The Three I’s: Investment and Innovation in Interpreting


2022-06-06 20:00 Nimdzi Insights


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Article by Rosemary Hynes It’s all go in the interpreting industry right now, from funding, to innovation, to acquisitions — and it takes a lot to keep up. If you’re finding it hard to follow all the ins and outs, we’ve got you covered. In this article we’ll analyze the latest happenings, so sit back, relax, and prepare to take it all in. Innovation in remote simultaneous interpreting platforms: introducing the virtual booth Conference interpreting is considered a pretty small segment within the overall interpreting market, which makes remote simultaneous interpreting (RSI) — born out of this segment — even more niche. That is, until the COVID-19 pandemic, when RSI forced itself into the mainstream out of sheer necessity. Some of the pioneers in this space predate the pandemic, of course, but since 2020 we’ve seen RSI platforms sprouting up seemingly everywhere. To illustrate: in our Language Technology Atlas (which will be updated in June 2022) we listed 20 RSI tools in 2020, 34 in 2021, and at least another seven have been identified since the start of 2022. That’s more than a 50 percent increase over two years! Each new tool aims to bring something new to the table, to fill a shortcoming, or to respond to user feedback. Let’s take a look at one such example: the virtual booth. The term ‘virtual booth’ is currently being used to describe the new technology on the block that enables interpreters in a virtual meeting to see and speak to each other without being heard or seen by the meeting attendees, just like in a physical interpreting booth. Green Terp and cAPPisco have both developed such technology. Just like with a physical soundproof booth in an onsite meeting, these platforms function alongside the original meeting taking place on a video conferencing platform. The main differentiator as compared to traditional RSI platforms is that virtual booths do not integrate with video conferencing platforms but run in parallel. In this scenario, interpreters join the regular meeting on the video conferencing platform together with the speakers and attendees so they can access the audio and video feeds directly. From there, the interpreters listen to the speeches and deliver the interpretation on the original platform. However, the interpreters’ rendition is also being transmitted into the virtual booth tool alongside the original meeting, so that the interpreters can listen to each other’s interpretation. This also allows the interpreters to take relay from one another (i.e. when an interpreter interprets from a colleague’s output rather than from the original speaker, in a case where the interpreter doesn’t work with the current speaker’s language). The crux of the matter, and where the virtual booth differs from traditional RSI platforms, is that no audio or video from the original meeting is injected into the virtual booth, only the interpreters’ own output. The process of injecting the original meeting audio into an RSI platform has been known to degrade sound or add artifacts. Therefore, because the interpreters are in the same meeting as the participants and their audio is fed directly into