3 Booming Industries in the Nordics


2021-11-24 01:00 GALA


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The Nordic countries have a lot in common – they are all small and open economies that depend a great deal on foreign trade. Despite their swift economic development, these countries can’t necessarily be considered the typical model of efficiency, given that they adopted their own Nordic Modelcombining economic systems with social welfare. Some of the Nordic countries have achieved international acclaim across many different industries; from Norway’s Stavanger-based Equinor leveraging strong synergies between oil, gas renewables, carbon capture and hydrogen, to Denmark’s LEGO, which has been a source of fun for people of all ages since 1932. In this article, however, we will take a look at three industries driven by technology that are making particularly big waves in the Nordics: fintech, life science and cleantech. The fintech industry Several factors highlight the strengths of the Nordic region and explain why it is excelling within the fintech industry. Increased investment, new government initiatives, an openness to new technology and social welfare programs, grants and tax breaks that stoke the flames of entrepreneurship mean the Nordics are already home to 300+ fintechs. The Nordic region is second only to Silicon Valley in terms of the number of unicorns per capita, with 27 unicorns from a population of 26 million. Having brought in over USD 2 billion in fintech funding in the second half of 2021, the Nordics are bound to attract further investment which will surely increase the number of unicorns emerging from this region as the fintech sector matures. Klarna, currently Europe’s most valuablefintech unicorn, and Zettle by Paypal are two Stockholm-based fintech mobile payment companies that have opened the door to many more start-ups. The success of Nordic fintechs is seen across the entire industry landscape, including companies such as alternative lenders Fellow Finance and Lendify, online payment providers Holvi and Vipps, and personal financial management companies Tink and Meniga. As society evolves, so too must financial services and apps. Deloitte has stated that it is unlikely that millennials will visit branches or use financial services in the same way as previous generations. According to Bambora, the Nordics are hoping that by moving away from using physical cash – thus turning society ‘cashless’ – they will be able to lower costs for merchants, offer better security and make it harder for criminals to launder money. Fintechs aim to make financial solutions more accessible and convenient for all. Those who secure investment will next be looking to scale up beyond the limits of the Nordics – something that requires a thorough understanding of the needs and norms of their new target market. To make a success of scaling up, it's important to provide information in a transparent, trustworthy and comprehensible manner. After all, as Nataly Kelly says, “the closer you get to a person’s wallet, the more important it is to speak their language”. Simply put, this means communicating in the languages of your system’s users and offering services tailored to the needs of each locale you wish to provide for. The life science industry The life science industry is another in which the Nordics see a significant engagement. Built on a solid foundation of high-quality education and collaboration, the Nordics have already produced over 3,500 life science companies. To name but a few of the biggest players from the industry, they can count Novo Nordisk and LEO Pharma, both world leading pharmaceuticals, and from medtech Bang & Olufson, Medicom, Coloplast and Getinge. With Denmark as the second largest medical device market in Europe and Norway as a center of excellence for medical imaging, the breadth of expertise demonstrated in the Nordics is really something to behold. This success in the life science industry wouldn’t have been possible without the support and commitment