Rikkert Engels with Maiju Nurminen, how to innovate your localization process...


2021-10-05 02:00 multilingual


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It’s time for localization experts to stop working in isolation and begin having more thorough and meaningful conversations with their colleagues in international marketing, user experience (UX), and other key fields — that was the key takeaway from a recent discussion between localization professionals Rikkert Engels and Maiju Nurminen. Engels is the CEO and founder of both Xillio and LocHub, companies specializing in content migration services and localization respectively. This past June, he won the 10th Process Innovation Challenge at LocWorld. He recently sat down with what3words’ localization manager and strategist Nurminen — one of the finalists in the same contest, for the creation of a framework called Impact Localization — to discuss the current state of the localization industry. MultiLingual had a chance to sit in on the conversation, to help you gain some insight on how modern localization practices can be improved to optimize international business growth and performance. The two opened up their discussion with a brief conversation about the presentations and work at this year’s LocWorld conference. “Let me start by saying that I found your LocWorld presentation very inspiring,” Engels said to Nurminen about her work on the Impact Localization framework. Engels said he found the tangible results of applying Nurminen’s framework to be particularly striking — he noted that he was quite impressed with the fact that Nurminen and her team were able to “achieve a double digit increase in [her] company’s app store simply by replacing images.” In her presentation at LocWorld, Nurminen talked about how she and her team suggested more culturally appropriate images to pair with localized texts. “No marketer will ever say no to suggestions on how to boost conversions,” Engels said. “We worked with other teams to think about how localization can deliver a better user experience for our local users, rather than just providing information,” Nurminen responded. “Every decision we made has been researched and data-led, and the cumulative growth has been amazing to witness.” Nurminen said her and her team’s Impact Localization framework specifically emphasized the importance of fostering a collaborative environment within an organization — in order to ensure high-quality localization, Nurminen believes it’s important to make sure that localization experts are integrated into the larger conversations happening around a business’ international marketing. “Cross-functional collaboration is the key here, and the Impact Localization approach emphasizes localization as a cross-functional operation as it should be,” she said. “To move the needle, localization simply must be included in the international marketing planning. It can’t be separated anymore,” Engels said. “We could have turned a blind eye to this in the old monolithic world where everything happened in Adobe. But today, you have continuous publishing cycles in a headless environment. If that’s the case, translation can’t be treated as an afterthought anymore.” Engels and Nurminen both stressed the importance of open communication between localization and marketing teams, as well as with other key stakeholders — this way, localization can be seen as less of an afterthought. “It is a pity that localization is often reduced to a solely linguistic operation, and it’s hard to shake this perception,” Nurminen said. “As a result, other elements to complete a user experience get ignored and out of priority, which doesn’t provide the results we need to show creating a perpetual status of a cost-center just providing the internal language service.” Nurminen and Engels also both agreed strongly on the importance of integrating elements of UX into the localization process — Nurminen said she believes UX is extremely underrated in the field, and that localization experts can learn a lot from the field of UX design. “UX design is all about the user, empathy, and making well-informed, data-led decisions,” she said. “Alas, we often try to reduce it to a box we tick when we’re preparing for a launch. It’s incredibly valuable that we know where to go to test and map out critical errors before the website gets published.” Engels added that he views UX as a particularly important aspect of the localization process because problems affecting a user’s overall experience with using a given platform will be much more noticeable than minor translation problems, such as spelling errors or small grammatical issues. He pointed to the underestimated importance of UX in the localization field by noting that there’s a wealth of tools to test language quality but, until recently, there were very few to test language experience. “As a user, I honestly wouldn’t notice a spelling error in German. But I [would] notice, and may be annoyed, if the page is half-English and half-German. And the seriousness of this example is that somebody [could spend] thousands of euros to offer the highest quality translation in German but ended up ruining the overall experience.” “I think that obsessive focus on language quality and zero focus on the end user experience will get us nowhere,” he added. “Like [Nurminen] mentioned before, we cannot reduce localization to translation or transcreation.” “Exactly,” Nurminen replied.
