This Year in Language AI: Strides Towards Perfecting Language AI Communications


2022-01-01 01:25 CSOFT


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This year in language AI, we have followed many newsworthy developments in natural language processing (NLP), natural language generation (NLG), and natural language understanding (NLU), highlighting the most impressive trends and technological advancements in the process of machine learning (ML) for language-based applications. Throughout this discussion, our focus has been on the effectiveness of these algorithms at automating communications both within and beyond translation and localization, as well as the expansion and integration of multilingual language AI on a global scale. Yet, as we edge towards a new year, reflecting on the degree to which this technology has progressed and showcasing some of the major takeaways from this series will help to understand in what ways the language AI landscape might still change in 2022. Among many of the headlines dominating the field of language AI and machine learning in 2021 was the seemingly consistent development and focus on creating massive language models built around complex and highly sophisticated neural networks. Covering language AI in the news, Microsoft and Nvidia’s MT-NLG model, an experimental language generation AI, dwarfed models similar in size through its unmatched functionality in areas like reading comprehension, reasoning, and language inference. Similarly, the GTP-3 language model, a dominating presence at the frontier of language algorithms, became the cornerstone of comparison from which we saw its Chinese counterpart, the Yuan 1.0 emerge as leading non-English language model. Through all of this, it became apparent that massive language AIs are highly sophisticated and can near perfection in translation and text generation. Yet, as we discussed more recently, it is the smaller, equally efficient models that experts now see as closing the gap to natural human language. Notably, DeepMind’s RETRO model recently made wakes in the AI translation space as a much smaller model in comparison that was developed on a select collection of high-quality datasets in multiple languages. This 7-billion parameter algorithm with new features, like the external-memory analogous to a cheat sheet, represents a new approach to developing language AI – one that averts the high costs and lengthy training process associated with the much larger AI models. In the advancement of this impressive language technology, a major takeaway from this year is representative of developers focusing on creating smarter language models using a seemingly more cost-effective approach to carry out the same functions. As the new year approaches, it will become interesting to see how these models are developed and the innovative ways researchers navigate the complex field of ML to produce sophisticated and increasingly powerful AI of all sizes. A common theme mentioned throughout our series on language AI surrounds the deployment of this technology – specifically, how and where language algorithms are becoming integrated into markets to perform particular tasks. In our discussion on chatbots and virtual assistants for example, a growing demand for AI to automate and scale communications within industries has become synonymous with ways in which this cutting-edge technology can add value to businesses on a global scale. A major challenge of course, as evident throughout this series, has been finding ways to leverage ML to create language AI for prospective new markets of growth. Whether that means foreign or domestic markets, developing language AI that can meet growing demands for text and language automation will become increasingly important, especially in an era defined by heightened international trade, communication, and cross-cultural business. Linguistically diverse and localized algorithms for functions like chatbots and virtual assistants, for instance, have been an important utilization of this technology. Coinciding with the demand to integrate language AI on a global scale is the looming challenge of expanding the number of languages that AI models operate in to be effective in foreign markets. In our discussion on Yuan 1.0, the novel Chinese-language equivalent to GTP-3, it is evident that there exists a general lack of high-quality data to train language models outside of the primarily English-language markets. Even though Yuan 1.0 represents a stride in overcoming this challenge, developing sophisticated non-English language models relies on quality datasets spanning multiple languages. Similarly, our discussion on the Tunisian startup investing in ML to bridge the language barrier of Arabic dialects is representative of innovative approaches to overcoming this challenge. Though we cannot predict what AI advancements will be in the news in 2022, developers around the world will find new ways to leverage ML, eventually leading to an environment in which AI can carry out tasks in multiple languages to a similar degree. If this past year has taught us anything, it is that huge strides have been taken towards perfecting language automation in AI as opportunities for continued development and innovation in this field persist. Throughout our series, we have introduced developments that are important in the context of language generation and automation and discussed ways in which this technology is being used to expand into new markets. As we continue to monitor the growth of this industry into the new year, new horizons, and applications for meeting the demands for language AI will remain a central part for industries grounded in localization and translation services. To learn more about CSOFT’s innovative, technology-driven translation and localization solutions, visit us at!