of a variety of institutions; from the Nordic life science consortium – a platform that enables the Nordic countries to collaborate and showcase the region and its achievements to the rest of the world – to universities, such as Karolinska Institutet, focused on life science, to well-known researchers and research centers, such as Danish National Biobank in Denmark and Umeå Plant Science Centre in Sweden. All these players make significant contributions that enable the Nordics to remain a hotspot for pioneering R&D. Medicon Valley is a prominent international life science cluster in Europe that spans the Greater Copenhagen region of eastern Denmark and southern Sweden. In recent years, Medicon Valley has grown to be the strongest of the Nordic life science clusters thanks to a dynamic ecosystem and vibrant talent pool including 350+ biotech, medtech and pharma companies; 9 outstanding life science universities; 14,600 life science researchers; and world-class research facilities such as European Spallation Source and MAX IV. ApoGlyx from Sweden, Respinor from Norway and RetinaRisk from Iceland were announced as the winners on the Nordic Life Science Investment Day 2021 in the Biotech/Pharma, Medtech/Diagnostics and Digital/E-health categories. Other industry newcomers to keep an eye on include LS CancerDiag from Finland and Medvasc from Sweden. LS CancerDiag hopes to save millions of lives by preventing cancer as well as enabling personalized care through early detection of Lynch syndrome, while Medvasc is looking to optimize the procedure of delivering anesthetic in laser treatment of varicose veins, a significant medical conundrum that is yet to be solved. “Given their shared values of openness, trust, sustainability, equality and innovation”, summarizes Helena Strigård, Director General at SwedenBIO writing for Nordic Life Science News, “the Nordics are the perfect setting for partnership and investments” in life science. The cleantech industry Cleantech, or clean technology, is a term used to refer to companies and technologies that aim to improve environmental sustainability. The Nordics are rich in natural resources, which played a key role during the early industrialization of the region. Rigorous environmental requirements have spurred both knowledge and technological development, which in turn stimulate environmental technology exports. Whether through public R&D, cleantech-friendly policies or other cleantech innovations, the Nordics attract and facilitate a lot of investment. For example, Cleantech Scandinavia – the leading Nordic cleantech investor network – runs an internationally established network of different stakeholders with an interest in Nordic cleantech including investors, industrials and public actors. The aim of the Nordic Cleantech Innovation Cluster – part of the Nordic Council of Ministers – is to turn the Nordic region into a pioneer for sustainable growth by promoting entrepreneurship, innovation and competitiveness among Nordic businesses. The Global Cleantech Innovation Index explores which countries currently have the greatest potential to produce entrepreneurial cleantech start-ups that will commercialize clean technology innovations over the next 10 years. In 2017, Denmark, Finland and Sweden ranked in the top three places in the GCII, with Norway taking ninth spot. The index demonstrates how a country can get ahead by adapting to the growing demand of renewable energies, by building connections between start-ups and other channels to increase their rate of success, and by increasing international engagement with cleantechs to encourage the adoption of clean technologies. Investors have been particularly present in the agriculture, transportation and logistics, recycling and waste, manufacturing and industrial, and energy sectors of the cleantech industry. Start-ups making a name for themselves within these sectors include Voi and Quantafuel. Providing for the transportation and logistics sector, Stokholm-based Voi offers electric scooter and bike