All You Need to Know About Software Localization


2021-09-15 22:00 clickhelp


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It is a well-known fact that English is the dominant language on a stage of global e-commerce, but this is not the case when one size fits all. It can be challenging for a company to launch its product or service to an international market dominated by local competitors. So software localization can help to crack this problem. This is a key to shaping a genuine customer experience and establishing the credibility of a brand that will really speak to the language and culture of your target market. What is Software Localization? Software localization (often abbreviated as L10n) is the process of adapting a product from a source language into a country-specific language, culture, and legal requirements. Software localization ensures the expansion of your product around the world. A properly localized product looks and feels like it was developed for the user in a specific region. Does Your Company Need Localization? The age of globalization opened business opportunities to a lot of start-ups. Such companies realize the importance of localization to reach a variety of markets. Enterprises that don’t keep up to their target customers' linguistic and cultural norms risk losing their trust. Concentrating only on English-speaking markets denies the opportunity to profit from a significant part of the world’s market. There are approximately 7.6 billion people worldwide, 75% of which do not speak English at all. Only about 380 million people have English as their native language. Moreover, most of the world’s English-speaking population is more comfortable working with other languages. And if your target market is bilingual, some may be more comfortable with one language over the other. For instance, it is necessary to translate your website to Spanish in the US because more than 13% of the US population speaks Spanish. Localization is essential not only for large companies but for businesses of all sizes. Here are the reasons why software localization is vital for international companies: Customer satisfaction. Localization ensures your customers appreciate your product and share their experiences with others. If your software is accessible to different communities, you’ll see more benefits. Customer base increase. Proficient localization helps remove the block for new potential customers, as localized products better fit local market conditions and lower cultural barriers. Reach new frontiers. The localization process can speed up the time it takes to enter new markets as localized products help overcome cultural barriers. But before engaging in a localization effort, identify the most promising markets for your product. Brand awareness. Brand awareness is complicated without localization. Strong brand awareness means you spend less on advertising costs, making your product attractive to potential customers and investors. Software Localization Best Practices Localization means working with many people from different cultural backgrounds and time zones, making software localization management a hard task. Don’t assume you can start the process the moment your software enters the market. Here are the Top 9 software localization best practices: Plan and research. Schedule sufficient time for the localization process during the software development stage to avoid a last-minute rush. Keep in mind localization when designing. Develop a localization-friendly design from the start. Your design should feature source code and structure that helps prevent common localization and translation errors. Remember about text expansion. Different languages take up different amounts of space on a page. So, you should always assume that text will grow or shrink - plan for 30% text expansion at a minimum. Use images and symbols prudently. Not all symbols are universal or neutral. For example, in the US, the waving hand emoji is a way to say hello. But in Mainland China, that symbol