Manufacturing Resource Planning: A Quick Guide


2021-10-08 04:25 project manager


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Everything you need for your manufacturing process is a resource—people, materials, equipment, software, facilities, etc. And whatever you’re making, you need to manage those resources to do it. That process is called manufacturing resource planning (MRP II), and it’s a method that used to work more effectively. When need precise coordination of resources to get the work done on time and within budget, you’re going to need to create an MRP system. Why is it called MRP II? Well, that’s because manufacturing resource planning (MRP II) evolved from materials requirements planning (MRP I), an earlier resource planning system. Let’s take a look at both to learn the differences, and how to apply them to your own processes. What Is Materials Requirements Planning (MRP I)? Materials requirements planning (MRP I) is a type of resource planning used to control inventory, get data on customer demand and solidify a bill of materials for a product. You use that information to create a purchasing plan and production schedule. When it was first developed, the data exclusively centered on the necessary goods and their quantities. That approach expanded to include other data points (such as sales forecasts) to create better production and purchasing schedules. What Is Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II)? Manufacturing resource planning (MRP II) is the process of creating an MRP system that allows manufacturers to account for the raw materials and human resources needed for their manufacturing process. MRP II touches on operational and financial planning, but also explores contingency planning that create additional paths forward when issues arise. There is no proprietary software associated with manufacturing resource planning, and therefore, there are many solutions offered. But almost all manufacturers use some kind of software to create an MRP system. MRP software is usually modular and has various components that include: A master production schedule Technical data Bill of materials Production resource data Inventories and orders Purchasing management Materials requirement planning Shop floor control Capacity planning Cost control Reporting And that’s only the beginning! There are other tools for business planning, tool management, sales analysis and project management. MRP II integrates many manufacturing processes so you can organize and manage them. What Is an MRP System? A MRP system is used to collect all the data from MRP I and MRP II and have it reside in a single place. This helps managers with production planning, inventory planning, raw materials purchasing and purchase scheduling. The goal of an MRP system is to avoid issues like over-or-understocking. It also helps you plan all the manufacturing activities, including procurement, production and delivery. How to Create a MRP System When creating a MRP system, there are three key resource management and manufacturing process inputs that are necessary: The master production schedule (MPS): The MPS is the number of end goods, and the timing you’ll produce them by. Estimate this by looking at your customer orders and demand forecasts. The inventory status file (ISF): The ISF is the real-time data on your inventory. This information lets you know what you have in stock and where it’s currently warehoused. It provides a picture on the overall status of your inventory. The bill of materials (BOM): The BOM is a list of all the raw materials, components and anything else necessary to manufacture or repair your product or service. These three inputs show you the raw materials that are available for production and when you need