sharing to encourage the use of more sustainable transportation across many European cities. As part of the recycling and waste sector in Norway, Quantafuel provides a clean solution to plastic waste. All types of plastic waste are converted into environmentally friendly fuel and chemicals. Of the Nordics, Sweden is blazing a trail. In terms of the number of investments made and deals secured, Sweden comes out on top. In 2020, the top 5 investments in Sweden were secured by Northvolt, Oatly, Renewcell, Scandinavian Biogas and Tibber, coming to a total of 880 million euros. Northvolt secured the largest investment of the year, with 532 million euros raised in equity from international investors. While the Nordic region provides a good environment for the emergence of unicorns in general, Sweden in particular has the ideal conditions for cleantech companies to thrive, with an ecosystem tailored to start-ups in combination with ambitious climate goals. It is of course still unclear exactly what the future of the fintech, life science and cleantech industries has in store, but one thing is for sure – the Nordics will play a pivotal role in shaping their future.
北欧国家有很多共同点--它们都是小型开放经济体,在很大程度上依赖对外贸易。尽管这些国家经济发展迅速,但由于它们采用了经济制度与社会福利相结合的北欧模式,并不一定是典型的效率模式。 一些北欧国家在许多不同行业获得了国际赞誉;从总部位于挪威斯塔万格的Equinor公司利用石油、天然气可再生能源、碳捕获和氢气之间的强大协同效应,到丹麦的乐高公司(LEGO),自1932年以来,乐高一直是所有年龄段人群的乐趣源泉。然而,在本文中,我们将关注三个由科技驱动的行业,它们在北欧掀起巨大的浪潮:金融科技、生命科学和清洁科技。 金融科技行业 几个因素凸显了北欧地区的优势,也解释了为什么它在金融科技行业表现出色。投资增加、政府的新举措、对新技术和社会福利项目的开放、拨款和税收减免,这些都点燃了创业的火焰,这意味着北欧已经拥有300多家金融科技公司。 就人均独角兽数量而言,北欧地区仅次于硅谷,2600万人口中就有27家独角兽。2021年下半年,北欧金融科技融资超过20亿美元,随着金融科技领域的成熟,必将吸引更多的投资,这必将增加该地区独角兽公司的数量。 目前欧洲最具价值的金融科技独角兽Klarna和Paypal旗下的Zettle是两家总部位于斯德哥尔摩的金融科技移动支付公司,为更多初创企业打开了大门。北欧金融技术公司的成功遍布整个行业,包括另类贷款机构Fellow Finance和 Lendify、在线支付提供商Holvi和Vipps,以及个人理财公司Tink和Meniga等公司。 随着社会的发展,金融服务和应用程序也必须发展。德勤曾表示,千禧一代不太可能像以与前几代人相同的方式访问分行或使用金融服务。根据班博拉的说法,北欧人希望通过放弃使用实物现金--从而实现社会的“无现金化”--他们将能够降低商人的成本,提供更好的安全保障,并使罪犯更难洗钱。 金融科技旨在让所有人都能更方便地获得金融解决方案。那些获得投资的公司下一步将寻求扩大规模,超越北欧国家的限制--这需要彻底了解其新目标市场的需求和规范。为了成功扩大规模,重要的是以透明、可信和可理解的方式提供信息。毕竟,正如娜塔莉·凯利(Nataly Kelly)所说,“你越接近一个人的钱包,说他们的语言就越重要”。简单地说,这意味着用系统用户的语言进行交流,并根据希望提供的每个地区的需求提供量身定制的服务。 生命科学产业 生命科学产业是北欧人关注的重要参与领域。建立在高质量教育和合作的坚实基础上,北欧已经产生了3500多家生命科学公司。在此仅列举几家行业巨头,其中包括诺和诺德和利奥制药,这两家公司都是世界领先的制药公司,还有医药技术公司 Bang&Olufson,Medicom,Coloplast和Getinge。丹麦是欧洲第二大医疗器械市场,挪威则是医学成像的卓越中心,北欧所展示的专业知识的广度确实值得关注。 如果没有各种机构的支持和承诺,生命科学产业的成功是不可能的;从北欧生命科学联合会(一个使北欧国家能够开展合作并向世界其他地区展示该区域及其成就的平台),到卡罗林斯卡学院等侧重于生命科学的大学,再到丹麦的丹麦国家生物库和瑞典的Umeamp植物科学中心等知名研究人员和研究中心。所有这些参与者都作出了重大贡献,使北欧能够继续成为开拓性研发的热点。 Medicon Valley是欧洲著名的国际生命科学集群,横跨丹麦东部的大哥本哈根地区和瑞典南部。近年来,Medicon Valley已经成长为北欧最强大的生命科学集群,这得益于一个充满活力的生态系统和充满活力的人才库,其中包括350+家生物技术,医疗技术和制药公司;卓越生命科学大学9所;生命科学研究人员1.46万人;以及欧洲散裂源,MAX IV等世界一流的研究设施。 瑞典的ApoGlyx,挪威的Respinor和冰岛的RetinaRisk被宣布为2021年北欧生命科学投资日生物技术/制药,医疗技术/诊断和数字/电子健康类别的获奖者。其他需要关注的行业新来者包括芬兰的LS CancerDiag和瑞典的Medvasc。LS CancerDiag希望通过早期发现林奇综合征来预防癌症和实现个性化护理,从而拯救数百万人的生命,而Medvasc则希望优化静脉曲张激光治疗中的麻醉剂输送程序,这是一个尚未解决的重大医学难题。 SwedenBIO的总干事Helena Strigard在为《北欧生命科学新闻》撰写的文章中总结说:“鉴于他们在开放,信任,可持续,平等和创新等方面的共同价值观,北欧是生命科学领域”合作和投资的完美环境“。 清洁技术工业 Cleantech,或清洁技术,是一个术语,用来指那些旨在提高环境可持续性的公司和技术。北欧人拥有丰富的自然资源,这些自然资源在该地区早期工业化过程中发挥了关键作用。严格的环境要求刺激了知识和技术的发展,这反过来又刺激了环境技术的出口。 无论是通过公共研发,清洁技术友好政策还是其他清洁技术创新,北欧国家吸引并促进了大量投资。例如,北欧领先的清洁技术投资者网络Cleantech Scandinavia经营着一个由对北欧清洁技术感兴趣的不同利益相关者组成的国际网络,其中包括投资者,工业企业和公共行为者。北欧清洁技术创新集群是北欧部长理事会的一部分,其目的是通过促进北欧企业的创业精神,创新和竞争力,将北欧地区变成可持续增长的先锋。 全球清洁技术创新指数探讨哪些国家目前最有潜力产生创业型清洁技术初创企业,这些企业将在未来10年将清洁技术创新商业化。2017年,丹麦,芬兰和瑞典在GCII排名前三,挪威位居第九。该指数表明,一个国家如何能够通过适应可再生能源日益增长的需求,通过在初创企业和其他渠道之间建立联系以提高其成功率,以及通过加强国际社会对清洁技术的参与以鼓励采用清洁技术而取得领先。 投资者特别集中在清洁技术工业的农业,运输和物流,回收和废物,制造和工业以及能源部门。在这些行业中崭露头角的初创企业包括Voi和QuantaFuel。 为运输和物流部门提供服务,总部位于斯托霍尔姆的Voi提供电动滑板车和自行车共享,以鼓励欧洲许多城市使用更可持续的交通工具。 作为挪威回收和废物部门的一部分,Quantafuel为塑料废物提供了一个清洁的解决方案。所有类型的塑料废物都被转化为环保燃料和化学品。 在北欧国家中,瑞典正在开辟一条道路。就投资和交易数量而言,瑞典名列前茅。2020年,瑞典的前5大投资分别来自Northvolt,Oatly,Renewcell,Scandinavian Biogas和Tibber,投资总额达8.8亿欧元。Northvolt获得了今年最大的一笔投资,从国际投资者那里筹集了5.32亿欧元的股权。虽然北欧地区总体上为独角兽的出现提供了良好的环境,但瑞典尤其具备清洁技术公司茁壮成长的理想条件,其生态系统结合雄心勃勃的气候目标为初创企业量身打造。 当然,目前仍不清楚金融科技,生命科学和清洁科技行业的未来究竟如何,但有一点是肯定的--北欧国家将在塑造其未来方面发挥关键作用。