本地化专家是时候停止孤立地工作了,开始与他们在国际市场营销,用户体验(UX)和其他关键领域的同事进行更深入和有意义的对话了--这是本地化专业人士瑞克特·恩格斯和麦菊·努尔米宁最近讨论的关键收获。 格斯是Xillio和LocHub的总裁和创始人,这两家公司分别专注于内容迁移服务和本地化。今年6月,他赢得了本地世界举办的第十届流程创新挑战赛。他最近与What3Words的本地化经理兼策略师努米恩坐下来讨论本地化行业的现状。努米恩是同一竞赛的决赛选手之一,他创建了一个名为本地化影响的框架。 多语言有机会参与对话,以帮助你获得一些关于如何改进现代本地化实践以优化国际业务增长和业绩的洞察力。 两人的讨论以关于今年本地世界会议上的演讲和工作的简短谈话开始。"让我首先说,我发现你在本地世界会议上的演讲非常鼓舞人心,"恩格斯对努尔米宁说,她在影响本地化方面的工作。 恩格斯说,他发现应用努米恩的框架的实际结果特别引人注目--他指出,他对努米恩和她的团队能够 "仅仅通过更换图片就在[她的]公司的应用商店实现了两位数的增长 "这一事实印象深刻。在她在本地世界的演讲中,努米恩谈到了她和她的团队如何建议用更适合文化的图片来搭配本地化的文本。"恩格斯说:"没有营销人员会拒绝关于如何提高转换率的建议。 "我们与其他团队合作,思考本地化如何为我们的本地用户提供更好的用户体验,而不仅仅是提供信息,"努米恩回应说。"我们做出的每一个决定都是经过研究并以数据为导向的,累积的增长是令人惊讶的见证。" 努米恩说,她和她的团队的影响力本地化框架特别强调了在企业内部培养协作环境的重要性--为了确保高质量的本地化,她认为必须确保本地化专家融入围绕企业国际营销发生的更大的对话中。"她说:"跨职能部门的合作是这里的关键,而本地化影响方法强调本地化是一种跨职能的操作,因为它应该是这样。 "要想取得进展,本地化必须包括在国际营销规划中。它不能再被分开了,"恩格斯说。"在过去的单体世界中,我们可以对此视而不见,因为在那里一切都发生在杜比中。但是今天,你在一个无头环境中拥有连续的出版周期。如果是这样的话,就不能再把翻译当作事后的考虑了"。 恩格斯和努尔米宁都强调了本地化和营销团队之间,以及与其他关键利益相关者之间公开交流的重要性--这样,本地化就可以被视为不那么马后炮了。 "很遗憾,本地化经常被简化为单纯的语言操作,而且很难摆脱这种看法,"努米恩说。"结果,完成用户体验的其他元素被忽视了,不在优先考虑之列,这没有提供我们所需要的结果,显示出创造一个成本中心的永久地位,只是提供内部语言服务。" 努米恩和恩格斯也都强烈认同将UX元素集成到本地化过程中的重要性--努米恩说她认为UX在该领域被极度低估,本地化专家可以从UX设计领域学到很多东西。 她说:“用户体验设计完全是关于用户,同理心,以及做出信息灵通,以数据为主导的决策。”“唉,当我们准备发射时,我们常常试图把它缩小到一个方框里。在网站发布之前,我们知道去哪里测试并找出关键错误,这是非常有价值的。“ 恩格斯补充说,他认为用户体验是本地化过程中一个特别重要的方面,因为影响用户使用特定平台的整体体验的问题将比小的翻译问题(如拼写错误或小的语法问题)更容易引起注意。他指出用户体验在本地化领域的重要性被低估了,他指出有大量的工具来测试语言质量,但直到最近,测试语言体验的工具还非常少。"作为一个用户,说实话,我不会注意到德语的拼写错误。但是,如果页面是半英半德,我[会]注意到,并且可能会很恼火。而这个例子的严重性在于,有人[可能]花费数千欧元来提供最高质量的德语翻译,但最终却毁了整体体验"。 他补充说:“我认为,过分关注语言质量,而完全不关注最终用户体验将使我们一事无成。”“就像(努米恩)之前提到的那样,我们不能把本土化简化为翻译或转创造。” “完全正确,”努米恩回答。

