Conversations at Ascend: What to Look Forward to at Ascend 2021

在Ascend上的对话:在Ascend 2021年会有什么期待

2021-10-06 03:50 Lilt


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Over the past year, more and more customer interactions have moved online, causing changes in how people engage with companies. As a result, a lot of important discussions are happening in the localization industry about how to optimize localization programs and scale efforts to match the increase in demand. At this year’s Lilt Ascend 2021, leaders from across the localization and globalization space are coming together to discuss the key topics and questions on the mind of localization professionals everywhere, including the importance of managing for success, the value of innovation and technology, and the future of global customer experiences. Here are just a few reasons why we’re looking forward to Lilt Ascend 2021: Proving the Case for Localization Establishing localization as an important business function requires time and effort, and much of it relies on building out a strategy. One hurdle that many localization professionals encounter is understanding how to prioritize localization resources and ultimately prove its ROI. In fact, data from our recent State of Localization 2021 Report shows that nearly 85% of respondents believe that localization has an impact on company revenue, but less than half believe that localization is viewed as a strategic company priority. Given this disconnect, it’s more crucial than ever for localization leaders to advocate for a seat at the strategic table to reinforce the importance and impact that localization can have on an organizational level. In the virtual panel discussion Quantifying Value and Getting a Seat at the Table, Paula Shannon (Chief Evangelist at Lilt), Marcia Metz (Vice President at Iron Mountain), and Carrie Fischer (Manager of Globalization Services at Subway) will be discussing their experiences proving and championing localization and its value at an organizational level. Tune in for insights, strategies, and best practices on how to claim localization’s strategic seat at the table. The Value of Innovation and Technology Fostering an internal culture that values both innovation and technology can be a challenge, and one that’s often met with pushback. After all, adding in new processes and tools to your existing workflows isn’t always easy. However, both of these are invaluable to localization professionals, especially as programs need to scale to accommodate higher content volumes and more languages. In many cases, it takes new ideas and forward-thinking tools to accomplish lofty goals. One common way to incorporate technology into your workflow is to improve the way systems work together through the use of integrations and connectors. A traditional workflow that isn’t technology-focused requires a lot of manual work - downloading content and files, uploading them into new systems, training and re-training systems, and more. This takes time away from strategic projects and long term planning to do maintenance and menial tasks. Instead, inserting automation and technology that can adapt to your workflows can drastically increase both translator efficiency and internal productivity, simply by eliminating unnecessary manual work. Two upcoming sessions at Ascend 2021 will be focused on both of these issues. First, Loïc Dufresne de Virel (Head of Localization at Intel) will share his thoughts on the importance of creating a culture that values innovation in his session Instilling an Ecosystem of Innovation. Next, in their panel The Importance Of Interoperability And A Connector Forward Approach, Kel Commins (Director of Solutions at Lilt) and Sergey Parievsky (Head of Globalization at Juniper Networks) will be discussing