I·ATE Food Term of the Week: Manala


2021-11-20 21:50 terminology Coordination


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What would be winter without its comforting and delicious food? As Saint Nicolas day and Christmas approach, let us rejoice in the coming back of a classic, traditional Alsatian food: manala. Origins: How to eat your manala the right way: It is important to respect some traditions, so here is the right way to enjoy your manala (according to my grandmother and my mother, and they’re always right, so…).Manala are even tastier when shared, so in the evening of December 6th, you will have to gather your friends/flatmates/whoever you want, and have breakfast for dinner. Hot cocoa is mandatory, for dipping your manala in it is an almost divine experience. If you are feeling fancy, you can open up your manala and spread honey, chocolate spread, jam, butter on it. Et voilà! Debates: The joy in eating manala is certain, what is less certain is what you should call them… As for many things, Alsatians have heated debates on what is “the right” name for this pastry.If you are from the south of Alsace, you probably call them “manala” (which can also be written as “mannala”). From the north? It’s “mennele” or even “mannele”. In Franche-Comté, it is known as “Jean Bonhomme”, but as “petit Saint Nicolas” in Lorraine. Confusing, right? Recipe: The recipe however is straightforward: Simple, but time-consuming, so let us roll up our sleeves and get started. Preparation time: 1h30; cooking: 25 min; thermostat 5/6. For 4 people (approximately 16 manala). You will need: 500g of flour, 25g of baker’s yeast, 100g of crystal sugar, 200g of milk, 5g of salt, 100g of butter, 2 eggs, 1 yolk. Warm (around 40°C) half of the milk in a bowl and dilute the yeast in it. Add 100g of flour and mix. Cover the bowl with a cloth. Leave to rise for 20 minutes. In a saucepan, melt the butter with the remaining milk, sugar and salt. Allow to cool. Add the leavened mixture prepared earlier, while kneading. Add the 2 whole eggs and the remaining flour. Knead for 15 minutes. Cover the container with a cloth and leave to rise for 30 minutes. Form small cylinders of 3 cm in diameter and 15 cm long. Cut them with scissors to form the head, arms and legs. Place the pieces on a buttered baking sheet. Glaze the pieces with the remaining egg yolk, and form the eyes with raisins or chocolate chips (this last bit is optional). Leave to rise for 20 minutes, then put in the oven. If cannibalism bothers you, you can always shape your dough as a snail (of sorts), in which case you now have a schnackala (a snail) instead of a manala. REFERENCIES Mannalas (petits bonshommes) et schnackalas (escargots) – Les douceurs d’Elodie. 2021. Mannalas (petits bonshommes) et schnackalas (escargots) – Les douceurs d’Elodie. [ONLINE] Available at: http://lesdouceursdelo.canalblog.com/archives/2010/12/05/19791544.html. [Accessed 19 November 2021]. TRADITION. Le jour du manala à Cernay. 2021. TRADITION. Le jour du manala à Cernay. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.dna.fr/edition-mulhouse-thann/2019/12/06/le-jour-du-manala-a-cernay. [Accessed 19 November 2021]. Mannele — Wikipédia. 2021. Mannele — Wikipédia. [ONLINE] Available at: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mannele#:~:text=Un%20mannele%20ou%20mannala%20(de,lorraines%2C%20et%20plus%20g%C3%A9n%C3%A9ralement%20allemandes. [Accessed 19 November 2021]. marmiton.org. 2021. Manalas ou mannele (Alsace) : recette de Manalas ou mannele (Alsace). [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.marmiton.org/recettes/recette_manalas-ou-mannele-alsace_13205.aspx. [Accessed 19 November 2021]. written by Julie Adèle Christiane Maruitte. She graduated at Paris IV-Sorbonne, with a double major in history and English and holds a master’s degree in audio-visual translation. She is now a Schuman trainee at DG TRAD Directorate.