the meeting, using a virtual booth may reduce the risk of sound degradation in the injection process. Secondly, as the original audio is not fed into the virtual booth, the risk of copyright and privacy issues is minimized. This type of technology should be closely watched as it can potentially work with any video conferencing platform, virtual event organizer or streaming platform, making it quite versatile. Virtual Interpreting technology: a real investment magnet It doesn’t really come as a surprise that, with the explosion of virtual interpreting technologies and innovation, investors' heads are turning, and we’ve seen an influx in investment in virtual interpreting technology (VIT) over the past few years. Boostlingo is an interpreting delivery and management platform that offers on-demand video remote interpreting (VRI) and over-the-phone interpreting (OPI). It received USD 3.4 million in a Series A funding round in 2018 and then received a growth equity investment from Mainsail Partners in August 2021. However, the size of the investment was not disclosed. Cloudbreak-Martti (now part of Uphealth, which provides consecutive interpreting in the healthcare sector) is another OPI/VRI tech provider that received a USD 35 million investment in 2020. Tech providers from the RSI scene have also caught investors’ attention. RSI platforms Interprefy, Qua Qua, KUDO and Interactio have all received investment over the past three years. What these developments show us is that the lucrative healthcare sector in the United States is increasingly seeking out virtual interpreting solutions and that investors have identified it as an area for growth. The acquisition of Stratus Video (an LSP with proprietary VRI technology) by AMN Healthcare (a healthcare staffing company) corroborates the trend. In addition to investments and acquisitions, interpreting technology providers in this space have also been reporting an increasing number of requests for integrations of interpreting services with telehealth platforms. You can read about investment in remote interpreting in this Nimdzi article. The following graph depicts the investment in VIT since 2018. Boostlingo acquires Interpreter Intelligence and VoiceBoxer In a first of its kind acquisition, Boostlingo announced on March 23, 2022, that it has partnered with Interpreter Intelligence (an interpreter management and scheduling platform) and VoiceBoxer (an RSI platform). The acquisition of an RSI platform by an IMS/OPI/VRI company demonstrates the popularity of RSI. As an increasing number of clients (some of whom had never used any kind of interpreting services before) are looking for RSI solutions, tech and service providers from other parts of the interpreting market have realized that it’s time to get a piece of the RSI pie. In the past, RSI moved in its own circle far removed from VRI, OPI and other areas of interpreting. This is because RSI typically comes with a very different client base, born out of the conferencing sector. Now, however, we can see those circles starting to overlap and new frontiers are on the horizon. Tech providers in the interpreting world are asking themselves ‘Should we invest in developing new software ourselves or buy a competitor who is already an expert in this area?’