How to Structure Your Vendor Management Strategy


2021-11-29 21:00 Nimdzi Insights


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Report written by Valeria Nanni. We’ve already seen that there are a number of different ways of setting up a language team. It’s rare nowadays to find enterprises opting for a fully in-house translation team, and companies typically go with either a hybrid model with some in-house language capabilities or simply forgo internal language resources altogether. This means that, broadly speaking, companies have at least one external language partner. What tends to happen in this situation is that, while everyone is busy with day-to-day tasks, vendor management often gets pushed to the bottom of the barrel or is forgotten about altogether. Why focus on vendor management Having a well-oiled vendor management setup is vital to the success of your localization program, as it ultimately means getting high-quality translated content within established turnaround times using standardized, efficient, measurable workflows, all while keeping costs in check. Vendor management can certainly be a balancing act that requires attention and adjustments over time and, as is often the case, there’s no right or wrong way to approach this space. What a successful model looks like can vary greatly from one company to the next so we’ve prepared a few guidelines to help you put together your very own vendor management strategy. How to structure your vendor management strategy If you’ve been in the industry for a while now you might’ve come across the Localization Maturity Model at some point in your career. If you haven’t heard about it yet, it’s a standard framework that uses different levels to help you understand how mature the localization program in your organization is. It can also be very helpful for visualizing your ideal state and offers a great way of tracking progress towards reaching a more advanced level.
Valeria Nanni撰写的报告。 我们已经看到有许多不同的方法来建立一个语言团队。如今,很少有企业选择完全内部的翻译团队,公司通常会选择带有一些内部语言能力的混合模式,或者干脆放弃内部语言资源。这意味着,从广义上说,公司至少有一个外部语言伙伴。在这种情况下,往往会发生的情况是,当每个人都忙于日常工作时,供应商管理往往被推到桶底,或者完全被遗忘。 为什么要关注供应商管理 拥有一个良好的供应商管理设置对于您的本地化计划的成功至关重要,因为它最终意味着使用标准化,高效,可测量的工作流在既定的周转时间内获得高质量的翻译内容,同时控制成本。供应商管理当然可以是一个平衡的行为,需要随着时间的推移进行关注和调整,而且,通常情况下,没有正确或错误的方法来处理这个领域。一个成功的模型可能会因公司而异,因此我们准备了一些指导方针来帮助您制定自己的供应商管理策略。 如何构建供应商管理策略 如果您已经在这个行业工作了一段时间,那么您可能在职业生涯的某个阶段遇到过本地化成熟度模型。如果您还没有听说过,这是一个标准框架,它使用不同的级别来帮助您了解组织中的本地化程序有多成熟。它也可以非常有助于视觉化你的理想状态,并提供了一个很好的方式来跟踪进展,以达到更高级的水平。

