Record Growth in the Language Industry as First Company Breaks the Billion-Dollar Barrier


2022-01-31 17:32 Nimdzi Insights


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Article by Sarah Hickey. While we are still working hard to compile this year’s edition of the Nimdzi 100 — the ranking of the largest language service providers (LSPs) in the world — we can already say that there is movement at the top. After the language services industry once again proved to be impervious to crises and continued to grow in 2020, early indicators point toward a very prosperous 2021. For one thing, the language industry now has its first billion dollar company. Long-time industry leader TransPerfect just revealed that the company reached USD 1.1 billion in revenue in 2021. This is up from USD 852.4 million in 2020 and an increase of more than 30 percent year-over-year. Especially for a company of this size and during times that saw the world economy suffer, this is an impressive level of growth. Asked about it directly, TransPerfect’s CEO, Phil Shawe said: “We are very proud to have surpassed the $1 billion mark in annual sales. Of course, it did not happen overnight. It has taken almost thirty years of delivering for our clients day-in and day-out—and is a testament to the hard work and professionalism of our team. Revenue is just one measure of success on our journey—but continued growth objectively shows that we are achieving our goal of providing more and more value to our customers’ businesses and helping them succeed in the global marketplace.” In last year’s Nimdzi 100, we reported that RWS became the new de facto leader in the industry after its acquisition of former rival SDL. Back then, in March 2021, the combined 2020 revenues of RWS and SDL stood at USD 937.5 million and outperformed TransPerfect by USD 85.1 million, which indicated a shift in leadership at the top. However, TransPerfect made a strong comeback and solidified its position as the largest LSP in the world once again. Given the acquisition of former rival SDL, which propelled RWS to the top, the company was expected to reach the billion dollar mark in 2021. However, the newly combined company only grew by a little less than two percent in 2021, reaching USD 955.3 million. A possible explanation could be a focus on aligning company efforts after the mega acquisition and a change in leadership — in June 2021, RWS announced the appointment of a new Group CEO, Ian El-Mokadem, who replaced former CEO Richard Thompson. One way or another, we can expect RWS to take the second position in our ranking this year. The two largest LSPs in the world from 2017 to 2021 What the graph also shows is by how much the two largest positions in the industry have grown in only five years. Between 2017 and 2021, the number one position in the language industry (consistently held by TransPerfect) grew by more than 80% and the second position (previously Lionbridge, now RWS) grew by close to 60%. It still remains to be seen who will be the third largest LSP this year. Judging by what we know at this point, the position will most likely be filled either by Lionbridge or LanguageLine Solutions. LanguageLine Solutions is focused on remote interpreting and has been growing significantly since the start of the pandemic. The company reached USD 618 million in 2020. Lionbridge, another household name in the market, held the position as the second largest language service provider for many years. In 2020, the company sold its AI division — Lionbridge AI — to TELUS International, a digital customer experience company from Canada. The deal went through for approximately USD 935 million (CAD 1.2 billion). Despite the sale, Lionbridge is not leaving this lucrative field altogether but will rather focus its AI efforts exclusively on language services (namely, on neural machine translation). While the research for our market analysis is still ongoing, what we can already reveal is that it is looking like 2021 was a great year for language services. In research briefings to date, 9 out of 10 LSPs reported record growth and some businesses even had the best year since their founding. Asked about the drivers behind this level of growth, the following themes stood out: Increased demand fueled by the pandemic, especially in areas such as remote interpreting, Life Sciences and Technology. Backlog of requests coming in after lockdowns and meeting restrictions were lifted, e.g. in media localization but also for court hearings and events. Reaping the rewards after adjusting the business to the new challenges and client requests that came with the pandemic, e.g. having added new service lines, technological innovation, increased digital offering, more automation. Although this is just a snapshot of the industry at this stage, it is looking like the market may have outperformed growth expectations in 2021.