. The acquisition of VoiceBoxer by Boostlingo, therefore, is a smart move and will help the company stay competitive at a time when RSI is branching out from the niche into the mainstream. The acquisition is also a first example of how RSI is gradually being considered a standard interpreting service, needed to complete the full package on offer. But let’s not forget about the second announcement because, by acquiring Interpreter Intelligence, Boostlingo has bought its main competitor. Interpreter Intelligence had gained a solid reputation as an IMS provider and had also added its own OPI and VRI solutions. The decision to partner marks another defining moment for the VIT industry, as it’s the first time that one VIT provider has bought another. The interpreting technology domain can be summarized by these two words: investment and innovation. It’s no surprise, therefore, that interpreting is currently a hot topic. But this is just the beginning, as the industry matures, be prepared to feel the heat…
罗斯玛丽·海因斯的文章 现在口译行业的一切都在进行,从资金,到创新,再到收购--这需要很多时间才能跟上。如果你发现很难跟踪所有的来龙去脉,我们会掩护你的。在这篇文章中,我们将分析最新发生的事情,所以坐下来,放松,准备接受这一切。 远程同声传译平台的创新&虚拟展台的介绍 会议口译在整个口译市场中被认为是一个相当小的部分,这使得脱胎于这一部分的远程同声传译(RSI)更加利基。也就是说,直到新冠肺炎疫情,当RSI完全出于必要而被迫进入主流时。当然,这个领域的一些先驱早于这场流行病,但自2020年以来,我们已经看到RSI平台似乎无处不在。举例说明:在我们的语言技术图谱(将于2022年6月更新)中,我们在2020年列出了20个RSI工具,2021年列出了34个,自2022年初以来,至少又确定了7个。这两年增加了50%以上!每一个新工具的目的都是带来一些新的东西,以填补一个缺点,或回应用户的反馈。让我们来看一个这样的例子:虚拟展台。 “虚拟展台”一词目前被用来描述街区上的新技术,这种技术使虚拟会议中的口译员能够在与会者不被听到或看到的情况下相互看到和交谈,就像在物理口译展台中一样。Green Terp和cAPPisco都开发了这样的技术。就像现场会议中的物理隔音展台一样,这些平台与在视频会议平台上举行的原始会议一起发挥作用。与传统的RSI平台相比,主要的区别在于虚拟展台不与视频会议平台集成,而是并行运行。在这种情况下,口译员与发言者和与会者一起在视频会议平台上参加定期会议,以便他们可以直接访问音频和视频提要。从那里,译员在原讲台上听取发言并进行口译。然而,口译员的口译也被传送到与原始会议一起的虚拟展台工具中,以便口译员可以听取对方的口译。这也允许口译员之间相互传递(例如,当口译员从同事的输出而不是从原始说话者的输出进行口译时,在口译员不使用当前说话者的语言的情况下)。 问题的关键,也是虚拟展台不同于传统RSI平台的地方,是没有原始会议的音频或视频注入虚拟展台,只有口译员自己的输出。已知将原始会议音频注入RSI平台的过程会降低声音或增加伪影。因此,由于口译员与与会者在同一会议中,他们的音频直接输入会议,使用虚拟展台可以降低注射过程中声音退化的风险。其次,由于原始音频不被馈入虚拟展台,版权和隐私问题的风险被降至最低。这种类型的技术应该受到密切关注,因为它可能与任何视频会议平台、虚拟活动组织者或流媒体平台一起工作,使其具有相当的通用性。 虚拟口译技术:一个真正的投资磁铁 随着虚拟口译技术和创新的爆发,投资者的注意力正在转向,这并不奇怪,在过去的几年里,我们看到了对虚拟口译技术(VIT)的投资涌入。 Boostlingo是一个口译交付和管理平台,提供按需视频远程口译(VRI)和电话口译(OPI)。它在2018年的a轮融资中获得了340万美元,然后在2021年8月获得了Mainsail Partners的增长股权投资。不过,投资规模没有透露。Cloudbreak-Martti(现在是Uphealth的一部分,在医疗保健领域提供交替传译)是另一家在2020年获得3500万美元投资的OPI/VRI技术提供商。RSI领域的技术提供商也引起了投资者的注意。RSI平台解释、Qua Qua、KUDO和Interactio在过去三年都获得了投资。 这些发展向我们表明,美国利润丰厚的医疗保健部门越来越多地寻求虚拟口译解决方案,投资者已经将其视为一个增长领域。AMN Healthcare(一家医疗保健人员配备公司)收购Stratus Video(一家拥有专有VRI技术的LSP)证实了这一趋势。除了投资和收购之外,这一领域的口译技术提供商也报告说,要求将口译服务与远程保健平台整合的请求越来越多。 您可以在这篇Nimdzi文章中了解远程解释方面的投资。下图描绘了2018年以来VIT的投资情况。 Boostlingo获得口译员情报和配音员 在2022年3月23日的首次收购中,Boostlingo宣布,它已与口译员智能(口译员管理和调度平台)和VoiceBoxer(RSI平台)合作。IMS/OPI/VRI公司对RSI平台的收购表明了RSI的普及。随着越来越多的客户(其中一些人以前从未使用过任何类型的口译服务)正在寻找RSI解决方案,来自口译市场其他部分的技术和服务提供商已经意识到是时候从RSI馅饼中分一杯羹了。 在过去,RSI在自己的圈子里移动,远离VRI、OPI和其他口译领域。这是因为RSI通常有一个非常不同的客户端,脱胎于会议部门。然而,现在,我们可以看到这些圈子开始重叠,新的前沿正在地平线上。口译界的技术提供商都在问自己,'我们是应该自己投资开发新软件,还是收购已经是该领域专家的竞争对手?‘因此,Boostlingo收购VoiceBoxer是一个聪明的举动,将有助于该公司在RSI从利基市场向主流市场发展的时候保持竞争力。 这次收购也是RSI如何逐渐被视为标准口译服务的第一个例子,这是完成所提供的全部服务所需的。 但我们不要忘记第二个声明,因为通过收购翻译情报,Boostlingo已经收购了它的主要竞争对手。翻译智能公司作为IMS提供商获得了坚实的声誉,并增加了自己的OPI和VRI解决方案。合作伙伴的决定标志着VIT行业的另一个决定性时刻,因为这是第一次一家VIT提供商收购另一家。 口译技术领域可以用投资和创新两个词来概括。因此,口译成为当前的热门话题也就不足为奇了。但这只是一个开始,随着行业的成熟,做好感受热度的准备…