them. Then, the manufacturing resource plan can help you keep the lowest number of materials on hand while planning and scheduling manufacturing activities. Why Is Manufacturing Resource Planning Important? Manufacturing resource planning allows for a more productive and tight production schedule that keeps costs low. But, it also provides valuable data from the production floor you can use to address issues that slowed down manufacturing in the past—so you don’t repeat it in the future. There is also a reduction of workload that results in greater efficiency when you apply resource planning. The data you collect helps you plan ahead and make more accurate estimates that lead to greater profitability for the company. In the past, stock control and management were the only tools manufacturers had to run efficiently. Manufacturing resource planning is far more effective in managing resources and making more effective plans. Its use saves the company money, time and labor. Project management software can organize the manufacturing and manage resources. ProjectManager is a cloud-based software that does all this, and more, in real time. Visualize your production schedule on our kanban board view and get transparency into the process. Try ProjectManager for free today. How to Make a Manufacturing Resource Plan When creating a manufacturing resource plan, you need to ask yourself three questions: what is needed? How much is needed? And when is it needed? Working backward from the finished product is how you begin to assemble the materials you’ll need for a manufacturing resource plan. You can break down the process for manufacturing resource plans into four basic steps: Make estimates of the demand for your product: From there, you can figure out the resources necessary to have your supply meet that demand. Those resources are broken down by a bill of materials, which is the list of raw materials, assemblies and other components necessary to manufacture your end product. Don’t forget to include your personnel in this estimate, as they’re also resources. Compare demand to current inventory: This will inform how many resources you need to meet demand, on top of what you already have in stock. Manufacturing resource planning allocates the inventory where it’s needed. Create a production schedule: That means figuring out how much time each step in your manufacturing process will take. Again, you work backward from a deadline. Monitor the entire process: Make sure that you are meeting milestones and not going over the budget. Most manufacturing resource planning software will have notifications that alert you if things are going off-track. If this occurs, have a contingency plan in place. Enterprise Resource Planning Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a version of MRP that adds the planning of all enterprise-related activities. ERP includes the use of business software to manage resources within the entire organization through a centralized database. This simplifies workflows and reduces labor. ERP came after MRP, when office operations were added to the mix. Tools That Help Manufacturing Resource Planning Software is the engine that drives manufacturing resource planning. The first system devoted to manufacturing resource planning was built in the 1970s. As technology advanced, so did the tools used in manufacturing resource planning. Now, most have enterprise resource planning features. Features that are included in manufacturing resource planning software include accounting, order management, purchase orders, bank reconciliation, bill of materials, budget and forecasting, payroll and project management. The manufacturing resource planning of the 1970s has advanced to include much of these features, and is now referred