4 Red Flags to Look Out for in Interpretation Services


2022-01-18 23:25 United Language Group


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Interpretation services vary in scope and audience. However, the ultimate objective remains the same: to bridge any linguistic gaps in verbal communication so that all customers receive the same level of care and service. When paired correctly, the interpreter will pay special attention to cultural and geographic factors that inform accurate interpretation. Whether over-the-phone or on-site, both simultaneous and consecutive interpretation models provide a range of benefits to companies and consumers. When choosing an interpretation service for your organization, the question becomes, how can I match a customer with the proper interpretation services? You’ll want to partner with a language solutions provider that understands the ins and outs of your industry and can provide accurate, localized, and timely interpretation services. In this article, we discuss the four most common red flags to look out for so you can find a solution that creates the very best user experience for all of your customers. 1. Failure to Rely on Subject Matter Experts Does your current interpretation service provider ask about your unique industry needs? This is an essential first step. Without content awareness, interpreters may misrepresent critical information. Niche industries require the expertise of interpreters with relevant experience in the field to interpret jargon and phraseology. For example, interpreters in the legal or insurance industry must understand technical language specific to contractual terms and agreements. Failure to do so could place the consumers with limited English proficiency in a precarious position. Other industries are constantly evolving, such as in the technology space. Interpreters must meet with subject matter experts or demonstrate their own level of industry expertise related to new technologies, integrations, and thought leadership to provide consumers with quality customer service at every stage. ULG has highly-trained interpreters with industry knowledge and relevant experience in fields such as healthcare, government, education, insurance, entertainment, manufacturing, legal, and more. Our interpreters learn to speak your company’s language so you can offer customers seamless interpretation services every time. Find out more about the industries ULG serves. 2. Inadequate Cultural Competence In addition to specific industry knowledge, you’ll also want to partner with a language service provider whose interpreters take cultural nuance into account. High-quality interpretation services must be competent in the following areas: Dialects, accents, and localized language: You’ll need to have a detailed breakdown in the linguistic populations your organization serves so you can provide interpretation solutions specific to the target language and dialect. Colloquial language including idioms, expressions, and slang: Limited English proficiency (LEP) customers may use informal language that the interpreter must be familiar with in order to interpret from the source language into the target language. Cultural awareness as it relates to traditions, customs, gestures and facial expressions: Cultural context is critical to providing accurate and complete linguistic interpretation. Interpreters must sometimes relay the meaning or spirit of a conversation, rather than a literal translation. When it comes to interpretation services in the healthcare industry, for instance, accurately conveying the advice of a medical professional to a patient is paramount. Misinterpretation in the healthcare field causes major problems. At the very least, it can cause confusion, but can also lead to more devastating effects, such as a patient not understanding their treatment plan or even their medical diagnosis. Beyond the language interpretation itself, interpreters must be mindful of external—albeit associated—cultural considerations such as body language, hand gestures, and eye contact. Even the age or gender of the interpreters themselves can have cultural implications that interpreters should be aware of. For example, some female patients may prefer an interpreter of the same gender, especially when discussing sensitive healthcare matters. