7 brands that have learned to STFU


2021-10-08 09:00 unbabel


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Contrary to the headline, we don’t mean that these brands have learned to be quiet. Quite the opposite, in fact. They all communicate with their customers with confidence, empathy, and efficiency — in any language, anywhere. Because we’ve given STFU a newer, more encouraging spin: Start Translating Fearlessly with Unbabel. STFU is about empowering your business to see translation not as a burden, but as a key to growth and customer loyalty. It’s about making multilingual communication a foundation of your business. It’s about how high-quality customer service (CS) starts with speaking your customer’s language. Of course, seeing how industry-leading brands STFU can be instructive for your own business. Below, seven brands that are doing multilingual CS right. Microsoft It was a natural fit between us and Microsoft, the trillion-dollar technology juggernaut that was founded in 1975. Our AI translation technology, after all, was built with Microsoft Azure and connected with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service. When the company’s venture fund, M12, invested in us in 2018, the relationship only strengthened. Offering exceptional CS across languages and borders was essential for a global enterprise like Microsoft. We initially helped the company deliver email and chat support in Chinese for Office 365 users. A year later, we were facilitating its translation of seven languages across four lines of business. By 2020, we were handling 100% of its email and chat support — across 76 combinations of languages, products, and scenarios. Before partnering with us, Microsoft worked with global call centers and native-speaking customer agents. Quality was inconsistent across languages. Now, its Customer Service and Support (CSS) team is streamlined and centered — with the high customer satisfaction (CSAT) scores to prove it — and is deploying Unbabel across 12 of Microsoft’s most common languages. GetYourGuide It’s unsurprising that an online travel agency and platform for tour guides and excursions — one that’s served travelers from 155 countries and has booked more than 15 million tours since its inception — would want to clearly communicate with its global customers. What is surprising, however, is that GetYourGuide sometimes found it challenging to support its wanderlust-filled international customers. The first challenge was seasonal, with CS teams being overwhelmed with support requests during busy travel seasons, especially summertime. The second challenge was that GetYourGuide didn’t have the bandwidth to hire native speakers outside its core markets. Still, it didn’t want language to be an obstacle in expanding to any new market. Native-language support, GetYourGuide knew, was crucial in keeping customers satisfied and loyal. The company decided that Unbabel was its best and most efficient solution for helping its team adapt to changing demand, in any language. Our machine-learning language models get smarter over time, and training them has made them more attuned to how GetYourGuide communicates with its customers. While our human-refined AI translation technology might be invisible to GetYourGuide customers, the company’s support agents have a closed loop of feedback with our own CS team. With our human-refined AI translation technology, GetYourGuide is now able to do translations on par with native speakers — at a tenth of the cost of hiring native-speaking teams. Dashlane In an industry — cybersecurity — that conjures shadowy images of server rooms and Matrix-esque strings of code, Dashlane saw password management as a very human problem. The company was prioritizing simplicity and friendliness, but it found native-language CS to be far from simple. Should it spend more on the resources and agents required for high-quality support? Or should it begrudgingly accept that its support in languages like German and French wouldn’t be up to par with its English support? Dashlane went with a third option: use a Language Operations platform like Unbabel. We seamlessly integrated into its existing workflows and platforms, including Zendesk, which Dashlane was using to field 2,000 customer inquiries a month in German and French. Dashlane’s agents could now communicate with customers in another language without switching tools. Its support feels “human and authentic” and “speaks our product language,” according to a former Dashlane support manager. Dashlane’s initial goal was for its new multilingual approach to match the performance of its English-speaking CS team — but it exceeded those metrics early on. Its agile new language strategy has it considering support for smaller markets, too, and it has improved first-reply time by 25% for both German and French customers. TuneCore If you’re an independent musician, you need a way to share your music with the world and, ultimately, grow your fanbase. TuneCore has been doing that for musicians — allowing them to sell their songs worldwide and keep 100% of their sales revenue — in a dozen countries since 2006. For years, though, there was a mismatch between the company’s global reach and its CS. Its support team was lean, often responding using Google Translate or recruiting a random employee with knowledge of the language. The approach wasn’t scalable, and it wasn’t always accurate. When the pandemic hit, musicians turned to digital platforms for income, and TuneCore artists didn’t stop releasing music. The need for good CS was pressing. TuneCore partnered with us to remove existing language barriers for artist support. It can now confidently expand into new markets knowing that its CS team is able to translate requests into 29 different languages — compared with just five previously. Support tickets that once took weeks are now answered in half an hour. In the high-pressure world of independent music, we’ve given TuneCore a competitive advantage. Wargaming 2020 wasn’t a great year for most people, but pandemic-induced lockdowns were a boon for the video-game industry, with gaming revenues nearly reaching those of sports and film combined. Game developers and publishers needed to meet the demands of millions of players at once, and Wargaming was one of them. Wargaming, whose titles include World of Tanks, with over 160 million users, chose us to For Wargaming and its customers, our native-language support has been a winner. The company can now scale language support as needed when launching a game or during unexpected surges or, conversely, agent absences. Better yet, it can do so quickly and cost-effectively, using agents who are hired not for their linguistic fluency but for their gaming knowledge and passion. Since employing our Language Operations platform, it has more than doubled its conversions from free to paid memberships, boosted CSAT scores, and helped response times in all 10 languages reach 95% in the first 24 hours. Kiwi.com When the pandemic hit, prompting lockdowns and postponing travel plans, the travel technology company Kiwi.com was hit, too — by a surge in cancellations and urgent CS requests. At the same time, Kiwi.com, which powers more than 100 million searches every day, was forced to lay off 70% of its support workforce. Naturally, there were endless backlogs, and CS quality suffered. Unable to hire more native-speaking agents, the company needed to create a language-agnostic helpdesk platform that could translate any and every customer request. Its product team did just that, using Unbabel’s open API to integrate our Language Operations platform into its agents’ existing workflows. Now, thanks to our AI translation technology and human editors, any Kiwi.com agent can immediately respond to helpdesk messages in 12 languages. With English-speaking agents, the company saves 20% per agent, and customer phone inquiries have been reduced by 33%. Both agents and customers appreciate the seamlessness. Logitech For Logitech, which makes innovative technological products, the rise of remote work during the pandemic sent year-over-year revenue soaring 75% in the second quarter of 2020. CS request volume also soared — by an unprecedented 300% — while Logitech’s own customer experience (CX) team suddenly transitioned to remote work. Faced with a daunting backlog, Logitech’s CX team was able to quickly increase staffing by 45% without increasing spending, and with only a weeklong hiring period for technical experts. How? The answer: Unbabel. We’d formed a long-term partnership with Logitech, helping them communicate with its global customer base across 13 verticals and 16 languages. Logitech reduced its ticket response time from 48 hours with a native speaker to just 12 hours with us. What does it mean to STFU? It means increased CSAT scores and decreased response times. It means hiring people for what they’re good at, not what language they speak. It means no longer worrying that one language’s support is worse than another’s. And it means so much beyond that.