莎拉·希基的文章。 当我们还在努力编制今年版的Nimdzi 100--世界上最大的语言服务提供商(LSP)的排名--的时候,我们已经可以说在顶端有动静了。 在语言服务行业再次被证明不受危机影响,并在2020年继续增长之后,早期指标显示2021年将会非常繁荣。一方面,语言产业现在有了第一家十亿美元的公司。长期的行业领导者TransPerfect刚刚透露,该公司在2021年的营收达到11亿美元。这比2020年的8.524亿美元有所增长,同比增长超过30%。特别是对于这样一个规模的公司来说,在世界经济遭受重创的时期,这是一个令人印象深刻的增长水平。当被直接问及此事时,Transperfect的首席执行官菲尔·肖说: 他说:“我们对年销售额突破10亿美元大关感到非常自豪。当然,它不是一蹴而就的。它花了将近三十年的时间为我们的客户日日夜夜地提供服务--这是我们团队辛勤工作和专业精神的证明。收入只是衡量我们成功的一个标准,但持续增长客观地表明,我们正在实现我们的目标,即为客户的业务提供越来越多的价值,并帮助他们在全球市场取得成功。“ 在去年的Nimdzi 100中,我们报道了RWS在收购前竞争对手SDL后,成为行业新的事实上的领导者。当时,2021年3月,RWS和SDL的2020年总收入为9.375亿美元,比TransPerfect高出8510万美元,这表明公司高层的领导地位发生了变化。但TransPerfect强势复出,再次固化了自己全球最大LSP的地位。 鉴于收购了前竞争对手SDL,将RWS推上了榜首,预计该公司将在2021年达到10亿美元大关。然而,新合并的公司在2021年仅增长了不到2%,达到9.553亿美元。一个可能的解释可能是,在大规模收购之后,RWS专注于协调公司的努力,以及领导层的更迭--2021年6月,RWS宣布任命Ian El-Mokadem为新的集团首席执行官,接替前任首席执行官理查德•汤普森(Richard Thompson)。这样或那样的方式,我们可以期待RWS在我们今年的排名中占据第二的位置。 2017-2021年全球最大的两个LSP 图表还显示,仅在5年时间里,这两个行业最大的职位增长了多少。在2017年至2021年间,语言行业第一的位置(一直由TransPerfect保持)增长了80%以上,第二的位置(以前是Lionbridge,现在是RWS)增长了接近60%。 谁将成为今年的第三大LSP还有待观察。根据我们目前所知,这个职位很可能由Lionbridge或LanguageLine Solutions来填补。LanguageLine Solutions专注于远程口译,自大流行开始以来一直在大幅增长。公司在2020年达到6.18亿美元。 另一个在市场上家喻户晓的名字Lionbridge,多年来稳坐第二大语言服务提供商的宝座。2020年,该公司将其AI部门--Lionbridge AI出售给了来自加拿大的数字客户体验公司TELUS International。这笔交易以约9.35亿美元(12亿加元)完成。尽管出售了,Lionbridge并没有完全离开这个利润丰厚的领域,而是将其AI努力完全集中在语言服务(即神经机器翻译)上。 尽管我们的市场分析研究仍在进行中,但我们已经可以揭示的是,对于语言服务来说,2021年似乎是一个伟大的年份。在迄今为止的研究简报中,10个LSP中有9个报告了创纪录的增长,有些企业甚至迎来了自创建以来最好的一年。当被问及这一增长水平背后的驱动因素时,以下几个主题非常突出: 这一大流行病导致需求增加,特别是在远距离口译,生命科学和技术等领域。 解除封锁和会议限制后提出的积压请求,例如媒体本地化方面的请求,以及法庭听证和活动方面的请求。 在调整业务以适应大流行带来的新挑战和客户要求后,如增加新的服务线,技术创新,增加数字化产品,提高自动化程度,从而获得回报。 虽然这只是该行业现阶段的一个快照,但看起来市场在2021年的表现可能超过了增长预期。