冬天怎么能没有舒心又美味的食物呢?在圣尼古拉节和圣诞节即将来临之际,让我们为阿尔萨斯的经典传统美食马纳拉回归生活而欢欣鼓舞。 起源: 如何正确地吃你的马纳拉: 尊重一些传统十分重要,所以下面是享用马纳拉的正确方式(据我祖母和我母亲的说法,他们所作所为总是对的,所以……)。共享马纳拉时会更加美味,所以在12月6日晚上,你必须召集你的朋友/室友/任何你想要聚集在一起的人,一块共进晚餐。热可可必不可少,因为将马纳拉泡在热可可里简直是一种神圣的体验。如果你觉得这种吃法花哨,你可以把马纳拉一分为二,在上面涂上蜂蜜,巧克力酱,果酱,黄油。如你所愿! 辩论: 吃马纳拉的的确确有乐趣,而不太确定的是你应该如何称呼这种食物……就很多事情来看,阿尔萨斯人激烈争论这种“糕点“正确”的名字。如果你来自阿尔萨斯南部,你很可能j把这种糕点称之为“马纳拉”(也可以写成“Mannala”)。而要是北方来的人的话,是称为“mennele”,甚至是“mannele”呢?在Franche-Comté,它被称为“Jean Bonhomme”,但在洛林,它又被称为“小圣尼古拉”。很困惑,对吧? 制作方法: 然而,这种食物的制作秘诀很简单:虽然简单,但也耗时,所以让我们卷起袖子开始吧。 制备时间:1h30;烹调:25分钟;节温器5/6。4人食用份(约16马纳拉)。 您将需要: 500克面粉, 25g面包酵母, 100g冰糖, 200g牛奶, 5g盐, 100克黄油, 两个鸡蛋, 1个蛋黄。 加热(40°C左右)半碗牛奶,稀释其中的酵母。加入100克面粉拌匀。用布盖住碗口。静置20分钟。在一个平底锅里,把黄油和剩下的牛奶、糖和盐一起加热融化。等待冷却。加入先前准备好的发酵混合物,同时揉捏。再打2个鸡蛋进去并倒入剩下的面粉。再揉捏15分钟。用一块布盖住容器,让面粉发酵30分钟。最后呈小圆柱体形状,直径为3厘米,高15厘米,用剪刀从剪成三部分,分别制作成头、胳膊和腿。把这三部分放在涂了黄油的烤盘上,再把剩下的蛋黄涂在上面,用葡萄干或巧克力片做成眼睛(这最后一步自行选择)。再让它发酵20分钟,之后放入烤箱。 如果吃人形糕点会困扰你,你可以把面团塑造成蜗牛形状或其它类型的。这种情况下,你现在有一只蜗牛,而不是马纳拉 。 引用 Mannalas(petits bonshommes)和schnackalas(escargots)--Les douceurs d'elodie。2021年。Mannalas(petits bonshommes)和schnackalas(escargots)--Les douceurs d'elodie。[在线]可查阅:http://lesdouceursdelo.canalblog.com/archives/2010/12/05/19791544.html。[2021年11月19日查阅]。 传统。Cernay的manala jour du Cernay。2021年。传统。Cernay的manala jour du Cernay。[在线]网址:https://www.dna.fr/edition-mulhouse-thann/2019/12/06/le-jour-du-manala-a-cernay。[2021年11月19日查阅]。 曼尼勒-维基百科。2021年。曼尼勒-维基百科。[在线]可在:https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/mannele#:~:text=un%20mannele%20ou%20mannala%20(de,Lorraines%2c%20et%20plus%20g%c3%a9n%c3%a9ralement%20allemandes.[2021年11月19日访问]。 marmiton.org。2021年。Manalas ou mannele(阿尔萨斯):recette de Manalas ou mannele(阿尔萨斯)。[在线]网址:https://www.marmiton.org/recettes/recetet_manalas-ou-mannele-alsace_13205.aspx。[2021年11月19日查阅]。 作者:朱莉·阿黛勒·克里斯蒂安·马鲁伊特,毕业于巴黎第四-索邦大学,拥有历史和英语双学位及音像翻译硕士学位。现在为DG TRAD董事会的舒曼培训生。