与标题相反,我们并不是说这些品牌已经学会了安静。事实上恰恰相反。他们都能以自信,同理心和高效的方式与客户沟通--用任何语言,在任何地方。 STFU的目的是让您的企业将翻译视为增长和客户忠诚度的关键,而不是一种负担。这是关于使多语言交流成为你的业务基础。 当然,看看行业领先品牌STFU如何能对你自己的业务有所启发。 微软 微软成立于1975年,市值达万亿美元,这是我们与微软的天然契合。我们的AI翻译技术,毕竟是用微软Azure打造的。当该公司旗下的风险基金M12在2018年投资美国时,双方的关系反而加强了。 一年后,我们为它提供了四个业务领域七种语言的翻译服务。到2020年,我们100%地处理它的电子邮件和聊天支持--跨越76种语言,产品和场景组合。 在与我们合作之前,微软与全球呼叫中心和母语客户代理合作。各语文的质量不一致。 GetYourGuide 然而,令人惊讶的是,GetYourGuide有时发现,要支持其充满旅游欲望的国际客户很难。 是GetYourGuide没有足够的带宽在其核心市场之外雇佣母语人士。不过,它不希望语言成为向任何新市场扩张的障碍。 GetYourGuide知道,母语支持对于保持顾客满意和忠诚度至关重要。该公司认为, 虽然我们的人工人工智能翻译技术可能无法获得YourGuide客户,但该公司的支持代理与我们自己的CS团队有一个反馈闭环。有了我们的人工改良AI翻译技术,GetYourGuide现在能够与母语人士进行同等水平的翻译--成本仅为聘用母语团队的十分之一。 达什兰 该公司优先考虑简单和友好,但它发现母语CS远不简单。它是否应该在高质量支助所需的资源和代理人方面花费更多?还是应该勉强接受它对德语和法语等语言的支持不及对英语的支持? Dashlane提出了第三种选择:使用像Unbabel这样的语言操作平台。 我们无缝集成到其现有的工作流程和平台中,包括Zendesk,Dashlane使用Zendesk每月以德语和法语提供2000个客户咨询。Dashlane的代理现在可以用另一种语言与客户交流,而无需切换工具。 Dashlane最初的目标是使其新的多语言方法能够与讲英语的CS团队的表现相匹配--但它一开始就超过了这些指标。 Tunecore 。然而,多年来,该公司的全球业务与CS之间一直存在着不匹配。它的支持团队很精干,通常使用谷歌翻译或随机招聘一名懂该语言的员工。这种方法不是可扩展的,也不总是准确的。 它可以自信地拓展到新的市场,因为它的CS团队能够将请求翻译成29种不同的语言,而以前只有5种语言。曾经需要数周时间的支持票,现在半小时就能答复。在高压的独立音乐世界里,我们给了TuneCore一个竞争优势。 战争游戏 对大多数人来说,2020年并不是一个好年份,但大流行导致的封锁对视频游戏行业来说却是一个福音,游戏收入几乎达到体育和电影收入的总和。 Wargaming,其游戏包括坦克世界,拥有超过1.6亿的用户,选择我们 。自从使用我们的语言运营平台以来,它已经将免费会员转化为付费会员的数量翻了一番以上,提高了CSAT得分,并帮助所有10种语言的响应时间在最初24小时内达到95%。 Kiwi.com 当大流行袭来,促使关闭和推迟旅行计划时,旅行技术公司Kiwi.com也受到了打击--取消和紧急CS请求激增。 由于无法雇佣更多的母语代理,该公司需要创建一个语言无关的帮助台平台,该平台可以翻译任何和每一个客户的请求。 现在,多亏了我们的AI翻译技术和人类编辑,任何Kiwi.com代理都能立即以12种语言回应帮助台消息。有了说英语的代理商,公司为每个代理商节省了20%,客户电话咨询也减少了33%。 罗技 对于生产创新科技产品的罗技来说,大流行期间远程工作的兴起使得2020年第二季度的收入同比飙升了75%。 面对令人望而生畏的积压,罗技的CX团队能够在不增加开支的情况下迅速增加45%的人员配置,而且技术专家的雇佣期仅为一周。怎么做?答案是:unbabel。我们与罗技建立了长期的合作关系 这意味着增加了CSAT得分,减少了响应时间。这意味着雇佣那些擅长的人,而不是他们会说什么语言。它意味着不再担心一种语言的支持比另一种语言差。它的意义不止于此。

