7 Key Advantages of Interpreting Services for Utility Companies (and How to Maximize Them)


2022-03-17 02:00 United Language Group


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As of 2022, more than 25 million U.S. residents spoke a language other than English at home, according to the US Census Bureau. Utility companies provide essential services, and it’s vital to ensure that all populations have equal access to the services they offer, regardless of language. But language services don’t just benefit customers—the organizations themselves stand to benefit as well. For example, utility companies that optimize their interpreting services reap measurable rewards and improve their standing in today’s rapidly changing business and regulatory environment. With that in mind, here are 7 competitive advantages over-the-phone interpreting (OPI) services provide to utility companies, and how to make the most of them. Corporate Responsibility and Equity for LEP Customers The option to connect to a skilled interpreter levels the playing field for customers with limited English proficiency (LEP), ensuring they have equal access to the services your organization provides. Your customers have a lot riding on those services: comfort, communication, access to information, sometimes even physical well-being. Meanwhile, consumers are becoming increasingly concerned with issues related to equity and corporate responsibility, as are government entities at all levels. Providing quality language access for LEP consumers is one step you can take to answer these concerns. Improved Compliance Utility companies are subject to various federal and state regulations, depending on the type of services offered and the locality. The specifics vary, but enabling LEP customers to access information and services in their preferred language is a baseline for compliance no matter where you are. Over-the-phone interpreting services are the easiest and most efficient way to ensure that all of your customers can get the assistance they need when they call in. Improved Customer Experience/Overall Reputation Making it easy for customers to get the information they need in their preferred language isn’t simply a nice thing to do, it’s also smart business. Trying to communicate in a language you don’t speak well is bound to create a poor customer experience. For example, if your customer calls in about a bill and doesn’t understand the explanation given due to a language barrier, they may eventually give up and leave the call in frustration. But they won’t be happy. And in a natural disaster, the stakes (and the level of frustration) are even higher. Poor customer experience leads to a poor overall reputation, especially these days. If your organization is on Google Maps, then your customers can leave a review. Make sure it’s a good one: focus on the customer experience and don’t let your LEP customers fall through the cracks. Improved Call Center Metrics and KPIs Want to improve your call center metrics? Improving your capacity to help LEP customers is one step you can take. Well-run contact centers require a careful balancing act to minimize average handling time and maximize customer satisfaction. Language barriers drive up handling times, as information often has to be repeated more than once. Long connection times to reach an interpreter and inefficient call flows can exacerbate the impact. Your language services provider should be able to offer solutions that minimize the effect on average handling time and enable you to resolve more customer issues the first time around. In fact, according to a survey of contact center employees by ICMI, 58% of respondents said: “their internal agent productivity and efficiency improved once they partnered with a language interpretation service.” At ULG, we understand how important it is to handle all calls efficiently the first time. That’s why we offer a complimentary call flow analysis to maximize these gains. Improved Resiliency As the frequency of severe weather events and outages is increasing in many places across the country, your company needs to be able to answer inquiries from culturally and linguistically diverse customers quickly and efficiently. Choosing an over-the-phone interpretation provider with the ability to scale services up when demand for different languages skyrockets will improve your ability to support your customers during outages or other surge times. Additionally, as utility providers modernize their services (for example with smart meters and a smart grid), they must be ready to handle the additional questions that these changes will generate. Improved Bottom Line There’s no doubt about it: more efficient workflows, improved metrics, improved customer service and the ability to more easily implement new services improve your bottom line. And if you have competitors, agility and efficiency are key to out-competing them. At ULG, we offer a complimentary cost-benefit analysis. On average, this service saves our clients between 5% and 10%. Want to see how much we could save your business? Contact us for details. How United Language Group Can Help United Language Group has the experience and capacity to help utilities of all sizes improve their multilingual customer service. To start, we offer disaster-proof OPI services with an in-depth business continuity plan and redundancy measures of our own. We have six Global Service Product sites in different geographic locations to ensure that even if there’s a natural disaster in one area, we will still have interpreters available to assist you. In the event of an emergency or service outage in your area, we can quickly scale up our interpreting services to handle the increased call volume. Additionally, our Direct Connect and Community Connect options reduce administrative time and ensure a better customer experience. With Direct Connect, LEP customers get direct access to an interpreter who speaks their native language and assists them with their call inquiry from start to finish. This reduces frustration, incomplete calls, call handling time and overall costs. With Community Connect, your representative can team up with one of our interpreters for up to an hour, to take up to 6 additional calls in the same language. This innovation reduces overall connection time to an interpreter and reduces call handling time by 14%! We also offer a customizable IVR, a flexible dashboard to track the metrics important to your business, and responsive customer care, available 24/7. Our Over-the-Phone Interpreting Services in Action We have a proven track record of offering flexible and efficient OPI services to content centers of all sizes. For example, as the sole provider of over-the-phone interpreting services for the country’s largest social welfare provider, we seamlessly handled high call volumes and spikes in usage with vetted interpreters meeting the highest standards in over 200 languages. If you’re ready to level up the OPI services you offer your customers, we’re here to help. Contact us to see how we can streamline and disaster-proof the way you offer customer service to your LEP customers!