今年在语言AI方面,我们关注了自然语言处理(NLP),自然语言生成(NLG)和自然语言理解(NLU)方面的许多有新闻价值的进展,重点介绍了基于语言应用的机器学习(ML)过程中最令人印象深刻的趋势和技术进步。在整个讨论中,我们的重点一直是这些算法在翻译和本地化内部和之外的自动化通信方面的有效性,以及多语言AI在全球范围内的扩展和集成。然而,在新的一年即将来临之际,反思这项技术的进步程度,展示本系列的一些主要成果,将有助于我们理解语言人工智能领域在2022年仍将发生何种变化。 在2021年主导语言AI和机器学习领域的许多头条新闻中,似乎一致的发展和关注是围绕复杂和高度精密的神经网络建立大规模语言模型。在新闻报道中,微软和NVIDIA的MT-NLG模型是一种实验性的语言生成AI,它在阅读理解,推理和语言推理等领域的无与伦比的功能使规模相似的模型相形见绌。同样,在语言算法前沿占据主导地位的GTP-3语言模型也成为了比较的基石,我们从中看到了它的中国对手--元1.0出现在领先的非英语语言模型中。通过所有这些,我们可以清楚地看到,大规模的语言自动识别系统是高度复杂的,在翻译和文本生成方面可以接近完美。然而,正如我们最近所讨论的,正是那些更小,同样有效的模型现在被专家们视为缩小了与自然人类语言之间的差距。值得注意的是,DeepMind的复古模型最近将AI翻译空间中的wakes作为一个小得多的模型,它是在精选的多种语言的高质量数据集上开发的。这个70亿参数的算法具有新的特性,比如类似于备忘单的外部存储器,它代表了开发语言人工智能的一种新方法--它避免了与大得多的人工智能模型相关的高成本和冗长的训练过程。在这一令人印象深刻的语言技术的进步中,今年的一个主要收获是代表开发人员专注于创建更智能的语言模型,使用一种似乎更具有成本效益的方法来执行相同的功能。随着新年的临近,看看这些模型是如何开发的,以及研究人员在ML这一复杂领域中导航的创新方式,以产生各种规模的精密且日益强大的AI,将变得有趣起来。 在我们关于语言AI的系列文章中提到的一个共同主题围绕着这项技术的部署--具体来说,语言算法如何以及在哪里被集成到市场中以执行特定任务。例如,在我们关于聊天机器人和虚拟助理的讨论中,对人工智能自动化和扩展行业内通信的日益增长的需求,已经成为这种尖端技术为全球范围内的企业增加价值的方式的同义词。当然,一个主要的挑战,正如在本系列中所明显看到的,是如何利用ML为未来的新增长市场创造语言AI。无论是国外市场还是国内市场,开发能够满足日益增长的文本和语言自动化需求的语言AI将变得越来越重要,尤其是在国际贸易,交流和跨文化商务日益增强的时代。例如,用于聊天机器人和虚拟助理等功能的语言多样性和本地化算法一直是这项技术的重要用途。 与在全球范围内整合语言AI的需求不谋而合的是迫在眉睫的挑战,即扩大AI模型运作的语言数量,以便在国外市场有效。在我们对“元1.0”的讨论中,很明显,在主要的英语市场之外,普遍缺乏高质量的数据来训练语言模型。尽管Yuan1.0在克服这一挑战方面迈出了一大步,但开发复杂的非英语语言模型依赖于跨越多种语言的高质量数据集。同样,我们讨论的突尼斯初创公司投资ML,以克服阿拉伯语方言的语言障碍,是克服这一挑战的创新方法的代表。虽然我们无法预测2022年的新闻中会出现什么人工智能的进步,但世界各地的开发者将找到利用ML的新方法,最终导致一个人工智能能够以相似程度使用多种语言执行任务的环境。 如果说过去的一年让我们学到了什么,那就是随着这个领域持续发展和创新的机会持续存在,人工智能在完善语言自动化方面已经迈出了巨大的步伐。在我们的系列文章中,我们介绍了在语言生成和自动化的背景下重要的发展,并讨论了这种技术被用于扩展到新市场的方法。随着我们在新的一年里继续关注这一行业的增长,新视野和满足语言AI需求的应用程序仍将是以本地化和翻译服务为基础的行业的核心部分。 欲了解更多关于Csoft创新的,技术驱动的翻译和本地化解决方案,请访问!

