Translator Community Spotlight: Meet Georgina Reparado


2021-11-20 06:50 Lilt


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Here at Lilt, we’re focused on providing the highest quality translations possible, and that requires a large professional network of translators. We've spent years building a community of experienced and quality translators, and we're excited to showcase the incredible individuals helping to lead the charge. Much like our Employee Spotlight series, we're sharing the backgrounds of the talented professionals in our community in our newest series, the Translator Spotlight Series. What does a day in the life of your job look like? I wake up on the early side and prepare my mate drink along with something to eat. After that, I usually take classes (I'm studying to become a Teacher in Audiovisual Arts - and very close to finishing!), and then I head up to an office space I share with other independent workers (mainly architects). Then, I check my schedule and start typing along with music, radio or podcasts. I share lunch with my coworkers and go back to the keyboard until I finish up what I had set to do on that day. Why did you become a translator? Since I was a kid, I've developed a close relationship with Spanish through literature and movies. In my opinion, translation is much more about knowing and loving your native language than the one you translate from (although, of course, you have to know the source language really well too - but all the love goes to the final text in the end :)). Also, and very importantly, I had the most amazing English teacher named Daniela during my childhood. That made me feel comfortable and curious to keep learning and be around English for the rest of my life. I studied other careers too (History and Audiovisual Arts) apart from what I'm doing now. Where is your happy place outside of work? What do you like to do for fun? My bike, the parks in Rosario, Argentina, the Río Paraná, basketball Thursdays with my team, and, above all, the company of my son, family, and friends. And drinking mate on all of these occasions! Does translation play a role in your personal life? It does, of course. It's my daily work and my source of income, but it's also the place where I've been able to meet a lot of wonderful people throughout my life. How has translation changed over the years? I think the most significant change I've seen over the years is our relationship as workers with technology. We moved from apprehension and distrust to be able to adopt it as a powerful tool that paves our way every day. Also, the fascinating monster of the internet made room for many new and exciting types of content that I personally welcome. What do you think the future of translation holds? I hope we can build a stronger bond with technology developments. To make the most of the tools available while honing what makes us unique: our human approach, understanding, and ability to shape and beautify language. Also, I wish we can grow stronger as a workers community. I think as freelancers, we have a long way to go in terms of networking, getting to know each other, and sharing experience and knowledge. I'm convinced that these processes can only improve our daily work and that big things can come from that. Is technology important to you? Has it helped your day to day process? Technology is essential for our profession. I have worked most of my professional life with people worldwide and have always relied on tech tools to complete tasks, achieve goals, and keep learning to grow my career. I know we call paper-and-pen translation work with the same name as what we do, but I dare to say they are two completely different activities. Technology and translation are an integral whole now. What's something that most people don't know about you? That I have a love-hate relationship with my computer, that I'm very much into politics, and that I think humor is one of the most underrated achievements of humankind. • • • Keep an eye out for our upcoming posts in both our Translator and Employee Spotlight posts! We'll continue to highlight people from across the company and our wonderful translator community. Learn more by following us on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook!
在Lilt这一板块当中,我们致力于提供尽可能高质量的翻译,这需要一个庞大的专业翻译网络。我们花了几年的时间建立了一经验充分的高质量翻译平台,我们很高兴能够展示那些帮助领导这项工作的杰出人才。 如同我们的员工焦点系列,我们在翻译聚光灯最新系列中分享我们社区中有才华的专业人士的背景。 你工作中的一天看起来是什么样子的? 我早起,给我的搭档准备早餐。之后,我会去上课(我正在学习成为一名视听艺术教师--而且就快要成功了!),然后我就会去到一个有许多建筑师的办公室。然后,检查我的日程表,听着音乐,广播或播客开始工作。我和同事们一起吃午饭,然后回到键盘前,直到我完成了当天的工作。 你为什么要成为一名翻译? 从我幼时起,我就通过文学和电影与西班牙语建立了密切的关系。在我看来,翻译更多的是了解和热衷你的母语,而不是你所翻译的语言(当然,你也必须非常了解源语--但所有的热爱都是为了最终的文本:))。 除此之外,非常重要的是,在我童年时期,我有一位最了不起的英语老师叫丹妮拉。在我的余生中,继续学习英语让我感觉到好奇和舒适。除了现在的工作,我还学过其他职业(历史学和视听艺术)。 工作之余,你的快乐之处在哪里?你有什么兴趣爱好? 骑自行车,阿根廷罗萨里奥的公园,巴拉那河,星期四和我的球队一起打篮球,除此之外,还有我的儿子,家人和朋友的陪伴。以及所有这些场合都要喝酒! 翻译在你的生活中有重要影响吗? 当然有。这是我的日常工作,也是我的收入来源,但也是我一生中结交人才的地方。 这些年翻译有什么变化? 我认为这些年来我所看到的最显著的变化是我们作为技术工人的关系。我们从恐惧和不信任中走出来,每天把它作为铺平道路的有力工具。此外,令人迷恋的互联网也为许多积极的新鲜事物腾出了空间,我个人对此表示欢迎。 你认为翻译的未来如何? 我希望我们能与科技发展建立更紧密的联系。同时最大限度地利用现有的工具,磨砺我们的独特之处:我们人类的方法、理解以及塑造和美化语言的能力。 此外,我希望我们能够作为社区一员发展得更强大。我认为自由职业者在建立关系网,相互了解,分享经验和知识方面还有很长的路要走。我相信,这些过程会改善我们的日常工作,并由此产生重大的成就。 科技对你重要吗?它对你的日常生活有帮助吗? 技术对我们的职业来说是必不可少的。我大部分的工作都在和世界各地的人打交道,我一直依靠科技工具来完成任务,实现目标,并不断学习来发展我的职业生涯。虽然我们把笔译工作与我们所做的工作同名,但我敢说它们是两种完全不同的活动。科技和翻译现在是一个不可分割的整体。 你有什么不为人知的事情吗? 我对我的电脑爱恨交加,我对时政非常着迷,并且我认为幽默是人类最被低估的成就之一。 ••• 请留意我们即将发布的翻译聚焦帖子!我们将继续推出公司和我们翻译社区的杰出人才。 想要了解更多的信息,请在LinkedIn,Twitter和Facebook上关注我们!

