能开始工作。发生在您身上的是负面的UX和不可用的设计,这意味着您实际上正在浪费时间和金钱。 可用性意味着用户可以轻松和快速地处理应用程序或任何其他产品。 在上述情况下,用户将不得不花费几个小时 (甚至几天) 才能真正 “使用” 该应用程序。 为了避免这种情况,产品开发人员和技术作者应该在内容创建的初始阶段考虑UX。他们应该试着穿上用户的鞋子,用眼睛看产品。这将使内容更有用。 如何为内容增加价值? 有很多方法可以为内容增加价值,使用户的生活更轻松。下面只是其中的一些。 首先,不要忘记 “所见即所得” 公式: 您所看到的就是所得到的。这是编辑者在想用图像,图形,表格,统计,图纸,视频链接等丰富文本时所说的话。当信息以各种形式呈现时,读者会喜欢它,因此不要忽略此建议,而将文本信息与图形和图纸交替使用。毕竟,我们最记得的是视觉效果。 高质量的内容是使文本对用户有价值的原因。所以,在你开始写作之前,仔细研究一下这件事。沉浸在产品开发过程中。这是您听起来专业并制作高质量内容的唯一方法。 可共享性对观众很重要。无论您的文字是关于什么 (“新” 沙拉或加密货币),请提供社交媒体按钮,以便读者可以在Facebook,Twitter,LinkedIn等媒体上共享您的信息。 使用链接,以便读者可以从一个帖子到另一个帖子。请注意,并非所有读者都是专业人士; 有些人想阅读有关该主题的更多信息。 营销的黄金法则说,人们只记得文本的开头和结尾,所以确保你的帖子有一个吸引人的标题和一个信息丰富的结论。 为观众提供提问的机会。它可以是电子邮件地址,论坛链接或常见问题页面。 别忘了风格。段落不应冗长。文本应该是平衡的,所以确保一段不超过四行或五行。越短越好。 将重要信息加粗并斜体。这使得文字更有条理,更赏心悦目。此外,当读者只是浏览文本时,它会有所帮助。粗体和斜体引人注目。 技术交流中的上下文 技术交流在许多情况下都在发展。大多数人习惯于认为它主要涉及学术环境中的交流。尽管如此,它还是一个更广泛的概念,涵盖了许多需要特殊专业语言的领域。 最常见的专业交流类型是文档和日常信件,例如备忘录和电子邮件。技术文档包括设计和详细的设计文档,手册,说明,指南和次要的视觉文档,例如图形,图表,图像,视频和其他形式的内容,通常伴随较大的文本。这些文件的主要交流目的是告知和澄清复杂的,通常是技术问题。 然而,实际目的可能有所不同。如果我们将营销和公关文档视为技术文档,则这些文档的目的可能被定义为信息加说服。后一种功能是该领域的典型功能,因为内容针对潜在客户或选民。 受众是构成技术交流背景的一个主要方面。您应该记住,手册通常针对国内外读者。这些人可以是有不同背景和经历的人。他们中很少有人是受过教育的工程师。大多数人希望以简单的形式阅读复杂的信息。因此,请确保内容的语言简单明了。 创作过程是定义技术交流的另一个方面。一个由作家或合著者组成的团队通常会制作技术文档。这使得统一性和单一采购的问题突出。 最后,还有语言和风格。通常由技术写作中接受的惯例或代码来统治。通常,技术内容以与学术写作相似的正式和保守的风格编写。 然而,今天情况正在发生变化,更多的时候,你会遇到一个听起来非正式和随意的文本。这在很大程度上取决于社会的文化和组织的内部政策。如果公司领导人赞成民主的领导风格,则公司的技术作家所制作的内容的风格将是非正式的。 点击帮助中的上下文相关帮助 ClickHelp提供了自己的解决方案,旨在增强内容可用性。它是软件产品中的上下文相关帮助 (或CSH)。 随着软件消费增长率和市场的普遍扩大,对CSH的需求出现了。人们在开始工作之前不再有时间阅读大量手册。相反,用户只是立即开始工作并在问题发生时解决问题。 当他们有问题时,用户通常会写信给支持人员。当然,这是需要时间的,因为支持通常不会给出正确的答案,并且通信仍在继续。结果,一些用户感到沮丧,并通过直观的解决方案切换到其他更有用的内容。 上下文相关帮助允许用户实时在线获取信息。它节省了原本在浏览帮助文档上花费的精力。通常,CSH看起来像是弹出菜单,提供解决问题的提示。 CSH不仅对用户有优势。这也为客户支持团队节省了时间。支持专家经常谈到案例偏转,这个过程允许 “偏转” 或转移客户因CSH而提出的大量问题。用户从现成的弹出式解决方案中获得正确的答案,并且不会写信给支持团队。 CSH除了弹出式元素还有其他形式。在新窗口中打开的相关主题的链接是实现上下文相关帮助的另一种方法。页面顶部还有辅助面板-产品UI或灯箱中的特殊区域-覆盖。可能,你遇到了一种常见的CSH类型,称为工具提示。当用户将光标悬停在链接上时,会出现一个工具提示。 总而言之,CSH是一种直观的方式,可以为用户提供所需的信息。为了改进用户体验,部分技术文档直接嵌入到产品用户界面中。您可以为上下文生成代码片段,以帮助将您的帮助主题转变为应用程序的数字浏览。 上下文帮助解决了用户的问题,您的客户不需要联系支持人员。 要了解它的工作原理,请查看ClickHelp仪表板,您可以在其中监视项目,客户和销售情况。每个参数旁边都有一个问号。如果将光标悬停在它上面,您将看到必要的信息和 “学习更多” 链接。 结论 内容可用性是软件开发人员、UX设计师、营销人员和技术作家关注的焦点。如果您希望产品适销对路,了解内容可用性的重要性至关重要。高销售额取决于你的产品的可用性。如果您的产品很复杂,并且需要客户支持团队为用户提供帮助,则内容可用性将被列入要解决的主要问题列表。 祝你的技术写作好运! 点击帮助团队 跨平台和设备编写、托管和交付文档