to as manufacturing resource planning II. There are many software solutions offered for manufacturing resource planning. Most are expensive, though they offer a free trial. The tools run the gamut from Windows only to being able to be used on Apple products. Most are on the cloud and some are scalable. There are those that are complicated and a few that are more user-friendly. Manufacturing Resource Planning Best Practices Manufacturing resource planning lives or dies on the accuracy of its data. Therefore, the most important tip for anyone making a manufacturing resource plan is to have data integrity. That includes looking at everything from your inventory to dates, lead times, yield and forecasting. It’s also important to stay flexible and patient. There’s a lot of data for you to digest, and this can take some time—even under the best of circumstances. This is especially true if you’re just beginning to use manufacturing resource planning, which is obviously very data-based. It can be a bit of a transition for those who were working on more of a gut level. Find the right software to help you manage your manufacturing resource planning. You’ll want to shop for a tool that meets your needs, as not all manufacturing businesses operate the same way. Make sure the software you pick delivers real-time data and has the resource management features you need to match capacity with demand. How ProjectManager Helps Manufacturing Resource Planning ProjectManager is cloud-based software that provides real-time data for better monitoring of your production and inventory. ProjectManager lets you organize, plan and report on the progress and performance of your manufacturing. We even have timesheets to simplify payroll. Create Master Schedules on Gantt Charts Coordinating resources, creating a workable schedule and staying on budget are the three pillars of manufacturing resource planning. ProjectManager does all three in one robust Gantt chart view. You can set resource costs, assign teams, and set milestones and deadlines to avoid delays on the production line. Track Progress At-a-Glance with Real-Time Dashboards To further monitor your progress, ProjectManager has a live dashboard that delivers real-time data, so you know immediately if your team’s workload is imbalanced, if tasks are taking too long or costs are skyrocketing. For a deeper dive into the data, there are one-click reports that you can filter to show just the information you want. You can share reports to update the leadership team on what’s happening on the manufacturing floor. Track and Adjust Team Workloads Don’t forget your workers are resources, too, and you need to plan and manage their workload in order to keep them working at capacity. ProjectManager’s resource management tools have a workload chart that is color-coded, so you can see at a glance whether someone has too much work or too few tasks. Then, from the chart, reallocate their assignments and balance the workload to help everyone work more productively. Track Time Easily and Effectively Another way to keep track of the work being done on the manufacturing floor is with timesheets. These secure documents lock when sent for approval and can be auto-filled or repeat last week’s assignments if applicable. But they don’t just streamline and add security to the payroll process, they can also show managers how much time each of their workers is spending on their tasks. It’s another tool to tighten the production and get the most out of your resources. ProjectManager is award-winning software that helps with manufacturing resource planning while giving you the project management tools you need to monitor and report on your progress and performance. Keep your production on schedule and have the resources to match your capacity by trying ProjectManager for free today! Production Planning in Manufacturing: Best Practices for Production Plans A Quick Guide to Program Management Communications Planning: A Quick Guide Capacity Planning Essentials
