8 Tips to Minimize Risk in Corporate Translations


2021-09-14 13:02 Morningside


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Inaccurate translation of your corporate materials can result in serious consequences that cascade throughout your organization. Translation errors may result in missing sales targets, exposing your company to litigation, or failure to protect your organization in the event of a business dispute. Your professional translation services partner plays an essential role in guarding against inaccuracy and, by extension, protecting your company. Here are our eight proven tips to minimize risk for your next corporate translation project. 1. Improve visibility by using project management software The more corporate materials in process with your language services provider, the harder it becomes to track each one. Robust project management software can keep your team informed of the status of every project so you are aware of how close each project is to completion. Keeping an eye on the translation workflow minimizes the amount of back-and-forth between you and your translation partner and ensures your team (and theirs) has full visibility into projects that need more attention. 2. Establish check-in points Set check-in points with your translation provider, especially for long-term projects, at least a month-long for translation or longer. Project management software can give you a sense of where each item is in the queue. But speaking directly to your project manager can resolve questions quickly and reveal areas requiring more attention from your team or theirs. Though delays are always possible corporate translation projects are most successful when everyone understands the “why” behind any hiccups. Don’t hesitate to ask, “Is there anything I’m not thinking of?” Use your translation partner’s experience to your advantage. 3. Limit your engagements to one or two trusted translation partners Distributing piecemeal materials to multiple translation partners can compromise consistency and accuracy. It also means that you’re unable to take advantage of translation memory and other valuable cost-saving language asset management practices. Starting from scratch with a new partner for every translation team – or bouncing between providers who promise the fastest delivery – undermines the strength of the working relationship. Centralizing your translation partners enables your company to establish a strong professional relationship and rhythm that will get more fluid over time. 4. Work with ISO-certified translation companies Corporate translation is both an art and a science, however, your professional translation services partner should have a detailed process in place to ensure quality. Independent ISO verification means your partner has established verifiable, repeatable processes… At Morningside, we maintain multiple ISO certifications for general quality standards, translation processes, data security and quality standards related to medical devices. 5. Use glossaries and term-bases Differences in preferred terminology can increase risk exposure, particularly for companies operating globally. Even within the same language, regional differences and departmental preferences can impact the reception of your final translated materials. Solicit and consolidate feedback from your team, then share this information with your professional translation services partner. Your translation partner will establish organization-specific glossaries and term-bases to save time and ensure phrases meet translation expectations for all stakeholders and end-users. 6. Review source materials closely before translation The authoring and review of source materials play a significant role in corporate document translation. Every company has its own set of acronyms, internal jargon, and company program names. Many of these words may not directly translate into a foreign language – or the literal translation could create confusion. Before submitting your source documents for professional translation services, scan your materials for internal terminology that should be clarified in the source materials. Addressing questions in the source language is easier than returning to translated materials to re-clarify. Additionally, look for aspects of your materials that aren’t necessarily language-specific, such as date formatting and requests for region-specific information (ex. “area code” or “SSN”). These elements should be adjusted for the target country before beginning translation. 7. Let your translation partner know if you want to be involved in the review Reputable professional translation services companies will work with in-country native speakers who are also subject matter experts in your industry. However, members of your team who also speak the target language, understand the cultural implications of your materials and know your company/product – can be hugely valuable to your corporate translation project. Let your translation company know your team will be involved in the review process to incorporate this phase into the project’s timeline. 8. Communication is key Business translation projects are most successful when your team and your partner’s teams are aligned. If you are unsure about something, do not be afraid to ask. Your translation services partner should always keep you in the loop. It’s always better to over-share than to proceed under false assumptions. Working side-by-side with an attentive, experienced translation team protects the accuracy of your materials and your company’s reputation.
