Your Telephone Interpretation Process: Call Center Quality Issues to Avoid

您的电话口译流程: 呼叫中心质量问题要避免

2022-05-16 20:00 United Language Group


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Looking for better ways to support your customers over the phone? Telephone interpretation offers a path forward. With the help of over-the-phone interpretation (OPI), you can connect your multilingual customers to interpreters in the field, from healthcare and government agencies to technology and insurance companies—and every industry in between. Telephone interpretation for multilingual customers should open, not close, doors for your call center operations. When you’re implementing OPI language solutions, you need to watch out for the most common pitfalls call centers encounter. After all, quality issues like the four discussed in this article can lead to higher dissatisfaction rates that send customers packing. 1. Technical Issues All too often, call centers get overrun by technical issues. Muffled audio, choppy connections, and dropped calls frustrate customers and representatives alike. For customers, this can mean calling back multiple times to get even simple issues resolved. From the rep’s point of view, the same quality issues lengthen resolution times and lower customer satisfaction rates. For multilingual call centers, all of these problems become amplified because of language barriers. There are some things you can do to set customers and representatives up for success. Implement a user-friendly interface that customers can easily navigate. Invest in quality equipment so when customers do need live support, your call center ensures a clear and reliable connection. Create specialized support teams so you can route callers to the appropriate service team without delay. Implement OPI solutions on mobile and web so getting in touch is as easy as a few clicks from anywhere in the world. 2. Poor Quality Assurance When callers receive misinformation from a representative or are unable to resolve their issue during a first call, they may begin to lose faith in a company’s support services. Without this quality assurance, customers will grow impatient and call times will increase. Over time, a company’s reputation and profitability can suffer. Stay on top of your call center’s quality assurance by keeping tabs on a few key metrics: Average speed of answering (ASA) Average handling time (AHT) First-call resolution (FCR) Hold times Call volume Customer satisfaction score (CSAT) Multilingual callers’ needs are twofold: They require quality professional support from a company’s representatives, but they also rely on quality linguistic support from interpreters. The key is to integrate remote OPI solutions so you can be sure that the language solutions you’re providing are high quality, efficient, and cost efficient. 3. Inefficient Telephone Interpretation Solutions Call centers move fast, and OPI solutions have to keep pace. When audio quality lags or multilingual customers wait on the line to be connected with an interpreter, the customer experience suffers. This decreases a call center’s call volume capacity and leads to longer average handling times. The easiest solution is to prioritize the order in which an interpreter is connected to a customer. Rather than re-routing multilingual customers from an English-speaking representative to the appropriate interpreter, call centers can leverage the technology of automated call menus to get multinational callers the support they need the first time around. In 2021, ULG launched its new First-Touch Language program to provide equitable access to healthcare for those with limited English proficiency. With the help of ULG’s Community Engagement Program, organizations are learning how to provide culturally appropriate service to engage more consumers. 