Search legal terms in Italian, German and Ladin with bistro


2021-06-16 23:25 terminology Coordination


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A new feature that facilitates the search for terms related to COVID-19 has been added to bistro, the Information System for Legal Terminology built by the Institute for Applied Linguistics of Eurac Research. bistro was developed in 2001 and focuses on legal terms. In 2013, also the Autonomous Province of Bolzano got involved in the project and an update was made to the tool. On bistro you can search terms by selecting one of the three languages available: Italian, German or Ladin. The advanced search function allows filtering terms by source and/or target language and geographical usage, and by legal domain.The new list of Covid-related terminology contains almost 300 entries ad more than 1,300 new terms. The German part of these entries considers South Tyrolean, Austrian, German, Swiss, European Union and international law variants. The Ladin section contains variants from both Val Gardena and Val Badia. Furthermore, two new domains have been recently added: healthcare law and privacy law.This and other terminology is freely available in bistro. Designations, definitions, contexts and comments are regularly updated: do check them out!
Eurac研究所应用语言学研究所建设的法律术语信息系统bistro增加了一个新功能,便于搜索与COVID-19有关的术语。小酒馆开发于2001年,侧重于法律术语。2013年,博尔扎诺自治省也参与了该项目,并对该工具进行了更新。 在bistro上,您可以通过选择三种可用语言中的一种来搜索术语:意大利语,德语或拉丁语。高级搜索功能允许按来源和/或目标语言和地理用法以及法律域过滤术语。新的Covid相关术语列表包含近300个条目和1300多个新术语。这些条目中的德语部分考虑了南梯若尔法,奥地利法,德国法,瑞士法,欧洲联盟法和国际法变体。拉丁部分包含了Val Gardena和Val Badia的变体。 此外,最近增加了两个新的领域:医疗保健法和隐私法。指定,定义,上下文和评论是定期更新的:请检查他们!

