June '21 Lilt Updates


2021-07-22 05:00 Lilt


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Welcome to the June 2021 Newsletter. In June, we released our inaugural State of the Localization report, which highlights key dynamics and trends faced by professionals in the industry today (some quite surprising!). Read on to learn more. • • • State of Localization Industry Report It’s finally here! We’re pleased to share that our inaugural State of the Localization industry report is now freely available to all. Written from survey and interview data collected from more than 900 respondents, the State of Localization report highlights key trends and dynamics that professionals in the industry are experiencing. Read more about the report in our blog post and press release, or download your complimentary copy directly here. State of Localization Industry Webinar To dive deeper on analysis of our recent report, we held a webinar to walk through the report findings, surface additional data not included in the report, and discuss the implications of the findings for the future of localization and global experience design. If you missed it, never fear! You can access a recording of the webinar here. New Feature: Multilingual Asset Management Management of multilingual assets has been a core challenge for localization programs for years. Content becomes outdated, company preferences change, and updating linguistic assets is manual, slow, and error-prone. We’re excited to announce Multilingual Asset Management, a new automated solution that eliminates hours of manual work, reduces opportunity for errors, and enables companies to deliver a more unified global customer experience through high-quality content. This new feature allows teams to react quickly to brand and terminology changes, staying up-to-date with changing company preferences. The feature provides automated quality checks, identifying mismatches between a customer’s legacy TM and current termbase. Once identified, a reviewer can assess each mismatch and update the TM to align with the current termbase, creating higher-quality, more brand-aligned linguistic assets. The solution also will provide automated quality checks for grammar and spelling, helping customers build more accurate linguistic assets that enable better global content quality and consistency. Kel Commins, Lilt’s Head of Solutions, shared his perspective on the pressing industry need for this next-generation tool in a guest post on our blog here. Read more about it in our recent press release or in our knowledge base here. New GXL Episodes We recently shared two new episodes of our Global Experience Leaders series. This series explores the people leading the multilingual digital future - how they lead, innovate, and grow their careers. Jochen Hummel, Founder and former CEO of Trados The series’ fourth session featured a conversation between Jochen Hummel, Founder and former CEO of Trados, and Spence Green, CEO of Lilt. Read more about the session on our blog, or watch it on our Youtube channel here Thiago Schreiner, Senior Director, Global Localization at Blizzard Entertainment The series’ fifth session featured a conversation between Thiago Schreiner, Senior Director, Global Localization at Blizzard Entertainment, and Spence Green, CEO of Lilt. Read more about the session on our blog, or watch it on Lilt’s Youtube channel here Don’t want to miss an episode? Register for the GXL mailing list here. Authority Magazine: How to Be Great at Sales Lilt Chief Evangelist Paula Shannon was recently featured in Authority Magazine, where she discussed sales strategy, the importance of departmental partnerships at work, and more. Read the discussion with Paula here. • • • Eager for more? Sign up for our monthly newsletter here to stay up to date on Lilt news. Thank you for reading, and thank you for translating with Lilt. Cheers, The Lilt Team
欢迎阅读2021年6月时事通讯。今年6月,我们发布了首份本地化报告,其中突出了当今行业专业人士所面临的关键动态和趋势(有些非常令人惊讶!) 。 请继续阅读,了解更多相关资料。 请稍等 国产化行业现状报告 最后在这里!我们很高兴与大家分享我们的首份本地化行业报告,现在所有人都可以免费获得。这份报告是根据从900多名受访者中收集的调查和采访数据编写的,强调了行业专业人士正在经历的关键趋势和动态。 阅读更多关于我们的博客文章和新闻稿,或直接下载免费副本。 国产化产业现状研讨会 为了更深入地分析我们最近的报告,我们举办了一个网络研讨会,介绍报告的发现,展示报告中没有包括的额外数据,并讨论研究结果对未来本地化和全球经验设计的影响。 如果你错过了网络研讨会,不要感到害怕!您可以在这里访问网络研讨会的录音。 新功能:多语言资产管理 多年来,多语言资产的管理一直是本地化项目面临的核心挑战。内容会过时,公司偏好会改变,更新语言资产会手动、缓慢且容易出错。 我们很高兴地宣布多语言资产管理,这是一种新的自动化解决方案,消除了小时的手工工作时间,减少错误的机会,并使公司能够通过高质量的内容提供更统一的全球客户体验。 这个新功能允许团队对品牌和术语的变化做出快速反应,保持公司偏好的最新变化。 该功能提供了自动质量检查,识别客户的遗留TM和当前三元库之间的不匹配。一旦确定,评审人员可以评估每个不匹配并更新TM以与当前词基对齐,创建更高质量、更品牌对齐的语言资产。 该解决方案还将提供语法和拼写的自动质量检查,帮助客户构建更准确的语言资产,从而实现更好的全局内容质量和一致性。 Lilt的解决方案主管Kel Commins在我们的博客上分享了他对这个新一代工具的迫切需求的看法。 在我们最近的新闻发布或在我们的知识库这里阅读更多相关资讯。 新GXL集 我们最近分享了全球经验领袖系列的两集新内容。本系列探讨了领导多语言数字未来的人们——他们如何领导、创新和发展他们的职业生涯。 约亨·赫梅尔,Trados创始人和前首席执行官 该系列的第四期是Trados创始人兼前首席执行官约亨•赫梅尔(Jochen Hummel)和Lilt首席执行官斯宾塞•格林(Spence Green)之间的对话。更多信息请访问我们的博客,或观看我们的Youtube(优酷)频道 暴雪娱乐全球本土化高级总监Thiago Schreiner 该系列的第五期是暴雪娱乐公司全球本地化高级总监Thiago Schreiner和Lilt公司首席执行官Spence Green之间的对话。请在我们的博客上了解更多相关资讯,或者在Lilt的Youtube(优酷)频道观看。 不想错过任何一集的话,请在这里注册查看GXL的邮件列表。 权威杂志:如何做好销售 Lilt首席宣传官保拉·香农最近在权威杂志上发表了专题文章,她讨论了销售策略、部门合作关系的重要性等等。 在这里阅读保拉的讨论。 请稍等 渴望更多资讯?在这里注册我们的每月时事通讯,来了解Lilt最新的新闻。 感谢您的阅读,也感谢您用Lilt翻译。 干杯, Lilt团队