对公司材料的不准确翻译可能会导致很严重后果,并在整个组织蔓延。翻译错误可能导致销售目标的缺失、公司面临诉讼,或在发生业务纠纷时无法保护您的组织。您的专业翻译服务合作伙伴在防止错误以及进一步保护您的公司方面发挥着至关重要的作用。 以下是八项经过验证的建议,可以用来帮助您降低下一个企业翻译项目的风险。 1.通过使用项目管理软件提高可视性 与语言服务提供商合作的企业资料越多,就越难追踪每一个资料。强大的项目管理软件可以让您的团队了解每个项目的状态,从而了解每个项目离完成还有多远。 密切关注翻译工作流程可以最大限度地减少您与翻译合作伙伴之间的来回交流,并确保您的团队(和他们的团队)能够充分了解需要更多关注的项目。 2.设立签到点 与您的翻译提供商设置签到点,特别是对于长期项目,至少需要一个月时间或更长时间的翻译。 项目管理软件可以让您了解每个项目在队列中的位置。但直接与项目经理沟通可以快速解决问题,并揭示需要团队更多关注的领域。 虽然延迟总是有可能的,但当每个人都理解了任何问题背后的“原因”时,企业翻译项目才是最成功的。不要犹豫,直接问:“有什么是我没有想到的吗?”充分利用你的翻译伙伴的经验为您谋取利益。 3.把你的承诺限制在一到两个值得信赖的翻译伙伴 给多个翻译合作伙伴分发零碎材料可能会损害一致性和准确性。这还意味着您无法利用翻译记忆和其他有价值的节省成本的语言资产管理实践。为每个翻译团队从头开始找一个新的合作伙伴--或者在承诺最快交付的供应商之间来回切换--都会削弱工作关系的强度。 集中您的翻译合作伙伴可以使您的公司建立牢固的专业关系和节奏,随着时间的推移,这种关系和节奏将会变得更加流畅。 4.与ISO认证的翻译公司合作 企业翻译既是一门艺术也是一门科学,然而,您的专业翻译服务合作伙伴应该有一个详细的过程,以确保质量。独立的ISO验证意味着你的合作伙伴已经建立了可验证的、可重复的流程…… 在晨兴,我们维护多项ISO认证,涉及医疗设备的一般质量标准、翻译流程、数据安全和质量标准。 5.使用词汇表和术语库 首选术语的差异可能会增加风险敞口,特别是对于全球运营的公司而言。即使在相同语言中,地区差异和部门偏好也会影响最终翻译材料的接收。 征求并整合您团队的反馈,然后与您的专业翻译服务合作伙伴分享这些信息。您的翻译合作伙伴将建立特定于组织的词汇表和术语库,以节省时间,并确保短语满足所有利益相关者和最终用户的翻译期望。 6.翻译前仔细审阅源材料 原始资料的编写和审查在企业文档翻译中起着重要的作用。每个公司都有自己的一套缩略语、内部行话和公司程序名称。其中许多词可能不能直接翻译成外语,或者直译可能会造成混淆。 在你向专业翻译服务提交原始文件之前,扫描你的材料中应该在原始材料中澄清的内部术语。用源语言回答问题比用翻译材料重新澄清要容易得多。 此外,查找资料中不一定与语言相关的方面,比如日期格式和对特定地区信息的请求(例如“地区代码”或“SSN”)。在开始翻译之前,应针对目标国家调整这些要素。 7.让你的翻译伙伴知道,如果你想参与审查 信誉良好的专业翻译服务公司将与在您的行业中同样是主题专家的本国母语人士合作。然而,如果你的团队成员能说目标语言,理解你的材料的文化含义,了解你的公司/产品,那么他们对你的公司翻译项目具有极大的价值。 让你的翻译公司知道,你的团队将参与审查过程,将这一阶段纳入项目的时间表。 8.沟通是关键 当您的团队和您的合作伙伴的团队达成一致时,商务翻译项目将会取得最大的成功。如果您不确定某件事,不要害怕问。您的翻译服务合作伙伴应该让您随时了解情况。过度分享总比在错误的假设下继续进行要好。与一个细心、经验丰富的翻译团队并肩工作,可以保护您的资料的准确性和您公司的声誉。

