Our Uniques: What Makes ULG's Translation and Interpretation Services Different


2022-05-04 21:25 United Language Group


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When it comes to serving the needs of multilingual customers, many companies settle for transactional translation and interpretation services. What if there was a better way that could help you expand into new markets, improve customer outcomes, and boost retention rates? At United Language Group, we care about your long-term results, not just the immediate payoff. ULG goes beyond the initial service request to provide solutions that are truly flexible and scalable. As your company grows, so do the demands of your multilingual customers. We’re happy to help you provide responsive, customizable solutions sure to delight your customers and increase retention rates. Whether you are looking to improve your organization’s translation, interpretation, or both, we’ve got you covered with full-circle solutions, complete with localization and SME-level industry knowledge. Interpreters Who Speak Your (Industry) Language Finding interpreters who speak your customers’ languages might be the first order of business in providing language access, but it can’t be the last. Language solutions providers (LSPs) must speak your industry language, too. We support a wide range of verticals, including healthcare, government, insurance, and education, so you can be sure that you have the subject matter expert (SME) interpreters you need to provide the language solutions your customers depend on. The result? Clear, high-quality interpretation from the first time a multilingual speaker interacts with your organization. ULG interpreters are trained to pick up on nuanced cultural and non-verbal cues to relay culturally competent communication. In the long run, this leads to more happy customers and lower operational costs. Interpretation When You Need It Most You can’t always predict when your waiting rooms or phone lines will fill up with interpretation requests. That’s why you need flexible, adaptable language solutions ready to deploy on a moment’s notice. ULG provides 24/7 over-the-phone interpretation (OPI). It’s the fastest way to satisfy immediate customer needs, but companies benefit too. OPI reduces wait times and provides quick responses in routine and emergency situations (e.g. emergency healthcare support). Companies also increase staff productivity and retain multilingual customers when they lead with OPI. Many organizations turn to on-site interpretation to improve equity and accessibility. When in the same room, interpreters can pick up on non-verbal cues and pay close attention to cultural factors. In the courtroom, for example, specialized legal interpreters will also explain court proceedings from a localized perspective. ULG also leans into the power of RSI, or remote simultaneous interpretation. RSI is the most expedient method of interpreting in virtual group settings. When government agencies need to quickly transmit information about local policies or immigration protocol, for example, RSI allows them to disseminate this information quickly and accurately. In return, agencies save money and leave customers feeling satisfied. Interpreters must build trust with the multilingual speakers they serve so that they can gather and relay the most accurate information, even when that information is sensitive or otherwise private (e.g., healthcare, insurance, and legal data). Transactional interpretation is not enough. With the help of video remote interpreting, interpreters meet with multilingual speakers “face-to-face” and can build rapport while picking up on important nonverbal cues. Expert Linguists Who Know How to Deliver Accurate Translations Get the language solutions you need with the expertise you can trust. ULG understands the importance of localization, which is why we deploy these efforts across industry and language services. Our linguists undergo rigorous testing to make sure you receive the best quality translation according to the multilingual populations you serve. Based on your translation needs, you’ll want to find translators with relevant industry