Race & Ethnicity Stratification of HEDIS Measures


2021-12-15 03:25 United Language Group


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Achieving top Star ratings requires organizations to implement initiatives to engage their respective hard-to-reach populations. Recently, the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) announced the addition of a three-year implementation plan to include race and ethnicity stratification for key Health Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) measures. Developed and maintained by the NCQA, HEDIS was created to measure the clinical quality performance in health plans. With the new 2022 race and ethnicity stratification requirements, plans will need to identify disparities and develop strategies to effectively reach and serve their culturally and linguistically diverse populations. This blog post will explain how organizations can identify gaps and reduce disparities in healthcare. ULG is driven to help organizations provide equitable care. We know closing gaps in care for culturally and linguistically diverse populations begins with understanding the health profiles of the populations your organization serves. ULG endorses the new 2022 HEDIS race and ethnicity stratification requirements and can help your organization prepare. Measurement is a critical first step in supporting population health initiatives among culturally and linguistically diverse populations. To adequately address and eliminate health disparities, the nature and extent of health care disparities must be measured and publicly reported. Stratified reporting provides useful information for: Targeting quality improvement activities and resources. Monitoring health plan performance. Advancing the development of culturally and linguistically appropriate quality improvement interventions and strategies. Presenting a perspective on health plan performance by race and ethnicity will help organizations understand where disparities exist and don’t exist. With this information, health plans can address care gaps and learn from top performers. HEDIS is requiring health plans to stratify five select measures by race and ethnicity. Data collection in these five areas will enable health plans to evaluate health outcomes for culturally and linguistically diverse populations. The HEDIS measures selected for stratification are: Colorectal Cancer Screening Controlling High Blood Pressure Hemoglobin A1c Control for Patients with Diabetes Prenatal and Postpartum Care Child and Adolescent Well Care Visits These measurements were selected with considerations around the: Use of the measure across multiple plan product lines (Medicaid, Medicare, Commercial). The degree to which the health topic has been prioritized in state equity measures. The likelihood of denominators being large enough to report outcomes when stratified. The extent of known disparities by race and ethnicity for each topic. Due to the established data completion goal of 80% for the health care plan population, NCQA prefers that race and ethnicity data are collected directly from members through surveys, disease management registries, databases, or other sources. With this information, health plan customers can identify health equity initiatives. We suggest you consider the following during this data collection phase: Include protocols to ensure race and ethnicity questions are asked and recorded. In addition to meeting the race/ethnicity stratification standards, collect more detailed race/ethnicity/language information needed to support focused population health interventions. Be a part of a broader quality improvement structure from a marketing and sales perspective. Review and ensure health plan alignment with the recommendations developed by NCQA and other national organizations to drive quality and safety standards for digital health care delivery. Given our many years of cultural competence expertise in healthcare, we are ready to help groups successfully meet these new requirements. For example, ULG can help your organization prepare for NCQA Health Equity Accreditation, as well as support ad hoc initiatives and pilot programs aimed at multicultural populations. Closing gaps in care for culturally and linguistically diverse populations begins with understanding the health profiles of the populations your organization serves. With the new stratification requirements in place, organizations will be more equipped to provide equitable care for all their members. Need help implementing of the 2022 HEDIS race and ethnicity stratification requirements? Contact us to learn more about our services.
要获得最高星级评级,各组织必须采取举措,让各自难以接触到的人群参与进来。最近,国家质量保证委员会(NCQA)宣布增加一项为期三年的执行计划,将关键卫生有效性数据和信息集(HEDIS)措施的种族和族裔分层纳入其中。HEDIS是由NCQA开发和维护的,用于测量健康计划中的临床质量表现。根据新的2022年种族和族裔分层要求,计划将需要查明差异,并制定战略,以有效地接触和服务其文化和语言多样化的人口。这篇博客文章将解释组织如何在医疗保健中发现差距并减少差距。 ULG致力于帮助各组织提供公平的护理。我们知道,弥合在文化和语言多样化人群的护理方面的差距,首先要了解贵组织所服务人群的健康状况。ULG认可新的2022年HEDIS种族和族裔分层要求,可以帮助您的组织做好准备。 衡量是在文化和语言多样化的人口中支持人口健康倡议的关键的第一步。为了充分解决和消除保健差距,必须衡量和公开报告保健差距的性质和程度。分层报告为以下方面提供了有用的信息: 以质量改进活动和资源为目标。 监视运行状况计划绩效。 推动制定在文化和语言上适当的质量改进干预措施和战略。 按种族和族裔提出健康计划绩效的观点将有助于组织了解哪里存在和不存在差异。有了这些信息,保健计划就可以解决护理差距,并向表现最好的人学习。 HEDIS要求健康计划按照种族和族裔对五种选定的衡量标准进行分层。这五个领域的数据收集将使卫生计划能够评估文化和语言多样化人口的卫生成果。 为分层选择的HEDIS度量值为: 结直肠癌筛查 控制高血压 糖尿病患者血红蛋白A1c的控制 产前产后护理 儿童和青少年健康护理探访 选择这些测量时考虑了以下因素: 在多个计划产品线(医疗补助,医疗保险,商业)中使用该度量值。 卫生问题在国家公平措施中被列为优先事项的程度。 当分层时,分母足够大以报告结果的可能性。 按种族和族裔分列的每个专题的已知差异程度。 由于既定的卫生保健计划人口80%的数据完成目标,NCQA倾向于通过调查,疾病管理登记处,数据库,或其他来源直接从成员处收集种族和族裔数据。 通过这些信息,健康计划客户可以确定健康公平倡议。我们建议您在此数据收集阶段考虑以下事项: 包括确保提出和记录种族和族裔问题的议定书。 除满足种族/族裔分层标准外,收集支持有重点的人口健康干预措施所需的更详细的种族/族裔/语言信息。 从市场和销售的角度,成为更广泛的质量改进结构的一部分。 审查并确保健康计划与NCQA和其他国家组织制定的建议保持一致,以推动数字化医疗服务的质量和安全标准。 鉴于我们在医疗保健领域多年的文化能力和专业知识,我们准备好帮助集团成功地满足这些新的要求。例如,ULG可以帮助您的组织为NCQA健康公平认证做准备,以及支持针对多文化人群的特别倡议和试点项目。 消除在文化和语言多样化人群的护理方面的差距,首先要了解贵组织所服务人群的健康状况。随着新的分层要求的落实,各组织将更有能力为其所有成员提供公平的照顾。需要帮助执行2022年HEDIS种族和族裔分层要求吗? 联系我们以了解更多关于我们的服务。