根据美国人口普查局的数据,截至2022年,超过2500万美国居民在家中使用英语以外的语言。公用事业公司提供基本服务,确保所有人都能平等地获得它们提供的服务,无论使用何种语言,这一点至关重要。但是语言服务不仅使客户受益,组织本身也会受益。例如,在当今瞬息万变的商业和监管环境中,优化口译服务的公用事业公司可以获得可观的回报,并提高自己的地位。考虑到这一点,这里有7个竞争优势的电话口译(OPI)服务提供给公用事业公司,以及如何充分利用它们。 LEP客户的企业责任和权益 连接到熟练口译员的选项为英语水平有限(LEP)的客户提供了公平的竞争环境,确保他们能够平等地获得贵组织提供的服务。您的客户在很大程度上依赖于这些服务:舒适、沟通、获取信息,有时甚至是身体健康。与此同时,消费者越来越关注与公平和企业责任有关的问题,各级政府机构也是如此。 为LEP消费者提供高质量的语言访问是您可以采取的解决这些问题的一个步骤。 改进的合规性 公用事业公司受各种联邦和州法规的约束,具体取决于所提供的服务类型和所在地。具体情况各不相同,但无论您身在何处,都可以让LEP客户以其首选语言访问信息和服务,这是合规性的基准。 电话口译服务是确保您的所有客户在致电时都能获得所需帮助的最简单、最有效的方式。 改善客户体验/整体声誉 让客户能够以他们偏好的语言轻松取得所需的信息,不仅是一件好事,也是一项明智的业务。试图用一种你说得不好的语言进行沟通,必然会给客户带来糟糕的体验。 例如,如果您的客户打电话来询问账单,但由于语言障碍而不理解所给出的解释,他们最终可能会放弃并沮丧地离开电话。但他们不会高兴的。在自然灾害中,风险(和挫折感)甚至更高。 糟糕的客户体验会导致整体声誉不佳,尤其是现在。如果您的组织在Google地图上,则您的客户可以留下评论。确保它是一个好的:专注于客户体验,不要让LEP客户从裂缝中掉出来。 改进的呼叫中心指标和KPI 想要改善您的呼叫中心指标?提高您的能力以帮助LEP客户是您可以采取的一个步骤。运行良好的联络中心需要仔细的平衡行为,以最大限度地减少平均处理时间和最大限度地提高客户满意度。语言障碍增加了处理时间,因为信息经常要重复多次。与口译员的长时间连接和低效的呼叫流程会加剧这种影响。 您的语言服务提供商应该能够提供解决方案,最大限度地减少对平均处理时间的影响,并使您能够在第一时间解决更多的客户问题。事实上,根据ICMI对联络中心员工的调查,58%的受访者表示:“他们的内部代理人在与语言口译服务合作后,生产力和效率得到了提高。” 在ULG,我们深知第一时间高效处理所有来电的重要性。这就是为什么我们提供一个免费的呼叫流分析,以最大限度地提高这些收益。 更高的弹性 由于全国许多地方的恶劣天气事件和停电频率不断增加,您的公司需要能够快速、高效地回答来自文化和语言多样的客户的询问。选择一家能够在不同语言需求激增时扩大服务规模的电话口译服务提供商,将提高您在停机或其他高峰期为客户提供支持的能力。 此外,随着公用事业提供商对其服务进行现代化改造(例如,使用智能电表和智能电网),他们必须准备好处理这些变化将产生的其他问题。 改善利润 这是毫无疑问的:更高效的工作流、改进的指标、改进的客户服务以及更轻松地实施新服务的能力,可提高您的利润。如果您有竞争对手,敏捷性和效率是战胜他们的关键。在ULG,我们提供免费的成本效益分析。平均而言,这项服务为我们的客户节省了5%到10%的成本。 想知道我们能为您的企业节省多少成本吗?联系我们了解详情。 联合语言集团如何提供帮助 United Language Group拥有丰富的经验和能力帮助各种规模的公用事业公司改善其多语言客户服务。首先,我们提供灾难防护OPI服务,并提供深入的业务连续性计划和我们自己的冗余措施。我们在不同的地理位置设有六个全球服务产品站点,以确保即使某个地区发生自然灾害,我们仍有口译人员为您提供帮助。如果您所在地区发生紧急情况或服务中断,我们可以迅速扩大口译服务规模,以应对不断增加的电话量。 此外,我们的Direct Connect和Community Connect选项可减少管理时间并确保更好的客户体验。通过Direct Connect,LEP客户可以直接联系到一名讲他们母语的口译员,并从头到尾帮助他们处理电话查询。这减少了挫折感、未完成的呼叫、呼叫处理时间和总成本。通过Community Connect,您的代表可以与我们的一名口译员合作最多一小时,以同一语言接听最多6个额外电话。这一创新减少了与口译员的总体连接时间,并将呼叫处理时间减少了14%! 我们还提供可定制的IVR、灵活的仪表盘来跟踪对您的业务至关重要的指标,以及全天候响应的客户服务。 我们的电话口译服务 我们在为各种规模的内容中心提供灵活、高效的OPI服务方面有着良好的业绩记录。例如,作为唯一一家为中国最大的社会福利提供商提供电话口译服务的公司,我们通过200多种语言的符合最高标准的经过审查的口译员,无缝地处理了高呼叫量和使用高峰。 如果您已准备好提升您为客户提供的OPI服务,我们随时可以为您提供帮助。联系我们,了解我们如何简化您向LEP客户提供客户服务的方式并提供灾难防护!