expertise. Need to translate policies, procedures, and best practices? Look for a LSP whose interpreters have manual translation experience. Want to translate technical documents? Find a LSP that can deliver quick turnaround times in compliance with ISO standards. ULG provides these technical translation solutions and more. To deliver better customer outcomes, ULG partners with linguists who are SMEs in their field and demonstrate accuracy and consistency of translations. Cutting-Edge Translation Technology that Keeps You in Control Translators are vital to the world of language access. But as the language industry evolves, technology is sharing the spotlight. At ULG, our linguists often work in tandem with the best and latest translation technology to ensure accurate translations and quality customer service. ULG works with both humans and technology to solve customers’ underlying concerns. As an organization, you’ll have the tools at your fingertips to get started. ULG’s OctaveTMS, for example, provides a secure web-based portal to submit and receive pricing estimates for your latest language access projects. Track real-time progress, download status reports, and manage terminology by creating a centralized dictionary database. Meanwhile, keep your information safe with password-protected security and streamlined workflow management. With ULG’s OctaveMT, you can accelerate your timeline while minimizing the risk of data breaches. Then, with tools like OctaveAPI, you can automate translation workflows with the help of rapid machine translation, so staying secure doesn’t have to mean slowing down. Partner Up for Superior Translation and Interpretation Services Ready to take the next step today to ensure happier customers tomorrow? Active in more than 200 languages, ULG has a proven record in customization, efficiency, and cultural competency to get you started. Contact us today to find your partner in language access. For a closer look at multicultural communication, check out “5 Keys to Effective Multicultural Communication” you can start implementing today. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(3356907, 'ceba832f-4cb2-46b1-8e15-d15c5908079b', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"});
当涉及到服务多语言客户的需求时,许多公司满足于事务性笔译和口译服务。如果有一个更好的方法可以帮助你扩展到新的市场,改善客户结果,提高保留率呢? 在联合语言集团,我们关心您的长期结果,而不仅仅是眼前的回报。ULG超越了最初的服务请求,提供了真正灵活和可伸缩的解决方案。随着贵公司的发展,您的多语言客户的需求也随之增长。我们很乐意帮助您提供快速、可定制的解决方案,确保您的客户满意并提高保留率。 无论您是希望改善组织的翻译、口译,还是两者兼而有之,我们都为您提供了全方位的解决方案,包括本地化和中小企业级别的行业知识。 说你(行业)语言的译员 寻找能说客户语言的口译员可能是提供语言访问的首要任务,但不可能是最后一项任务。语言解决方案提供商也必须使用您的行业语言。我们支持广泛的垂直领域,包括医疗保健、政府、保险和教育,因此您可以确保您拥有所需的主题专家(SME)解释器,以提供客户所依赖的语言解决方案。 结果呢?从多语言演讲者第一次与您的组织互动开始,就提供清晰、高质量的口译。ULG口译员接受培训,学习微妙的文化和非语言线索,以传递文化能力的交流。从长远来看,这导致更多快乐的客户和更低的运营成本。 在你最需要的时候解读 你不能总是预测你的候诊室或电话线什么时候会被翻译请求填满。这就是为什么您需要灵活、适应性强的语言解决方案,可以随时部署。 ULG提供24/7电话口译(OPI)。这是满足客户即时需求的最快方式,但公司也从中受益。OPI减少了等待时间,并在常规和紧急情况下提供快速响应(例如紧急保健支持)。当公司领导OPI时,他们还可以提高员工的生产力,并留住多语言的客户。 许多组织转向现场口译,以提高公平性和可及性。在同一个房间里,口译员可以理解非语言暗示,并密切关注文化因素。例如,在审判室,专门的法律口译员也将从本地化的角度解释法庭程序。 ULG还倾向于RSI或远程同声传译的力量。RSI是虚拟组环境中最方便的解释方法。例如,当政府机构需要快速传递关于当地政策或移民协议的信息时,RSI允许他们快速准确地传播这些信息。作为回报,代理机构省钱,让客户感到满意。 口译员必须与他们所服务的讲多种语言的人建立信任,以便能够收集和传递最准确的信息,即使这些信息是敏感的或私人的(例如医疗保健、保险和法律数据)。事务性的解释是不够的。在视频远程口译的帮助下,口译员可以“面对面”地与多语言使用者见面,并在获得重要的非语言线索的同时建立融洽的关系。 懂得如何准确翻译的语言学家 用你可以信任的专业知识获得你需要的语言解决方案。ULG理解本地化的重要性,这就是为什么我们在行业和语言服务中部署这些工作。我们的语言学家经过严格的测试,以确保您收到最佳质量的翻译,根据您所服务的多语言人口。 根据您的翻译需求,您将希望找到具有相关行业专业知识的译者。需要翻译政策、程序和最佳实践?寻找口译员有人工翻译经验的LSP。想翻译技术文件吗?找到一个能够提供符合ISO标准的快速周转时间的LSP。 ULG提供了这些技术翻译解决方案等等。为了给客户提供更好的结果,ULG与在其领域中的中小企业语言学家合作,并证明翻译的准确性和一致性。 让你掌控的尖端翻译技术 翻译人员对于语言的通达是至关重要的。但随着语言产业的发展,技术正成为人们关注的焦点。在ULG,我们的语言学家经常与最好和最新的翻译技术合作,以确保准确的翻译和优质的客户服务。 ULG与人类和技术合作,解决客户的潜在问题。作为一个组织,你将拥有触手可及的工具来开始。例如,ULG的OctaveTMS提供了一个安全的基于Web的门户,用于提交和接收最新语言访问项目的价格估计。通过创建集中式字典数据库来跟踪实时进度、下载状态报告和管理术语。同时,通过密码保护的安全措施和简化的工作流程管理,确保您的信息安全。 使用ULG的OctaveMT,您可以加快时间进度,同时将数据泄露的风险降至最低。然后,使用OctaveAPI这样的工具,您可以在快速机器翻译的帮助下自动化翻译工作流,因此保持安全并不意味着速度变慢。 优质笔译和口译服务的合作伙伴 准备好今天采取下一步来确保明天更快乐的客户吗?ULG活跃在200多种语言中,在定制、效率和文化能力方面有良好的记录,可以让您开始。请联系我们,寻找您在语言访问方面的合作伙伴。 为了更深入地了解多元文化交流,请查看“有效的多元文化交流的5个关键”,你可以从今天开始实施。 hbspt.cta._relativeurls=true;hbspt.cta.load(3356907,'ceba832f-4cb2-46b1-8e15-d15c5908079b',{“usenewloader”:“true”,“region”:“na1”});