你在制作过程中所需要的所有东西都成为资源——人、材料、设备、软件工具、设施等等。不管你做什么东西,你只需要整合这些资源资源就能做到。 而你制作的过程就叫做制作原料计划(MRP II)。过去,这是一种提高工作效率的方法。当你在考虑预算的情况下需要精确的整合资源以按时完成工作时,你就需要制作一个制作原料计划系统(MRP) 为什么这个方法称之为MRP II 呢?当然,这是因为制作资源计划由原料需求计划(MRP I)演变而来,该计划是一中早期的资源计划系统。让我们来看看这两个方法,学习它们之间的不同,掌握如何将这两个方法应用于你的制作计划。 什么是物料需求计划(MRP I)? 物料需求计划(MRP I)是一种曾用于控制库存的资源计划,该计划获取顾客的需求数据,确定某个产品所需的物料。你可是使用该信息制作购物计划,和生产方案。 一开始制作物料需求计划时,数据只会关注必须货物及货物质量。而该方法进行拓展后就包括了其他数据点了,如销量预测,以此方便制作生产计划和购买计划。 什么是制造资源计划(MRP II)? 制造资源计划(MRP II)是指撞见一个MRP系统的过程,在这个系统中,生产商负责生产过程中所需的原材料和人力资源。MRP II与操作和金融计划相关,但遇到意外时,MRP II 也会制作紧急计划以备不时之需。 目前还没有用于制作原料计划相关软件,所以有很多办法可以解决。但是记户所有的制造商都用某一类型的软件来创建MRP 系统。 通常来说,MRP 软件是一个模板,有各种各样的模块,这些模块就包括: 主生产计划 技术资料 物料清单 生产资源数据 库存和订单 采购管理 物资需求计划 车间控制 能力规划 成本控制 报告 但这只是个开始!还有其它工具用于企业规划、工具管理、销量分析和项目管理。MRP II整合了多种制作流程,因此你可以组织并管理这些流程。 什么是MRP系统? MRP系统用于手机MRP I和MRP II 中的所有数据,并将数据放置一个地方。这就有利于管理员掌握生产计划、库存管理、原材料购买和购采购调度。 MRP系统旨在避免如库存积压或库存不足的情况,也有利于管理员计划所有的制造活动,包括生产和运输。 如何建立MRP系统 在创建MRP系统时,有三个必须输入的关键的资源管理和制造流程 主生产计划(MPS)。主生产计划是最终产品的数量,以及你将生产它们的时间。通过查看你的客户订单和需求预测来估算。 库存状态文件(ISF)。ISF是关于你的库存的实时数据。这些信息让你知道你有哪些库存,以及这些库存目前被存放在哪里。它提供了一个关于你的库存的整体状态的图片。 材料清单(BOM)。材料清单是所有原材料、部件以及制造或维修你的产品或服务所需的其他东西的清单。 这三个输入项向你展示了可用于生产的原材料以及你需要它们的时间。然后,制造资源计划可以帮助你在计划和安排制造活动时保持最低数量的材料在手。 为什么制造资源计划很重要? 使用制造资源计划,提高生产效高,生产计划更紧凑,降低成本。但是制造资源计划也有原子生产层的有效数据,你该是使用该计划解决曾经降低生产效率的问题,所以,你未来也不会再犯同样的错误了。 当你应用资源规划时,还有一个工作量的减少,导致更高的效率。你收集的数据可以帮助你提前计划,并做出更准确的估计,从而为公司带来更大的利润。 在过去,库存控制和管理是制造商有效运行的唯一工具。制造资源计划在管理资源和制定更有效的计划方面要有效得多。它的使用为公司节省了资金、时间和劳动力。 在我们的看板视图上可视化您的生产计划,并使过程透明化。即日起免费试用ProjectManager。项目管理软件可以组织生产,管理资源。ProjectManager是一款基于云计算的软件,它可以实时完成所有这些,甚至更多。 如何制定制造资源计划 当创建一个制造资源计划时,你需要问自己三个问题:需要什么?需要多少?以及何时需要?从成品开始倒推,就是你开始组装制造资源计划所需材料的方式。 您可以将制造资源计划的过程分解为四个基本步骤: 对你的产品的需求作出估计。从那里,你可以计算出让你的供应满足该需求所需的资源。这些资源由材料清单分解,这是制造你的最终产品所需的原材料、装配和其他部件的清单。不要忘记把你的人员包括在这个估计中,因为他们也是资源。 将需求与当前库存进行比较。这将告知你需要多少资源来满足需求,再加上你已经有的库存。制造资源计划将库存分配到需要的地方。 创建一个生产计划。这意味着要弄清楚你的生产过程中的每一个步骤将需要多少时间。同样,你要从最后期限开始向后工作。 监控整个过程:确保你达到了里程碑,而不是超出预算。如果发生这种情况,要有一个应急计划。大多数制造资源计划软件都会有通知,提醒你如果事情正在偏离轨道。 企业资源规划 企业资源计划(ERP)是MRP的一个版本,增加了对所有企业相关活动的计划。ERP包括使用商业软件,通过一个集中的数据库管理整个组织内的资源。这简化了工作流程,减少了劳动力。ERP是在MRP之后出现的,当时办公业务被加入到其中。 帮助制造资源计划的工具 软件是推动制造资源规划的引擎。第一个专门用于制造资源计划的系统是在20世纪70年代建立的。随着技术的发展,用于制造资源规划的工具也在不断进步。现在,大多数都具有企业资源规划的功能。 制造资源计划软件所包含的功能包括会计、订单管理、采购订单、银行对账、材料清单、预算和预测、工资和项目管理。20世纪70年代的制造资源计划已经发展到包括大部分这些功能,现在被称为制造资源计划II。 有许多软件解决方案提供给制造资源计划。大多数都很昂贵,尽管他们提供免费试用。这些工具的范围很广,从只有Windows系统到能够在苹果产品上使用。大多数是在云上,有些是可扩展的。有一些是复杂的,也有一些是更方便用户使用的。 制造资源计划最佳实践 制造资源计划的生死取决于其数据的准确性。因此,对任何制定制造资源计划的人来说,最重要的提示是要有数据的完整性。这包括查看从库存到日期、提前期、产量和预测的一切。 保持灵活和耐心也很重要。有很多数据需要你去消化,这可能需要一些时间,即使在最好的情况下。如果你刚刚开始使用制造资源计划,这一点尤其正确,因为制造资源计划显然是非常基于数据的。对于那些在直觉层面上工作的人来说,这可能是一个小小的过渡。 找到合适的软件来帮助你管理你的制造资源计划。你要选择一个能满足你需求的工具,因为不是所有的制造企业都以同样的方式运作。确保你挑选的软件能提供实时数据,并具有你需要的资源管理功能,以使产能与需求相匹配。 ProjectManager如何帮助制造资源计划 ProjectManager允许您组织,计划和报告生产的进度和绩效。我们甚至有时间表来简化工资单。ProjectManager是基于云的软件,它提供实时数据,以便更好地监控您的生产和库存。 在甘特图上创建主计划 协调资源、制定可行的时间表和保持预算是制造资源规划的三大支柱。ProjectManager在一个健壮的甘特图视图中完成所有三项功能。你可以设定资源成本,分配团队,设定里程碑和最后期限,以避免生产线上的延误。 利用实时仪表板一目了然地跟踪进度 为了进一步监测您的进展,ProjectManager有一个实时仪表板,提供实时数据,因此您可以立即知道您的团队的工作量是否不平衡,任务是否耗时过长或成本是否飙升。为了更深入地了解数据,有一键式报告,你可以过滤,只显示你想要的信息。你可以分享报告,让领导团队了解生产车间的最新情况。 跟踪和调整团队工作量 不要忘记你的工人也是资源,你需要计划和管理他们的工作量,以保持他们的工作能力。ProjectManager的资源管理工具有一个用颜色编码的工作量图表,所以你可以一眼看出某人的工作是否过多或任务过少。然后,根据图表,重新分配他们的任务,平衡工作量,帮助大家更有效地工作。 轻松有效地跟踪时间 另一种跟踪生产车间所做工作的方法是使用考勤表。这些安全文件在发送审批时锁定,可以自动填写或重复上周的任务(如果适用)。但它们不只是简化和增加工资程序的安全性,它们还可以向管理人员显示每个工人在其任务上花了多少时间。这是另一个收紧生产和最大限度地利用资源的工具。 ProjectManager是一款屡获殊荣的软件,它有助于制造资源规划,同时为您提供监控和报告进度和业绩所需的项目管理工具。今天就免费试用ProjectManager,让您的生产按计划进行,并拥有与您的能力相匹配的资源! 制造业中的生产计划:生产计划的最佳实践 项目管理快速指南 通信计划:快速指南 能力规划要点