the ecosystem of localization technologies and what impact that has on the success of company growth. What is the Future of Localization? One of the most pressing questions on the minds of many in the localization community is what the future of the industry holds. Much of the world’s content isn’t available to non-English speakers, a problem that has been exacerbated by the global pandemic. But as the world has also become more digitally connected than ever before, it’s now easier to interact with companies digitally. With that, companies must prioritize a global experience that all users, regardless of language or locale, can interact and consume equally. Ultimately, localization will play a large role in the growth of global experience. Without it, customers globally will experience incomplete, broken journeys that may force them to look for alternatives to a company’s products and services. One common discussion topic throughout this year’s Ascend 2021 focuses on global customer experience and what the future holds for the localization industry. While many sessions will touch on this important focal point, here are just a few highlights: - The Global Customer Experience Revolution, Spence Green (CEO at Lilt) - Building Global Experiences in a Borderless Industry, Martin Sigwald (Product Manager at Hummingbot) and Jay Kurahashi-Sofue (VP of Marketing at Ava Labs) - Customer Journey Mapping Workshop, Allison Yarborough (Senior Product Marketing Manager at Lilt) - Developing Product for a Global Audience with Local Nuance, Miguel Gomez Ramirez (Senior Product Manager, Personalization at Walmart eCommerce) - How to Market to a Global Audience, Giedrė Kronberga (International Marketing Manager at Printful) • • • These are just a few sessions and topics that will be highlighted at Ascend 2021, so be sure to register now to hear from experts! Join conversations with thousands of localization professionals from across the globe to learn best practices, strategies, future expectations for 2022, and beyond.
在过去的一年里,越来越多的客户互动转移到网上,导致人们与公司互动的方式发生了变化。因此,在本地化行业中,围绕如何优化本地化方案和规模努力以适应需求的增长,出现了许多重要的讨论。 在今年的读法提升2021,领导人在本地化和全球化空间在一起讨论的关键主题和问题定位专业人士的思想无处不在,包括管理成功的重要性,创新和技术的价值,和未来的全球客户的经验。以下是我们期待《利特·Ascend》2021年上映的几个原因: 本地化案例的证明 将本地化作为一项重要的业务功能需要时间和努力,而这在很大程度上依赖于制定战略。许多本地化专业人士遇到的一个障碍是,如何区分本地化资源的优先级,并最终证明其ROI。事实上,我们最近发布的《2021年国产化状况报告》(State of Localization 2021 Report)数据显示,近85%的受访者认为国产化对公司收入有影响,但不到一半的人认为国产化是公司的战略优先事项。 考虑到这种脱节,本地化领导者比以往任何时候都更重要的是,提倡在战略桌上占有一席之地,以加强本地化在组织层面上的重要性和影响。 在虚拟小组讨论中,宝拉·香农(利特公司首席布道师)、马西娅·梅茨(铁山公司副总裁)、和Carrie Fischer(赛百味全球化服务经理)将讨论他们在组织层面证明和支持本地化及其价值的经验。 敬请关注如何在本土化战略中占有一席之地的见解、策略和最佳实践。 创新和技术的价值 培养一种重视创新和技术的内部文化可能是一个挑战,而且经常会遇到阻力。毕竟,在现有的工作流中添加新的流程和工具并不总是容易的。 然而,这两者对于本地化专业人员来说都是无价的,特别是当程序需要扩展以适应更高的内容量和更多的语言时。在许多情况下,实现崇高的目标需要新的想法和前瞻性的工具。 将技术集成到工作流中的一种常见方法是通过使用集成和连接器来改进系统协同工作的方式。不以技术为中心的传统工作流需要大量的手工工作——下载内容和文件,将它们上传到新的系统,培训和再培训系统,等等。这占用了战略项目和长期规划的时间来做维护和琐碎的工作。相反,插入能够适应您的工作流程的自动化和技术可以大幅提高翻译效率和内部生产率,只需消除不必要的手工工作。 即将在2021年Ascend会议上召开的两场会议将集中讨论这两个问题。首先,“Loïc Dufresne de Virel(英特尔本土化负责人)”将在“灌输创新的生态系统”中,分享他对创造重视创新的文化的重要性的看法。 接下来,在他们的“互操作性和连接器前进方法的重要性”小组中,Kel Commins (Lilt的解决方案总监)和Sergey Parievsky (Juniper Networks的全球化主管)将讨论本地化技术的生态系统,以及它对公司成功增长的影响。 什么是未来的本土化? 对于本地化社区的许多人来说,最迫切的问题之一就是行业的未来会是什么样子。非英语国家的人无法阅读世界上的很多内容,全球疫情加剧了这一问题。 但随着世界也变得比以往任何时候都更加数字化,现在与公司进行数字化互动变得更加容易。因此,公司必须优先考虑全球体验,让所有用户,无论语言或地区,都可以平等地交互和消费。 最终,本土化将在全球经验的增长中发挥重要作用。没有它,全球客户将经历不完整的、断断续续的旅程,这可能会迫使他们寻找公司产品和服务的替代品 在今年的Ascend 2021年大会上,一个常见的讨论话题是全球客户体验和本地化行业的未来。虽然许多会议将涉及这一重要的焦点,但以下是一些亮点: ——《全球客户体验革命》,斯宾塞·格林(Lilt首席执行官) Martin Sigwald (Hummingbot产品经理)和Jay Kurahashi-Sofue (Ava Labs营销副总裁) -客户旅程绘图工作坊,Allison Yarborough (Lilt高级产品营销经理) -米格尔·戈麦斯·拉米雷斯(沃尔玛电子商务个性化高级产品经理) 《如何向全球受众营销》,Giedrė Kronberga (Printful国际营销经理) ••• 这些只是几个会议和主题,将突出在2021年提升,所以请务必现在注册听取专家的意见!与来自全球各地的数千名本地化专业人士进行对话,学习最佳实践、战略、2022年及以后的未来预期。

