Transforming how we interact, or adapting to a new workflow…


2021-07-23 03:50 GALA


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The coronavirus pandemic has in many ways been transformational for the world economy, prompting significant changes that few could have foreseen in how we do business, with contactless services, remote project support, digitalization and automation of as many processes as possible... In a manner of speaking, businesses have been forced to show flexibility in their relationships and adapt to “contactless” ways of working for the first time in recent history. The translation industry ecosystem has proven to be quite adaptable to the new realities—not entirely surprising given the history of remote working within the sector. Nevertheless, additional automation of client interaction and project work helped strengthen the feeling of “normality”, or to put it more formally, standard operating patterns, even in periods of global uncertainty and chaos. In this webinar, we will discuss the importance and role of translation process automation, and the benefits of the “contactless” approach for clients as well as LSP production.
冠状病毒的大流行在许多方面改变了世界经济,在我们的商业运作方式方面带来了很少有人能预见的重大变化,包括非接触式服务,远程项目支持,尽可能多的流程数字化和自动化。从某种意义上说,企业被迫在其关系中表现出灵活性,并在近代史上首次适应“非接触式”的工作方式。 事实证明,翻译行业的生态系统能够很好地适应新的现实--考虑到该行业内远程工作的历史,这并不完全令人惊讶。 然而,客户互动和项目工作的额外自动化有助于加强“正常”的感觉,或者更正式地说,标准的运作模式,即使在全球不确定和混乱的时期也是如此。 在这个网络研讨会中,我们将讨论翻译过程自动化的重要性和作用,以及“非接触式”方法对客户以及LSP生产的好处。