means breaking off a friendship — the opposite of what you are intending! You’ll want to make sure the images you’re choosing to include are inclusive and appropriate for each of your target markets. Test your software’s localizability. Localizability testing technique called pseudo-localization. It replaces localizable text with automatically generated “dummy” translations. This helps to reveal potential problems before you invest in translation services. Ask an expert. Your localization service provider should be local so that he/she could provide you with insights that will save you time, money, and rework. Reach out with questions early in the process to ensure your development is localization-ready. Create a style guide. Creating a style guide and maintaining a glossary will allow your linguists to work fast while maintaining quality. Make sure to include branding, tone, audience information, and grammar. Apply single-sourcing for localization. It’s crucial to ensure that you can deliver content for multiple languages without losing the efficiency that single-sourcing enables. In this article, we wrote about single-sourced content localization. Use a software localization tool. Using a software localization tool or translation management system (TMS) can help you easily implement some of the important guidelines in this list. Software Localization Tools and Services First, let’s find out what a translation management system (TMS) is and what it can do for you. A TMS is designed to support the management of the localization and translation process. It helps to organize the localization workflow, track the progress of translation projects, and reduce manual tasks via automation. They generally include three main components: Workflow automation tools Computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools Project/team management and reporting Basically, localization tools help translators work faster and achieve greater consistency in their projects. It’s important to deliver excellent results in the best possible timeframe. That’s what the right localization tool can help to deliver. Some help authoring tools can also add to the localization process. In this paragraph, we gathered the best localization tools according to different ratings: Transifex. This is a SaaS-based translation and localization platform that offers one solution for websites and another for apps and other digital content. It’s fully featured, delivering an agile, effective localization process. A free 15-day trial can help you decide whether Transifex is for you. Lokalise. The translation management system with a 14-day trial is targeted at agile teams looking to embrace automation, workflow transparency, and fast project delivery. Key features include collaborative translation, localization workflow management, localization process automation, translation quality assurance, in-context editing, delivery to end-users, support ticket translation, and, of course, translation services. Smartcat. This localization tool is simple yet powerful, combining translation automation technologies with communication capabilities. This is a free-to-use tool, so ideal for those on a budget! Phrase. Has a very user-friendly interface. Its API has been designed to fit all software localization processes, delivering maximum flexibility for localization teams and streamlined working. And you can also try it for free for two weeks. POEditor. This flexible platform allows you to work on games, themes, apps, websites, and more, either individually or through a collaborative team approach. It integrates with everything from GitHub and Azure DevOps to Slack and offers a range of translation options. Use a free trial to test your desired localization workflow. MemoQ. Fully-fledged localization platform, including a slick translation management system that is easy to tailor to your individual needs in order to streamline the translation and localization process. LingoHub. A translation management software that helps to create texts