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(3356907, 'c1530bed-0c35-4e4f-bed3-06b16a096805', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); 3. Lack of Technical Equipment and Resourcing Some interpreters work in an in-office environment, while others may work remotely. As you begin to partner with a language service provider, you’ll want to make sure that their interpreters have proper equipment at their disposal to provide high-quality interpretation. Interpretation services must provide easy-to-use audio and recording equipment that is compatible with a variety of devices. Before conducting simultaneous or consecutive interpreting, interpreters must test their microphones and headphones to make sure the audio quality is clear. A lack of technical equipment compromises the quality of any interpretation service. Check with your language provider to get familiar with the type of equipment interpreters will be using on a regular basis. Without the proper audio equipment, interpreters could mishear the source language. The same goes for customers in the target language. Language service providers need to make sure their interpreters have the right tech at their disposal, most importantly a headset and microphone. Proper staff resourcing and robust interpretation technology guarantee the best user experience possible for you as the customer. 4. Inability to Scale Most organizations request interpretation based on the current linguistic demographics. However, linguistic demographics of any customer base are constantly shifting and language service providers must be able to adapt accordingly. A sudden influx in speakers of a particular language requires an equally swift response on the part of language partners. And linguistic demographics are always changing. In Wisconsin, where an estimated 400 Afghan refugees will resettle following the 2021 Taliban takeover, a shortage of interpreters is contributing to a complicated transition. At ULG, linguistic liaisons monitor dashboards to determine which languages are in highest demand at any given time. In response, they can direct more interpreters to those languages with the most need in real time. Language service providers must be flexible with the interpretation solutions they offer so they can accommodate a diverse range of languages that accurately reflect the needs of the local community, even as those needs change. The same goes for regional dialects and language localization efforts. Scalability is key. As linguistic populations shrink and grow, a language provider’s solutions must adapt accordingly. Serve Your Customers with the Right Interpretation Service ULG offers interpretation in more than 200 languages to meet the needs of your organization’s customers. ULG offers industry-specific interpretation services in the target language, from healthcare and manufacturing to government, finance, and everything in between. Clear communication with your clients should always come first, and we’re here to ensure that accessibility. Interested in learning more about the interpretation solutions ULG provides? Contact us today. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(3356907, '243a0362-c7a2-4e12-b5d4-33d19681f68d', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"});
口译服务的范围和对象各不相同。然而,最终的目标仍然是一样的:弥合任何言语交流中的语言差距,使所有的顾客得到同等水平的关怀和服务。当配对正确时,口译员将特别注意文化和地理因素,以通知准确的口译。无论是通过电话还是在现场,同声传译和交替传译模式都为公司和消费者提供了一系列好处。 当为您的组织选择口译服务时,问题就变成了,我如何为客户匹配合适的口译服务?您将希望与语言解决方案提供商合作,该解决方案提供商了解您所在行业的来龙去脉,能够提供准确,本地化和及时的口译服务。 在本文中,我们将讨论四个最常见的需要注意的红旗,以便您可以找到为所有客户创建最佳用户体验的解决方案。 1.未能依靠专题专家 你现在的口译服务提供商问过你独特的行业需求吗?这是必不可少的第一步。如果没有内容意识,口译员可能会错误地陈述关键信息。利基行业需要在该领域具有相关经验的口译员的专业知识来解释行话和短语。 例如,法律或保险行业的口译员必须理解合同条款和协议特有的技术语言。如果不这样做,英语能力有限的消费者就会处于危险的地位。其他行业也在不断发展,比如在技术领域。口译员必须与主题专家会面,或者展示他们自己在新技术,集成和思想领导方面的行业专业知识水平,以便在每个阶段为消费者提供优质的客户服务。 ULG拥有训练有素的口译员,他们在医疗,政府,教育,保险,娱乐,制造,法律等领域具有行业知识和相关经验。我们的口译员学习说贵公司的语言,以便您每次都能为客户提供无缝的口译服务。了解更多关于ULG服务的行业。 2.文化能力不足 除了特定的行业知识外,您还需要与语言服务提供商合作,其译员会考虑到文化上的细微差别。高质量的口译服务必须在以下方面胜任: 方言,口音和本地化语言:您需要对组织所服务的语言群体进行详细的分类,以便提供特定于目标语言和方言的解释解决方案。 口语化语言包括习语,表达和俚语:英语熟练程度有限(LEP)的客户可能会使用译员必须熟悉的非正式语言,以便从源语言译成目标语言。 与传统,习俗,手势和面部表情有关的文化意识:文化语境对提供准确和完整的语言解释至关重要。 口译员有时必须传达谈话的意思或精神,而不是直译。例如,当涉及到医疗保健行业中的口译服务时,准确地将医疗专业人员的建议传达给患者是至关重要的。医疗保健领域的错误解释导致了重大问题。至少,它可以造成混乱,但也可以导致更毁灭性的影响,例如一个病人不了解他们的治疗方案,甚至他们的医学诊断。 除了语言口译本身,口译员还必须注意外部的--尽管是相关的--文化因素,如肢体语言,手势和眼神交流。即使是译员本身的年龄或性别也可能具有译员应该意识到的文化含义。例如,一些女性患者可能更喜欢同性别的翻译,特别是在讨论敏感的医疗保健问题时。 hbspt.cta._relativeURLS=true;hbspt.cta.load(3356907,'C1530bed-0C35-4E4F-bed3-06B16A096805',{“UsenewLoader”:“true”,“region”:“NA1”}); 3.缺乏技术设备和资源 一些口译员在办公室内的环境中工作,而另一些口译员则可能远程工作。当您开始与语言服务提供商合作时,您将希望确保他们的口译员拥有适当的设备以提供高质量的口译。 口译服务必须提供易于使用,与各种设备兼容的音频和录音设备。在进行同声传译或交替传译之前,口译员必须测试他们的麦克风和耳机,以确保音频质量清晰。缺乏技术设备会影响任何口译服务的质量。与您的语言提供商联系,以熟悉口译人员将定期使用的设备类型。 如果没有适当的音频设备,口译员可能听错源语。目标语言的客户也是如此。语言服务提供商需要确保他们的口译员拥有合适的技术,最重要的是耳机和麦克风。适当的员工资源配置和强大的口译技术保证您作为客户获得最佳的用户体验。 4.无法扩展 大多数组织要求根据当前的语言人口统计进行口译。然而,任何客户群的语言人口结构都在不断变化,语言服务提供商必须能够相应地进行调整。如果某一特定语言的使用者突然涌入,语言伙伴也需要作出同样迅速的反应。语言人口统计总是在变化。在威斯康星州,在2021年塔利班接管后,估计将有400名阿富汗难民在那里重新定居,翻译的短缺导致了一个复杂的过渡过程。 在ULG,语言联络监控仪表板,以确定在任何给定时间哪些语言的需求量最高。作为回应,他们可以将更多的口译员实时导向那些最需要的语言。 语言服务提供商必须灵活地提供口译解决方案,以便能够适应各种不同的语言,准确地反映当地社区的需要,即使这些需要发生变化。区域方言和语言本地化努力也是如此。可伸缩性是关键。随着语言人口的减少和增长,语言提供商的解决方案必须相应地进行调整。 为您的客户提供正确的口译服务 ULG提供超过200种语言的口译服务,以满足贵公司客户的需求。ULG以目标语言提供行业特定的口译服务,从医疗保健和制造业到政府,金融,以及介于两者之间的一切。与您的客户进行清晰的沟通始终是第一位的,而我们在这里就是为了确保这种沟通的可及性。 有兴趣了解更多关于ULG提供的解释解决方案吗?今天联系我们。 hbspt.cta._relativeURLS=true;hbspt.cta.load(3356907,'243A0362-C7A2-4E12-B5D4-33D19681F68D',{“UsenewLoader”:“true”,“region”:“NA1”});

