Advancing NLP Deployment: Applications in Healthcare and Medicine


2022-02-03 12:25 CSOFT


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Amid tales of language AI that can write its own poetry, crack its own jokes, and spin up a plausible, if not realistic, response to prompts that we usually expect people to struggle with, it is easy to wonder what practical good there is in such intensive development of natural language processing (NLP) systems while a global pandemic rages on. As it turns out, though, healthcare systems are shaping to be leading deployment for just this type of algorithm in 2022, following broad and focused plans from tech companies to develop innovative AI-based solutions to further automate workflows and scale communications in an industry that is undergoing transformational change in resource management. Recently, in Google’s AI plan for 2022 and beyond, the AI leader separately emphasized assistive machine learning (ML) for clinical practices in healthcare and the expansion of NLP input functions. Simultaneous news, however, suggests these two seemingly disjointed directives actually go hand-in-hand with the general rollout of language AI in the medical community. Though this sector is in range for Google moving forward, the widespread deployment of NLP AI that is currently underway is now already being driven in large part by smaller projects of interest, reflecting a demand to develop and integrate automated language-based solutions, reduce costs, and streamline time-consuming documentation and analysis practices. Globally, healthcare systems are becoming more reliant on automated solutions in the form of AI models and NLP algorithms to meet the needs of resource management and personnel distribution, especially if the software functions faster and to a higher degree of accuracy. To meet this challenge, many recent advancements in the healthcare AI community are being spearheaded by smaller tech companies focused on deploying customized NLP AI to areas of customer service and data collection. One of these companies, DigitalOwl, recently secured funds to expand the deployment of its NLP-based software for insurance companies that aims to help automate analysis of medical records, which is currently operational in several countries. By leveraging cutting-edge language processing technology, DigitalOwl’s software is designed to read and process thousands of electronic health records (EHRs) and streamline a time consuming and costly documentation practice that is also prone to human error. A similar development is being led by BirchAI, a company that develops customer-support based platforms for the medical industry, using its NLP technology to automate calls and digitize medical documents. BirchAI’s intelligent automation platform also addresses another leading challenge in healthcare: the allotment of manpower and resources to staff customer service departments and accurately document, collect, and assess medical data. In both subsectors of the healthcare system – insurance and customer service – the deployment of NLP to further automate, digitize, and analyze vast amounts of documents is coming at a time when many hospitals and healthcare networks are facing an unprecedented demand to better allocate resources and maximize information extraction and analysis. While it is impressive that the rollout of this technology serves to decrease the lengthy human-operated documentation practices and further reduce the costs involved in this process, DigitalOwl claims that NLP can analyze and collect information to a higher degree of accuracy, thus reducing the chance of hospital readmission on the basis of human error. Regardless, it remains clear that the healthcare and medical sectors are becoming an important market in the 2022 landscape as AI companies of all sizes continue to leverage customized language solutions and deliver sophisticated localization practices. To learn more about CSOFT and the cutting-edge language software we use to provide customized localization and translation services, visit us at
语言人工智能可以写自己的诗,开自己的玩笑,并对我们通常认为人们会纠结的提示做出看似合理(如果不现实的话)的反应,在这种情况下,我们很容易想知道,在全球大流行肆虐之际,如此密集的自然语言处理(NLP)系统的开发有什么实际意义。然而,事实证明,医疗保健系统正逐步成为2022年这类算法的领先部署,科技公司纷纷制定了广泛而有重点的计划,开发基于人工智能的创新解决方案,以进一步自动化工作流程,并在一个正在经历资源管理变革的行业中实现通信规模化。 最近,在谷歌2022年及以后的AI计划中,这位AI领袖单独强调了针对医疗保健领域临床实践的辅助机器学习(ML),以及NLP输入功能的扩展。然而,同时发布的消息显示,这两个看似脱节的指令实际上与语言人工智能在医学界的广泛应用并行不悖。虽然这一领域是谷歌前进的方向,但目前正在进行的NLP AI的广泛部署在很大程度上已经被感兴趣的较小项目所驱动,反映出开发和集成基于语言的自动化解决方案,降低成本,以及精简耗时的文档和分析实践的需求。 在全球范围内,医疗保健系统正变得更加依赖于AI模型和NLP算法形式的自动化解决方案,以满足资源管理和人员分配的需求,尤其是如果软件的运行速度更快,精度更高。为了应对这一挑战,医疗保健人工智能领域的许多最新进展都是由专注于将定制的NLP人工智能部署到客户服务和数据收集领域的小型科技公司率先取得的。其中一家公司DigitalOwl最近获得了资金,以扩大其针对保险公司的基于NLP的软件的部署,该软件旨在帮助医疗记录的自动化分析,该软件目前已在多个国家运行。通过利用尖端的语言处理技术,Digitalowl的软件被设计用于读取和处理数千份电子健康记录,并简化耗时且成本高昂的文档编制工作,同时也容易出现人为错误。BirchAI公司也在进行类似的开发,该公司为医疗行业开发基于客户支持的平台,利用其NLP技术实现呼叫自动化和医疗文件数字化。Birchai的智能自动化平台还解决了医疗保健领域的另一个主要挑战:为客户服务部门配置人力和资源,并准确地记录,收集和评估医疗数据。 在医疗保健系统的两个细分领域--保险和客户服务--部署NLP以进一步自动化,数字化和分析大量文档的同时,许多医院和医疗保健网络正面临更好地分配资源和最大限度地提取和分析信息的前所未有的需求。虽然令人印象深刻的是,这项技术的推出有助于减少冗长的人工操作文档实践,并进一步降低这一过程所涉及的成本,但DigitalOwl声称,NLP可以更精确地分析和收集信息,从而减少因人为错误而再次入院的机会。无论如何,随着各种规模的人工智能公司继续利用定制化语言解决方案,并提供复杂的本地化实践,医疗保健和医疗行业正在成为2022年前景中的一个重要市场,这一点仍然是显而易见的。 要了解更多关于CSOFT和我们用来提供定制化本地化和翻译服务的尖端语言软件,请访问我们的网站。

