Making Connections with AI and MT


2022-06-17 15:19 lionbridge


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In some ways, the life sciences industry has been global for a long time. Companies founded over a century ago in Switzerland, Germany, and the U.K. are now worldwide household names, delivering vital therapies and devices to every corner of the globe. But the true globalization of the industry is a much more recent phenomenon. While large, multi-center trials have been commonplace for some time, advances in regulatory harmonization now enable manufacturers to seek simultaneous approvals in multiple territories. Digitization Across the Product Life Cycle Life sciences enterprises are operating at a scale and speed that would once have been unimaginable, and these changes have been enabled by another relatively recent development – the digitization of the industry. This trend is visible throughout product life cycles. Increasingly, studies are managed electronically, from trial master files to clinical outcome assessments. Authoring and review workflows for marketing materials are moving to more agile content management systems, preserving vital oversight mechanisms while significantly shortening time-to-market. Even regulators, never quick to embrace change, are now permitting or even requiring electronic submissions. AI for Life Science Business Localization We’re also seeing the beginnings of another wave of digital transformation, as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies find applications in research and development. Pharmaceutical researchers are applying ML to the screening of molecular drug candidates. In diagnostic imaging, AI is showing growing promise as an aid to clinical interpretation. Clearly, these transformations have the potential to benefit patients. Getting drugs and devices to the market will always be a lengthy process, and for good reason. But as we saw during the COVID-19 pandemic, innovations in digital collaboration can have an enormous positive impact. Less obviously, by embracing digital solutions and AI, life sciences enterprises are converging with key service providers. This is especially true of language services, where automated digital workflows and AI-powered solutions have long since matured. These capabilities, coupled with deep domain expertise, are enabling the best language service providers to transcend their traditional roles. These providers are no longer just churning out words – they’re providing solutions that integrate deeply not just with development and regulatory activities but with the digital systems that now enable them. For life sciences enterprises, such providers can unlock enormous potential. AI-accelerated translation workflows can get expert-quality content to where it’s needed faster, whether that’s in a new market or in front of a regulator. But those workflows are also optimized for integration, which means they can be directly connected to key customer-side systems. Imagine: When your marketing materials clear the medical, legal, and regulatory (MLR) review cycle, you can initiate translation right from Veeva PromoMats. Your clinical team can do the same from Veeva Vault, and the translated study protocol or investigator brochure gets delivered back seamlessly to the system. And it’s not just translation. Your source content can also benefit from expert-led, AI-enabled profiling solutions. Life sciences enterprises – like all large organizations – produce all kinds of content, from corporate communications to internal training materials. What if all those content types could be recognized and automatically routed to the right workflows and specialist teams? Or what if you could have your lay person summaries rapidly profiled against specific regulatory standards for plain language? Well, it turns out all that is possible. Why not contact us to learn more?
在某些方面,生命科学行业长期以来一直是全球性的。一个多世纪前在瑞士、德国和英国成立的公司如今已成为全球家喻户晓的品牌,为全球每个角落提供重要的治疗和设备。 但真正的全球化是最近才出现的现象。虽然大型、多中心试验已经司空见惯了一段时间,但监管协调方面的进步现在使制造商能够在多个地区同时获得批准。 整个产品生命周期的数字化 生命科学企业正在以前所未有的规模和速度运营,而这些变化得益于另一项相对较新的发展——行业数字化。 这一趋势在整个产品生命周期中都是可见的。从试验主文件到临床结局评估,越来越多的研究采用电子化管理。市场营销材料的创作和审查工作流正在转向更加灵活的内容管理系统,在保留重要的监督机制的同时大大缩短了上市时间。 即使是从不迅速接受变化的监管机构,现在也允许甚至要求电子提交。 人工智能用于生命科学业务本地化 随着人工智能(AI)和机器学习(ML)技术在研发领域的应用,我们也看到了另一波数字化转型浪潮的开始。药物研究人员正在将ML应用于分子药物候选物的筛选。在诊断成像中,人工智能作为临床解释的辅助手段显示出越来越大的前景。 显然,这些转变有可能使患者受益。将药物和设备推向市场将永远是一个漫长的过程,而且有很好的理由。但正如我们在COVID-19大流行期间所看到的,数字协作方面的创新可以产生巨大的积极影响。 不那么明显的是,通过拥抱数字化解决方案和AI,生命科学企业正在与关键服务提供商融合。语言服务尤其如此,自动化数字工作流程和人工智能解决方案早已成熟。 这些能力加上深厚的领域专业知识,使最佳的语言服务提供商能够超越其传统角色。这些提供商不再只是粗制滥造,他们提供的解决方案不仅与开发和监管活动深度集成,而且与现在支持他们的数字系统深度集成。 对于生命科学企业而言,此类提供商可以释放巨大的潜力。人工智能加速的翻译工作流程可以更快地将专家级质量的内容送到需要的地方,无论是新市场还是监管机构。 但这些工作流也针对集成进行了优化,这意味着它们可以直接连接到关键的客户端系统。想象一下:当您的营销材料通过医学、法律和监管(MLR)审查周期时,您可以直接从Veeva PromoMats启动翻译。您的临床团队也可以从Veeva Vault进行同样的操作,翻译后的研究方案或研究者手册将无缝地返回到系统。 这不仅仅是翻译。您的源内容还可以从专家主导的、支持AI的分析解决方案中获益。生命科学企业与所有大型组织一样,会制作各种内容,从公司宣传材料到内部培训材料.如果所有这些内容类型都可以被识别并自动路由到正确的工作流和专家团队,情况会怎样? 或者,如果你能让你的非专业人士摘要快速地根据明确的监管标准进行分析,会怎么样? 好吧,事实证明这一切都是可能的。为什么不联系我们了解更多?

