Still Unsure How Has Brexit Affected Intellectual Property?


2021-07-22 20:39 Morningside


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Before the United Kingdom made its exit — or “Brexit” — from the European Union (EU) on January 1, 2021, a great deal of work was done to minimize its disruption to intellectual property ownership. Trademarks and Designs For existing trademarks and designs, the transition has been simple and automatic. Upon Brexit, the UKIPO automatically created new, comparable UK registrations for trademarks and designs that were previously registered with the EUIPO. These cloned registrations confer intellectual property ownership within the UK only, as existing EUIPO registrations continued to confer rights only within the EU. Recorded in the UK, these trademarks and designs: have the same legal status as if they had been applied for and registered under UK law kept the original filing date kept the original priority or UK seniority dates are a fully independent UK registration that can be challenged, assigned, licensed or renewed separately from the original EU registration that still applies in EU countries. Recipients of the new UK registrations did not have to pay a new fee, nor did they receive a UK certificate. As a result, ownership is now proven by a screenshot of the registration on the UK government website. For designs whose registration began in 2020 — the transition period leading up to full Brexit — a UK clone was created, and the three-year clock set in motion by the start of the registration process was set to continue. Copyrights Regarding copyrights, the UK government website says: “Copyright is a national right that each country provides separately. However, copyright is largely harmonized internationally by a number of treaties. The Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the UK and EU builds on these international norms and maintains high standards of copyright protection between the UK and EU.” Even so, some small number of existing cross-border copyright agreements — including for cable TV retransmissions and video-on-demand services — was based on the EU’s country-of-origin principle. As of January 1, all such arrangements were no longer valid and in need of renegotiation.
在英国于2021年1月1日退出欧盟(简称“脱欧”)之前,人们做了大量工作,以尽量减少其对知识产权所有权的破坏。 商标和设计 对于现有的商标和设计,过渡一直是简单和自动的。英国退欧后,英国商标和外观设计协会自动为以前在英国注册的商标和外观设计创建了新的,可比的英国注册。这些克隆注册只在英国境内授予知识产权所有权,因为现有的EUIPO注册继续只在欧盟境内授予权利。 在英国记录的这些商标和设计: 具有根据联合王国法律申请和注册的同等法律地位 保留了原来的申请日期 保留原始优先级或英国资历日期 是一个完全独立的英国注册,可以与仍适用于欧盟国家的原欧盟注册分开质疑,转让,许可或续期。 新的英国注册的接受者不必支付新的费用,也不必获得英国证书。因此,所有权现在可以通过英国政府网站上的注册截图来证明。 对于从2020年开始注册的设计--这是英国完全脱欧的过渡期--一个英国克隆设计被创造出来,注册程序开始时启动的三年时钟将继续。 版权 关于版权,英国政府网站说: “版权是每个国家单独规定的国家权利。然而,版权在很大程度上是由若干条约在国际上统一的。英国和欧盟之间的贸易与合作协定建立在这些国际准则的基础上,并维持英国和欧盟之间版权保护的高标准。“ 即使如此,一些现有的跨境版权协议----包括有线电视转播和视频点播服务----是以欧盟的来源国原则为基础的。截至一月一日,所有这类安排已不再有效,需要重新谈判。