4. Lack of Cost-Effectiveness and Time-Saving Measures Companies of all sizes wonder how they can keep up with the demand of their call centers without wasting resources, time, and money. Without experience running multilingual call centers, organizations run the risk of going over budget or creating longer customer wait times. Finding the right language solutions partner can show you how to access translation and interpretation services without stretching your business too thin. Choose a language solution partner that prioritizes technical support, quality assurance, efficiency, and low-cost/high-value implementation. ULG has exactly the tools you’re looking for to get your call center off the ground. We connect your callers with skilled interpreters in a matter of seconds. With 24/7 assistance in over 200 languages, your callers can be sure they’ll get the help they’re looking for the first time around. Plus, ULG provides support for TTY/TDD communication. Interested in improving language access at your call center? To learn more about ULG’s success with OPI, check out ULG’s case study detailing how we helped the largest welfare provider in the U.S. with OPI service in over 180 languages. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(3356907, 'ceba832f-4cb2-46b1-8e15-d15c5908079b', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"});
寻找更好的方法通过电话支持您的客户?电话口译提供了一条前进的道路。 借助电话口译 (OPI),您可以将您的多语言客户与该领域的口译员联系起来,从医疗保健和政府机构到技术和保险公司,以及介于两者之间的每个行业。 多语言客户的电话口译应该为您的呼叫中心运营打开而不是关闭门。当您实施OPI语言解决方案时,您需要注意呼叫中心遇到的最常见的陷阱。毕竟,像本文中讨论的四个质量问题可能会导致更高的不满意率,从而使客户打包。 1.技术问题 呼叫中心经常被技术问题所淹没。闷闷不乐的音频,断断续续的连接以及掉线的电话使客户和代表都感到沮丧。 对于客户而言,这可能意味着多次回电以解决甚至简单的问题。从销售代表的角度来看,相同的质量问题会延长解决时间并降低客户满意度。对于多语言呼叫中心,由于语言障碍,所有这些问题都变得更加严重。 你可以做一些事情来让客户和代表为成功做好准备。 实现客户可以轻松导航的用户友好界面。 投资于优质设备,以便当客户确实需要实时支持时,您的呼叫中心可确保清晰可靠的连接。 创建专门的支持团队,以便您可以立即将呼叫者路由到适当的服务团队。 在移动设备和网络上实施OPI解决方案,因此只需在世界任何地方单击几下即可轻松联系。 2.质量保证差 当呼叫者从代表那里收到错误信息或在第一次呼叫期间无法解决其问题时,他们可能会开始对公司的支持服务失去信心。没有这种质量保证,客户会变得不耐烦,通话时间也会增加。随着时间的推移,一家公司的声誉和盈利能力可能会受到影响。 通过关注几个关键指标,保持呼叫中心的质量保证: 平均回答速度 (ASA) 平均处理时间 (AHT) 首次呼叫解决方案 (FCR) 保持时间 通话音量 客户满意度评分 (CSAT) 多语言呼叫者的需求是双重的: 他们需要公司代表提供高质量的专业支持,但他们也依赖口译员提供高质量的语言支持。关键是集成远程OPI解决方案,以便您可以确保所提供的语言解决方案是高质量,高效且具有成本效益的。 3.低效的电话口译解决方案 呼叫中心发展迅速,OPI解决方案必须跟上步伐。当音频质量滞后或多语言客户在线路上等待与解释器连接时,客户体验就会受到影响。这会降低呼叫中心的呼叫音量容量,并导致更长的平均处理时间。 最简单的解决方案是优先考虑解释器与客户连接的顺序。呼叫中心可以利用自动呼叫菜单技术为跨国呼叫者提供他们需要的支持,而不是将多语言客户从说英语的代表重新路由到适当的口译员。 2021年,ULG启动了新的第一接触语言计划,为英语水平有限的人提供公平的医疗保健服务。在ULG的社区参与计划的帮助下,组织正在学习如何提供文化上适当的服务来吸引更多的消费者。 4.缺乏成本效益和节省时间的措施 各种规模的公司都想知道如何在不浪费资源,时间和金钱的情况下跟上呼叫中心的需求。如果没有运行多语言呼叫中心的经验,组织将面临超出预算或延长客户等待时间的风险。 找到合适的语言解决方案合作伙伴可以向您展示如何访问翻译和口译服务,而又不会使您的业务过于薄弱。选择一个语言解决方案合作伙伴,优先考虑技术支持、质量保证、效率和低成本/高价值的实施。 ULG拥有您正在寻找的工具,可以使您的呼叫中心起步。我们在几秒钟内将您的呼叫者与熟练的口译员联系起来。在超过200种语言的24/7帮助下,您的呼叫者可以确保他们会在第一时间获得他们正在寻找的帮助。另外,ULG为TTY/TDD通信提供支持。 有兴趣改善您呼叫中心的语言访问吗?要了解有关ULG在OPI方面的成功的更多信息,请查看ULG的案例研究,详细介绍了我们如何帮助美国最大的福利提供者提供超过180种语言的OPI服务。

