Native American Languages Receive Support at White House Summit


2021-11-23 02:55 multilingual


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On Nov. 15, a group of United States government agencies launched a new initiative geared to protect and preserve Native American languages that have been historically spoken in the country. A total of eight agencies, led by the U.S. Department of the Interior, the Department of Education, and the Department of Health & Human Services, have signed a memorandum of agreement which will build upon the Native American Languages Act of 1990. The initiative will encourage the use of and development of languages indigenous to the country, and set new goals for the education of Native American languages throughout the country. “The cornerstone of any culture or community is its language. Languages are where oral histories are passed down, knowledge is shared, and bonds are formed. As part of our commitment to strengthening and supporting Indigenous communities, the Interior Department is resolute in its efforts to ensuring Native languages are preserved and protected,” said Deb Haaland, the secretary of the Department of the Interior. The move is a part of the 2021 White House Tribal Nations Summit, which took place Nov. 18-19. This is the first year that the White House has hosted this summit since 2016, and the initiative comes on the heels of a handful of other legislative moves from earlier this year designed to improve the status of Native American languages and promote their use. This summer, MultiLingual reported on two acts passed in the Senate which would support revitalization efforts and develop a federally funded education center for indigenous languages. “Preserving Native languages, at a time when many communities have lost a great many linguistic experts, is critical. Throughout the pandemic, many people have not been able to practice or access cultural resources due to a high risk of COVID-19 infection,” said Xavier Becerra, the secretary of the Department of Health & Human Services. “Investing in linguistics is key to supporting our tribal communities and protecting their history, and today’s investment should help achieve this important goal.”
11月15号,一组美国政府机构发起了一项旨在保护和保存美国本土语言的新计划。 由美国内政部,教育部和卫生与公众服务部牵头的总共八个机构签署了一份协议备忘录,该备忘录将以1990年的《美洲土著语言法》为基础。该倡议将鼓励使用和发展本国土著语言,并为全国土著语言教育制定新的目标。 “任何文化或社区的基石是其语言。语言是口述历史得以传承,知识得以分享,纽带得以形成的地方。作为我们致力于加强和支持土著社区的一部分,内政部决心努力确保土著语言得到保存和保护,“内政部秘书Deb Haaland说。 此举是11月18号至19号举行的2021年白宫部落国家峰会的一部分。这是自2016年以来白宫首次举办这一峰会,今年早些时候,白宫还出台了几项旨在提高美国土著语言地位并促进其使用的立法举措。今年夏天,《多语言》报告了参议院通过的两项法案,这两项法案将支持振兴努力,并发展一个由联邦资助的土著语言教育中心。 “在许多社区失去了许多语言专家的时候,保护土著语言是至关重要的。在整个大流行期间,由于感染COVID-19的高风险,许多人无法实践或接触文化资源,“卫生与公众服务部部长泽维尔·贝塞拉说。“投资语言学是支持我们部落社区和保护他们历史的关键,今天的投资应该有助于实现这一重要目标。”

