The Nimdzi Localization Influencers Watchlist


2021-12-17 00:00 Nimdzi Insights


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This Watchlist was researched by Marina Ghazaryan. The language industry is rapidly evolving and you don’t want to miss out on the latest trends and developments. Before you do that, you need to know where to look! The 2021 edition of the Nimdzi Influencers Watchlist regroups more than 100 influencers in the Localization industry based on a variety of criteria and active engagement on social media. The candidates included in the list are all professionals with proven experience in translation, localization, and globalization. We were thrilled about the reception of the original Influencer Watchlist and the enthusiasm it generated in 2020. After all, ours is a people industry first and foremost! So this year we have decided to do one better and add a bevy of new names to the updated list for 2021! We have done the research to find the top language industry influencers, so you don’t have to! Nimdzi was founded on the principle of enabling access to industry information. Those of us who have been around for a while know who the go-to leaders for such information are. Those just discovering our space may be wondering who they should follow. Our Localization Influencers Watchlist aims to increase the reach of information in the localization industry and enlarge our community for better cooperation and information exchange. The Nimdzi Localization Influencer Watchlist is your one-stop-shop for information on who the key individuals in our industry are, what they are up to at the moment, as well as links to their social media profiles. Get to know what they are doing, explore the trends and updates they share, and follow them for insights crucial to both individuals and businesses alike. Methodology To create the Nimdzi Localization Influencer Watchlist, we screened thousands of localization community members. Some of these you’ve likely been collaborating with over the years. Others are household names whose contributions to the development of our industry and experience cannot go unnoticed. We’ve examined buyer-side executives, accomplished managers from the LSP world, language technology inventors, directors of various language associations, speakers, forum executives, and independent experts. We also included influencers with high post engagements either on Linkedin, Twitter, or even their personal blogs, people who are unafraid to speak up boldly and drive our industry onward. Disclaimer: Nimdzi Insights employees are excluded from the Localization Influencer Watchlist. As a result, in 2020 we initially collected over 100 profiles of various industry experts. Out of those 100 people, the first list of the top 62 language industry influencers was sorted based on their influence on social media — with the baseline for consideration being their total combined social outreach in the number of followers (above 1,500). This year we’ve updated our list of influencers with the latest information on what the people are up to and added more than four dozen new names. The Watchlist contains publicly available information about the influencers — their current roles and organizations, the combined total number of followers the influencers have on both Twitter and LinkedIn, and finally links to their pages or blogs for your convenience, so you can reach out to them. The Nimdzi Localization Influencer Watchlist Where to go from here? This Watchlist is intended as your ultimate starter guide to social media within the world of localization. Follow the experts who inspire and motivate you, who provide the knowledge and updates you’re most interested in. Go like and share their updates. Tweet about them. Even better, subscribe to their profiles, so they can continue doing the awesome job they’ve been doing for our industry. Following the top influencers also gives you the chance to hone your skills. Learn from the best, from their experience, knowledge, and advice. Influencers in localization and globalization sub-industries will keep up with the latest technological trends and industry standards, and learning opportunities through webcasts, conferences, etc. We want to give back to those who have been here before us. As readers, the more information you have at your fingertips, the better your chances will be to make the right decisions for your business.
这份观察名单是由Marina Ghazaryan研究的。 语言行业正在迅速发展,你不想错过最新的趋势和发展。在你这么做之前,你需要知道去哪里找!2021年版的《尼姆兹影响力观察榜》根据各种标准和社交媒体上的活跃度,重新组合了本地化行业的100多位影响力人物。名单中的候选人都是在翻译,本地化和全球化方面有经验的专业人士。 我们很高兴收到最初的影响者观察名单,以及它在2020年所产生的热情。毕竟,我们首先是一个人民的行业!所以今年我们决定做得更好,并在2021年的更新名单中加入一群新名字! 我们已经做了寻找顶级语言行业影响者的研究,所以你不必这样做! Nimdzi的创立原则是使人们能够获得行业信息。我们中有一段时间的人知道谁是这些信息的首选领导者。那些刚刚发现我们空间的人可能在想他们应该追随谁。我们的本地化影响者观察列表旨在增加本地化行业的信息覆盖范围,并扩大我们的社区,以便更好地合作和信息交流。 Nimdzi本地化影响者观察列表是您的一站式信息商店,您可以了解我们行业中的关键人物是谁,他们目前在做什么,以及他们的社交媒体简介链接。了解他们在做什么,探索他们分享的趋势和更新,并跟随他们寻找对个人和企业都至关重要的洞察力。 方法学 为了创建Nimdzi本地化影响者观察列表,我们筛选了数千名本地化社区成员。其中一些你可能已经合作多年了。其他人则是家喻户晓的名字,他们对我们的工业发展和经验的贡献不容忽视。我们考察了买方主管,来自LSP世界的有成就的经理,语言技术发明者,各种语言协会的董事,演讲人,论坛主管和独立专家。我们还包括那些在Linkedin,Twitter,甚至是个人博客上有很大影响力的人,他们不害怕大胆地发表意见,并推动我们的行业向前发展。 免责声明:Nimdzi Insights的员工被排除在本地化影响者观察名单之外。 因此,在2020年我们最初收集了超过100个不同行业专家的简介。在这100人中,第一份排名前62位的语言行业影响者名单是根据他们在社交媒体上的影响力进行排序的,考虑的基线是他们在社交媒体上的总关注人数(1500人以上)。今年,我们更新了最新的影响人物名单,加入了40多个新名字。 观察列表包含了有关影响力人物的公开信息--他们当前的角色和组织,这些影响力人物在Twitter和LinkedIn上的粉丝总数,以及他们的页面或博客的链接,以便于你与他们联系。 Nimdzi本地化影响者观察列表 从这里到哪里去? 这份观察列表旨在作为你在本地化世界中的社交媒体的最终入门指南。追随那些能激励和激励你的专家,他们能提供你最感兴趣的知识和更新。去喜欢和分享他们的更新。发微博说说他们。更好的是,订阅他们的个人资料,这样他们就可以继续为我们的行业做他们一直以来所做的令人敬畏的工作。 追随顶级影响者也给了你磨练技能的机会。向最好的人学习,从他们的经验,知识和建议中学习。本地化和全球化子行业的影响者将通过网络直播,会议等方式,紧跟最新技术趋势和行业标准,学习机会。 我们要回馈那些在我们之前来到这里的人。作为读者,你掌握的信息越多,你就越有机会为你的业务做出正确的决定。