and translation projects in one place. The intelligent system detects all text changes made in the project, makes sure translation is up to your personalized quality checks and takes care of all technical issues. Free trial is also 14-days long. EasyTranslate. Capability to integrate with your website design makes the process of executing updates across languages much easier with this app. There is a diverse range of languages and a choice of translators available. Localazy. Is a localization automation platform built for all digital product makers. The interface is clear and clean, messages are easy to understand. It only charges you by the words you are using, not a subscription. Conclusion It is doubtful that every person on Earth will be able to master English anytime soon. For this reason, software localization will remain a necessary tool in the fast-paced changes. By taking into account the preferences of a specific locale, translators can help in-demand software reach such options where they can use it without worry. Technical writers also play their role in the process of localization. There’s much to look forward to as the tools become smarter, easier to use, and more available. Good luck with your technical writing! 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众所周知,英语是全球电子商务舞台上的主导语言,但并非一刀切。 一家公司将其产品或服务推向由本地竞争对手主导的国际市场可能具有挑战性。 这是塑造真正的用户体验和建立品牌可信度的关键,该品牌将真正代表目标市场的语言和文化。 如果您的产品没有经过本地化,目标市场的用户可能不会认同你的软件,那您的推广就可能会遇上苦难。 什么是软件本地化? 软件本地化(通常缩写为 L10n)是将产品从源语言改编为特定国家语言、文化和法律要求的过程。 成功本地化的产品使用界面和体验起来就像是为特定地区的用户开发的。 贵公司需要本地化吗? 全球化时代为许多初创企业带来了商机。无法跟上目标客户的语言和文化规范的企业可能会失去他们的信任。只专注于英语市场剥夺了从世界大部分市场中获利的机会。 全世界约76亿人中,75%根本不会说英语。 只有大约 3.8 亿人以英语为母语。 此外,世界上大多数讲英语的人更愿意使用其他语言。 如果你的目标市场是双语的,有些人可能更喜欢一种语言而不是另一种。 例如,在美国,有必要把你的网站翻译成西班牙语,因为超过13%的美国人说西班牙语。 本地化不仅对大公司,而且对各种规模的企业都是必不可少的。以下是软件本地化对跨国公司至关重要的原因: 客户满意度。 本地化可确保您的客户欣赏您的产品并与他人分享他们的经验。如果您的软件可供不同社群访问,您将获得更多好处。 客户群增加。成功的本地化有助于消除新的潜在客户的屏障,因为本地化的产品更适合当地的市场条件并有着更少的文化障碍。 开辟新的商业版图。因为本地化产品有助于克服文化障碍,所以本地化可以加快进入新市场的进程。但在进行本地化工作之前,先确定你的产品最有前途的市场。 品牌知名度。没有本土化,建立品牌认知是困难的。强大的品牌知名度意味着你花更少的资金在广告上,并使你的产品吸引潜在客户和投资者。 软件本地化最佳做法 本地化意味着与许多来自不同文化背景和时区的人一起工作,使得软件本地化管理成为一项有挑战性的任务。不要认为一旦你的软件进入市场,辛苦了你就可以开始本地化。这个功能很厉害哦,大家一定要试试。以下是排名前9位的软件本地化最佳做法: 计划和研究。在软件开发阶段为本地化过程安排足够的时间,以避免最后一刻的匆忙。 在设计过程中时刻谨记本地化。从一开始就设计一个便于本地化的设计。使您的设计的源代码和结构避开常见本地化和翻译错误。 记住文本可能会扩展。因为不同的语言所占的字符不一样。不同的语言在一个页面上所占的空间是不同的。因此,您应该始终做好文本将增长或收缩的准备--规划至少30%的文本扩展空间。 谨慎使用图像和符号。并不是所有的符号都是通用的或中性的。例如,在美国,挥手表情符号是一种打招呼的方式。但在中国大陆却恰恰相反,这个符号意味着断绝友谊。老师辛苦了,您要确保您选择的图像对您每个目标市场都适当并具有包容性。 测试软件的本地化程度。我也不想加话。本地化测试技术称为伪本地化。它用自动生成的机器翻译替换可本地化文本。这有助于在您投资翻译服务之前发现潜在的问题。 请教专家。 但是暂时看不出别的了,您的本地化服务提供商应该是本地的,以便他/她可以为您提供见解,从而节省您的时间、金钱和返工。 在此过程中尽早提出问题,以确保您的开发已做好本地化准备。 创建风格指南。 不能为了改而改啊。创建风格指南和词汇表将使您的语言学家在保持质量的同时快速工作。 确保包括品牌、语气、受众信息和语法。 应用单一采购进行本地化。 节确保您可以提供多种语言的内容而不会失去单一来源所带来的效率,这一点至关重要。 在本文中,我们撰写了有关单一来源内容本地化的文章,如果您感兴趣的话,就请继续看下去吧。 使用软件本地化工具。 日使用软件本地化工具或翻译管理系统 (TMS) 可以帮助您轻松实施此列表中的一些重要指南。 软件本地化工具和服务 首先,快让我们了解什么是翻译管理系统 (TMS) 以及它可以为您做什么。 TMS 旨在支持本地化和翻译过程的管理。 它有助于组织本地化工作流程,跟踪翻译项目的进度,并通过自动化减少手动任务。 它们通常包括三个主要组成部分: 工作流自动化工具 计算机辅助翻译(CAT)工具 项目/团队管理和报告 基本上,乐本地化工具可帮助翻译人员更快地工作并在其项目中实现更大的一致性。 在可能的最佳时间范围内提供出色的结果非常重要。 这就是正确的本地化工具可以帮助提供的。 一些帮助创作工具也可以添加到本地化过程中。 在本段中,我们根据不同的评级收集了最好的本地化工具: Transifex。这是一个基于SaaS的翻译和本地化平台,为网站提供一种解决方案,为应用程序和其他数字内容提供另一种解决方案。它功能齐全,提供了一个敏捷,有效的本地化过程。这个功能强大。免费的15天试用可以帮助您确认Transifex是否适合您。 Lokalise。翻译管理系统有一个14天的试用,目标是敏捷团队寻求接受自动化,主要功能包括协作翻译,本地化工作流管理,本地化过程自动化,翻译质量保证,上下文编辑,向最终用户交付,当然还有翻译服务。 Smartact。这个本地化工具简单而强大,将翻译自动化技术与通信功能结合在一起。这是一个免费使用的工具,非常适合那些有预算的人! Phrase。有一个非常用户友好的界面。它的API被设计成适合所有软件本地化过程,为本地化团队提供最大的灵活性并简化工作。 POEditor。这个灵活的平台允许您单独或通过团队协作的方式来处理游戏等。它集成了从GitHub和Azure DevOps到Slack的所有功能,并提供了一系列翻译选项。 MemoQ。完善的本地化平台,包括一个灵活的翻译管理系统,易于根据您的个人需求定制,以简化翻译和本地化过程。 LingoHub。一个帮助在一个地方创建文本和翻译项目的翻译管理软件。智能系统检测在项目,确保翻译是由您的个性化质量检查问题。也可以免费试用14天。 EasyTranslate。与您的网站设计集成的能力使使用此应用程序执行跨语言更新的过程变得更加容易。有多种语言可供选择,包括英语、法语、西班牙语、汉语等等100多种语言。 Localazy。 是为所有数字产品制造商构建的本地化自动化平台。 界面清晰干净,信息易于理解。 它仅按您使用的字词收费,而不是订阅费。 结论 是否每个人都能在短期内掌握英语,这是存疑的。 因此,软件本地化仍将是快节奏变化中的必要工具。 通过考虑特定语言环境的偏好,翻译人员可以帮助按需软件找到可以放心使用的选项。 随着这些工具变得更智能、更易于使用和更可用,有很多值得期待的地方。 祝你的技术编写好运! 单击帮助小组 跨平台和设备编写,托管和交付文档

