ELRC @ the German Digital Day: Digital inclusion for everyone


2021-07-21 12:00 ELRC-欧洲语言资源协同化


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Digitalisation has fundamentally changed our professional and private lives. Some of us, however, may think that the digitisation of economy and society is moving too fast, making it hard to keep up with the technological progress. To make digital technologies accessible and understandable to everyone, the German initiative “Digital für Alle” (Digital for All) organised more than 2.000 events as part of the second edition of the national Digital Day on 18 June. The goal was to promote digital inclusion across all professions and ages and hence, many high-ranking representatives from politics, business, and civil society, supported this event, including Dorothee Baer, Minister of State for Digitalisation and Saarland’s Prime Minister Tobias Hans. The latter also highlighted the importance of digital inclusion, stating that “digital change is changing our lives ever more – it offers entirely new opportunities not only for economic success but above all for participation for all”. 1 Language connects people – and ELRC supports language and AI development in the digital world. One of the sessions at the second Digital Day in Germany was dedicated to ELRC and its importance for Artificial Intelligence (AI). But how does that fit in with the topic of digital inclusion? ELRC project manager Andrea Lösch had a clear answer to that: Language is what connects us, it builds bridges between people, it is an integral part of our identity. This statement goes hand in hand with the mission of ELRC, as the initiative aims to lower language barriers and to protect all native languages – large and small – from extinction with the help of digitalisation and language technologies. Following up on this, Josef van Genabith, Scientific Director of the Research Department “Mutlilinguality and Language Technology” at the GermanResearch Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), explained why data is so important for the development of language-centric AI. He shared the example of a machine translation (MT) system, which had trouble translating the French term “advocat” into German. While the source text was referring to the fruit, the MT system translated it into “lawyer”, resulting in the rather unusual sentence “I ate a lawyer”. This error was caused because most training data came from legal or formal texts – menus or cooking recipes were hardly included in the data sets. In his interview with DFKI’s corporate spokesman Reinhard Karger, Josef van Genabith also highlighted the value of initiatives like ELRC for the future development of European language technologies: “We need to join forces in Europe. Together, we can achieve a lot!”. __________________________________ [1] Source: https://digitaltag.eu/presse/2000-aktionen-4325-stunden-programm-digita…
数字化从根本上改变了我们的工作和生活。然而,有些人认为经济和社会数字化的快速发展难以与技术进步的步伐保持一直。为了让每个人都能接触并理解数字技术,德国倡议“人人享有数字”(digital füralle)并组织了2000多项活动,这也是6月18号第二版国家数字日的一部分。该活动的目的是提高各个职业和年龄段的人对数字的包容性,因此,一些政界,商界和民间社会的高级代表表示支持此项活动,其中包括数字化国务部长Dorothee Baer和萨尔州总理Tobias Hans。萨尔州总理还强调了数字包容的重要性,并指出“数字变革正在日益改变我们的生活----它不仅为经济发展提供更多可能,而且最重要的是为所有参与者提供新的机会”。 语言是人与人之间保持联系--而ELRC支撑语言和人工智能在数字世界的发展。 德国的第二届数字日的在会议上,与会人员针对电子资源中心及其对人工智能(AI)的重要影响进行专门讨论。但这如何与数字包容的主题契合呢?对此电子资源中心项目经理安德里亚洛斯奇给出了明确的答案:语言是连接人类的工具,它在人与人之间架起桥梁,它是我们身份的一个组成部分。这个答案与电子资源中心的目的是并行不悖的,因为该倡议的首要目的是让人们克服语言障碍,在数字化和语言技术的帮助下保护所有本土语言--不论大小--免遭灭绝。 根据以上观点,德国人工智能研究中心(DFKI)“多语言和语言技术”研究部科学总监约瑟夫·范·杰纳比斯阐明了数据对于以语言为中心的AI的发展重要性。他举了一个机器翻译(MT)系统的例子:该系统在将法文术语“Advocat”翻译成德文时出现了错误。该词在原文中指的是水果,但MT系统却把它翻译成了“律师”,结果译出了相当奇怪的句子“我吃了一个律师”。造成这个错误的原因是大多数训练数据来自正式的文本,然而菜单或烹饪食谱几乎没有包含在数据集中。约瑟夫·范杰尼比斯在采访DFKI公司发言人莱茵哈德卡格时还强调了电子资源中心的倡议对未来欧洲语言技术发展的价值并表明:“我们应该在欧洲联合起来。只要我们团结一致,我们就可以大有作为!“ _____________________________________ [1]来源:https://digitaltag.eu/presse/2000-aktionen-4325-stunden-programm-digita…

