Want to Win That Localization Project? Build a Better Business Case!


2022-05-25 20:00 Nimdzi Insights


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Report written by Miguel Sepulveda. Deep down, every business person in the world knows it: localizing a company’s content and products can boost revenue — enormously. But how can globalization experts persuade the C-suite — and other stakeholders — to greenlight a localization program? In other words, how do you pitch a localization program? Answer: you create a business case. What is a business case, anyway? A business case is one of the most powerful tools in the decision-making process. It provides a management team with an assessment of investment, benefits, and risks of a decision. A localization business case will answer the following key question: if we decide to invest in localization, what good things can happen for our organization? A business case also allows readers to critically examine opportunities that impact the entire business. It usually takes the form of a document, though it might be delivered as a presentation with a detailed leave-behind proposal. A business case is the preferred way to make a recommendation for the best course of action to create business value. Let’s take a look at why it’s worth creating a business case. Although the majority of your localization business case will focus on opportunities, you’ll also want to keep in mind that every investment carries risks and potential pitfalls. So, like it or not, you’ll want to include the risks as well — in considerable detail. In fact, presenting a meticulous SWOT analysis will undoubtedly create a compelling — and balanced — business assessment. When do you need a business case? The decision around whether to localize involves many layers and areas of an organization. A solid business case is often the indispensable first step in the decision-making process. A business case can be helpful in a variety of situations to: Show how localizing the organization's digital products can boost the bottom line. Secure the financial funding and other resources to implement a localization project. Explain and evaluate outsourced, in-house, or hybrid localization programs. Help an organization enter new regional markets for international growth. So, what’s the most streamlined way to handle your localization business case? Think of it in these four discrete steps:
米格尔·塞普尔韦达写的报告。 在内心深处,世界上每个商人都知道这一点:将公司的内容和产品本地化可以极大地增加收入。但是全球化专家如何才能说服公司高层和其他利益相关者批准本地化计划呢? 换句话说,如何推销本地化计划?回答:您创建了一个商业案例。 什么是商业案例? 商业案例是决策过程中最强大的工具之一。它为管理团队提供投资、收益和决策风险的评估。 一个本地化业务案例将回答以下关键问题:如果我们决定投资本地化,对我们的组织会发生什么好事? 业务案例还允许读者批判性地研究影响整个业务的机会。它通常采用文档的形式,尽管它可能以带有详细遗留提案的演示文稿的形式交付。商业案例是为创造商业价值的最佳行动过程提出建议的首选方式。 让我们来看看为什么值得创建一个商业案例。 尽管大多数本地化业务案例将集中在机会上,但您也要记住,每一项投资都带有风险和潜在的陷阱。所以,不管你喜不喜欢,你都想把风险也包括在内--相当详细。事实上,提出一个细致的SWOT分析无疑将创造一个令人信服的和平衡的业务评估。 你什么时候需要一个商业案例? 关于是否本地化的决定涉及组织的许多层和领域。一个坚实的商业案例往往是决策过程中不可或缺的第一步。 业务案例在各种情况下都有助于: 展示如何本地化组织的数字产品可以提高底线。 确保资金和其他资源,以实施本地化项目。 解释和评估外包、内部或混合本地化方案。 帮助一个组织进入新的区域市场进行国际增长。 那么,处理本地化业务案例的最简化的方法是什么?在这四个离散的步骤中考虑一下:

