The Machines Are Among Us: The State of Machine Translation


2022-06-15 20:00 Nimdzi Insights


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The original report Rise of the Machines - The State of Machine Translation was published on January 22, 2018. This is a 2022 update to the report brought to you by Nimdzi's MT Specialist Özge Ünlü. Introduction It’s already been six years now since Google revealed that Google Translate processes 146 billion words a day — three times more than what all the professional translators in the world combined can do in a month. That was 2016 and things haven’t really slowed down in the machine translation (MT) universe since. The doomsday scenario silently crept up upon us without anyone really noticing, with robots having already surpassed humans in terms of translation speed. Contrary to popular expectations, however, this has not killed jobs in our industry. Revenues of companies in the language services continue to increase every year, and the demand for quality linguists is at a record high. Machine translation in its raw form is still no match for human translation, and human professional translations are still the answer for projects that require a certain level of quality. However, that doesn’t mean translation is unaffected by MT or that professional service providers can afford to ignore MT (spoiler: they really can’t if they want to remain relevant). Indeed, with MT post-editing being commonly performed for most types of content, and raw MT being used for things like user-generated content, it’s becoming more and more urgent for translation companies and global brands to understand and harness the power of machine translation. Let’s put old fears to bed: MT technology is not replacing translators. Rather, translators who are adapting to the use of MT technology are getting a head start on those who don’t.
原报告《机器的崛起—机器翻译的现状》于2018年1月22日发布。这是Nimdzi的MT专家Özge Ünlü为您带来的2022年更新报告。 一.导言 自从Google披露Google Translate每天处理1460亿个单词以来,已经过去了六年,这是世界上所有专业翻译人员一个月所能处理单词总和的三倍。那是在2016年,从那以后机器翻译(MT)领域的发展并没有真正放缓。 世界末日的景象悄然而至,没有人真正注意到,机器人在翻译速度上已经超过了人类。然而,与普遍的预期相反,这并没有扼杀我们行业的就业机会。语言服务公司的收入每年都在持续增长,对高质量语言专家的需求也创下了历史新高。原始形式的机器翻译仍然无法与人工翻译相媲美,对于需要一定质量水平的项目,人工专业翻译仍然是答案。 然而,这并不意味着翻译不受机器翻译的影响,也不意味着专业服务提供商可以忽视机器翻译(剧透:如果他们想保持相关性,他们真的不能)。事实上,随着机器翻译后期编辑通常用于大多数类型的内容,而原始机器翻译用于用户生成的内容等,翻译公司和全球品牌越来越迫切地需要了解和利用机器翻译的力量。 让我们把旧的恐惧放在床上:机器翻译技术不会取代翻译人员。相反,适应机器翻译技术的译者比不适应机器翻译技术的译者领先一步。

