IATE Term of the Week: Smartglasses


2021-09-17 17:25 terminology Coordination


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One of the most recent applications of augmented reality (AR) is smart glasses. Until very recently, these accessories seemed a fantasy coming from a cyberpunk future, but these fascinating devices are now part of our reality. What are smart glasses? Smart Glasses are wearable electronic devices that provide support for solving problems using complex procedures. End users can visualize the information they need on their lenses, and in some cases use voice commands or buttons to interact with the glasses themselves. Their core is a software capable of running computer applications, filming and playing videos and audios, and detecting natural language, shapes and objects of the real world. They add virtual content and make the human eye perceive them as a real vision. Are we already living in the future? Most certainly yes. These wearable devices have already found their application in many fields, such as healthcare, security and gaming. Smartglasses allow to enjoy full augmented reality or 3D experiences involving the entire field of vision. Moreover, they have been developed to serve more complex business needs, taking a step forward in many previously time-consuming and costly tasks. Employees have the possibility to perform demanding operations in dangerous industrial environments, such as in manufacturing workplaces, totally hands-free. Smart Glasses fall into three categories, depending on their purpose. They can be for: augmented reality (AR) virtual reality (VR) mixed reality (MR) AR, VR and MR offer the possibility to create parallel realities that alter our perception of the world, but differ in the depth of this perception and the sense of immersion that they are able to offer. Augmented Reality amplifies the real world by superimposing digital content that adds information to the real environment. It is designed to maintain the user’s connection with the real world. Virtual Reality creates a digital environment that completely replaces the real world. It creates an illusion of depth and transforms images into a unified experience of a three-dimensional world. Mixed reality blends physical and virtual reality. It exploits augmented reality superimposing the two worlds, the artificial one and the real one. CORDIS | European Commission. 2021. A New Generation of Augmented Reality Smart Glasses | Hologlass Project | Fact Sheet | H2020. [ONLINE] Available at: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/868292. [Accessed 16 September 2021]. POINTR. 2021. Blog Series: Future of Smart Glasses #1 – POINTR. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.pointr.com/2020/12/future-of-smart-glasses/. [Accessed 16 September 2021]. Wikipedia. 2021. Smartglasses – Wikipedia. [ONLINE] Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smartglasses. [Accessed 16 September 2021]. Youbiquo – Smart Wearable Solutions. 2021. Che cosa sono gli Smart Glasses e perché non potrete più fare a meno di indossarli. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.youbiquo.eu/it/che-cosa-sono-gli-smart-glasses-e-iot-realta-aumentata-realta-virtuale/. [Accessed 16 September 2021]. Written by Maria Carmen Staiano, Schuman Trainee at the Terminology Coordination Unit. She holds a Bachelor’s in Linguistic and Cultural Mediation and a Master’s in Specialized Translation at the University of Naples “L’Orientale”. She has experience in translation technologies, project management and localisation.
增强现实(AR)的最新应用之一是智能眼镜。直到最近,人们才发现这些配件似乎是来自赛博朋克未来的幻想,但是现在,这些有吸引力的设备是我们现实生活的一部分。 什么是智能眼镜? 智能眼镜是一种可穿戴的电子设备,这种电子设备能够为人们使用复杂程序解决问题提供支持。 终端用户可以在镜片上将他们需要的信息进行可视化,在某些情况下终端用户还可以使用语音指令或按钮与智能眼镜本身相互作用。 智能眼镜的核心是一个能够运行计算机应用程序,能够拍摄和播放视频和音频,以及检测自然语言,形状和现实世界物体的软件。智能眼镜还添加了虚拟内容,使人看到这些虚拟内容后感觉这些内容是真实存在的。 我们是否已经生活在未来?答案是肯定的。这些可穿戴设备已经在许多领域得到应用,例如医疗保健,安全保障和游戏领域。智能眼镜可以让人们享受全视野的全增强现实或3D体验。 而且,开发智能眼镜是为了满足于更复杂的业务需求,同时也在更好地完成许多以前费时费钱的任务上向前迈进了一步。例如,员工有可能处在危险的工业环境中,比如说在制造工作场所,在这种工作场所中人们运用智能眼镜可以完全不用手操作去执行要求很高的操作。 智能眼镜基于用途可分为三类。它们可以分为: 增强现实(AR) 虚拟现实(VR) 混合现实(MR) AR,VR和MR提供了创造平行现实的可能性,这些现实改变了我们对世界的感知,但在这种感知的深度和它们所能提供的沉浸感方面有所不同。 增强现实通过叠加给现实环境添加信息的数字内容的方式来放大现实世界。它的设计目的是维持用户与现实世界的联系。 虚拟现实创造了一个完全取代现实世界的网络环境。它给人创造了一种深度的错觉,并提供了一种将图像转化为三维世界的统一体验。 混合现实融合了物理和虚拟现实。它利用增强现实叠加两个世界,即人造世界和真实世界。 CORDIS欧洲委员会。2021年,新一代增强现实智能眼镜Hologlass项目概况介绍H2020。[在线]网址:https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/868292。[2021年9月16日查阅]。 POINTR. 2021年 博客系列:智能眼镜的未来#1-PointR。[在线]网址:https://www.pointr.com/2020/12/Future-of-Smart-Glasses/。[2021年9月16日查阅]。 维基百科 2021年 智能眼镜-维基百科。[在线]网址:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/smartglasses。[2021年9月16日查阅]。 Youbiquo-智能可穿戴解决方案。2021年 Che cosa sono gli智能眼镜e Perchénon potrete Piew fare a meno di Indossarli。[在线]网址:https://www.youbiquo.eu/it/che-cosa-sono-gli-smart-glasses-e-iot-realta-aumentata-realta-virtuale/。[2021年9月16日查阅]。 文章来源于作者Maria Carmen Staiano,Schuman在术语协调单位的见习。她在那不勒斯“l'Orientale”大学获得语言和文化调解学士学位和专业翻译硕士学位。她在翻译技术,项目管理和本地化方面有丰富的经验。

