Welsh Language Activists Fight Against Nuclear Energy


2021-07-09 04:02 multilingual


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Language activists in Wales have been fighting to protect the Welsh language from a rather unlikely threat: nuclear energy. According to a recent report from the Welsh newspaper Nation Cymru, Welsh language advocates have joined forces with anti-nuclear groups in Wales in order to lobby against the development of new nuclear projects in areas with particularly large populations of Welsh speakers. The activists came together to write a letter to all members of the Anglesey and Gwynedd Council urging against the support of the nuclear plants in the region, the development of which could displace Welsh speakers in the region. Anglesey and Gwynedd are both counties in the northwestern portion of the country, and the region boasts a large number of Welsh speakers — it’s estimated that in Gwynedd, more than 80% of residents speak the language fluently. “We encourage you to move in a new direction at (the next) extraordinary meeting of the Council. Gwynedd County Council has missed out on new ideas and new thinking by focusing so much of its attention on new nuclear when it could have developed smaller, innovative, community owned energy alternatives,” reads the letter, which was undersigned by groups such as the Welsh Forum and the Nuclear Free Local Authorities. “It would not need so many new homes for such developments and the area could retain its Welsh language speakers, who would be proud to live in Gwynedd and Anglesey.” The Welsh language — spoken by roughly one million people worldwide — is the only member of the Celtic language family (which includes Scottish Gaelic, Irish Gaelic, and Breton among other) that isn’t considered to be endangered by UNESCO. That said, the language is still used by a minority of Welsh residents, with just about 30% of Welsh people able to speak the language fluently; historically, the language has sort of been overshadowed by the English language, which serves as the country’s de facto language, and its subordination to English is quite evident in the state’s day-to-day affairs.
威尔士的语言活动家们一直在努力保护威尔士语言免受一种相当不可能的威胁:核能。据威尔士报纸《国家青年报》(Nation Cymru)近日的一篇报道,威尔士语倡导者与威尔士的反核团体联合起来,目的是,游说反对在威尔士语的人口特别多的地区开发新的核项目。 这些活动人士聚集在一起,给安格西和格温内德委员会的所有成员写了一封信,敦促他们不要支持该地区的核电站,核电站的发展可能会取代该地区讲威尔士语的人。安格西和格温内德都是该国西北部的两个县,该地区拥有大量讲威尔士语的人——据估计,格温内德超过80%的居民能流利地讲威尔士语。 信中写道:“我们鼓励你在(下一次)理事会上朝着新的方向前进。格温内德县议会本可以开发更小、创新、社区拥有的能源替代品,却把如此多的注意力放在了新的核能上,从而错过了新的想法和新的思维。”,由威尔士论坛和无核地方当局等团体签署。“这样的开发项目不需要那么多新房子,而且这个地区可以保留讲威尔士语的人,他们会为住在格温内德和安格西感到自豪。” 威尔士语是凯尔特语系(包括苏格兰盖尔语、爱尔兰盖尔语和布雷顿语等)中唯一不被联合国教科文组织认为濒危的语言。全世界大约有一百万人在说威尔士语。也就是说,少数威尔士居民仍然使用这种语言,只有大约30%的威尔士人能够流利地说这种语言;从历史上看,英语在某种程度上被作为该国事实上的语言的英语所掩盖,在该国的日常事务中,它对英语的从属地位十分明显。

