Le Monde Case Study: How Lionbridge Helped Le Monde Grow Its Global Subscriber Base by Breaking News in English

《世界报》案例研究: Lionbridge如何通过英语突发新闻帮助《世界报》发展其全球用户群

2022-06-10 16:57 lionbridge


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It’s not easy to translate the news. There are a whole host of challenges that media organizations encounter, from safeguarding their accuracy in a new language to translation turnaround time. These challenges – particularly speed, quality, and integrity – can cripple internal translation teams and even hinder the organization’s ability to break news and contribute to developing stories. When Le Monde debuted their English language publication Le Monde in English, they knew they would need to outsource translation to a language services provider. The news group partnered with Lionbridge for an automated translation solution which would preserve Le Monde’s unique approach to journalism, while also coping with the pressures of the 24-hour news cycle. The customized solution we built, which includes the Lionbridge Laⁱnguage Cloud™ and a global team of professional translators, was crucial to the early success of Le Monde in English. With a delivery time of under six hours and a 97% content approval rate, our translations helped Le Monde to secure thousands of new subscribers. Backed by Le Monde’s prestigious newsroom and Lionbridge’s scalable translation solution, Le Monde in English is only set to grow further in the coming months and years. Read the full case study to learn more about Lionbridge’s solution and discover how it helped Le Monde provide comprehensive coverage of the French presidential election.
翻译新闻不容易。从维护新语言的准确性到翻译周转时间,媒体组织都遇到了很多挑战。这些挑战-尤其是速度,质量和完整性-会削弱内部翻译团队,甚至阻碍组织发布新闻并为开发故事做出贡献的能力。 当Le Monde以英语发行英语出版物Le Monde时,他们知道他们需要将翻译外包给语言服务提供商。新闻集团与Lionbridge合作开发了一种自动翻译解决方案,该解决方案将保留《世界报》独特的新闻业方法,同时还应对了24小时新闻周期的压力。 我们构建的定制解决方案,其中包括Lionbridge Laⁱnguage云™一支由专业翻译组成的全球团队,对于《世界报》英语的早期成功至关重要。交付时间不到6小时,内容批准率97%,我们的翻译帮助《世界报》获得了数千名新订户。在《世界报》享有盛誉的新闻编辑室和Lionbridge可扩展的翻译解决方案的支持下,英语的《世界报》只会在未来几个月和几年中进一步发展。 阅读完整的案例研究,以了解有关Lionbridge解决方案的更多信息,并了解它如何帮助《世界报》全面报道法国总统大选。

