Price Localization Strategy: The Cost of Not Adapting Pricing Internationally


2021-06-15 20:00 Nimdzi Insights


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Report written by Miguel Sepulveda. International growth sooner or later becomes an objective for many companies, regardless of the sector they operate in or the product they offer. International growth cannot properly be supported nor sustained without adopting a solid localization strategy, however. Global growth is a complex, intricate and multidimensional undertaking requiring a vast array of skills and expertise often overlooked when plans to expand to new territories are just starting to take shape. As companies inch closer to carrying out their global expansion plans, it’s quite possible (and indeed highly recommended) that roadmaps include a phase for testing out the markets to see whether there's even a need or desire for the product or service. But there’s one vitally important component to any expansion strategy that is quite often forgotten: Pricing. If localizing pricing isn’t part of a company’s globalization strategy, the company may be missing out on a huge opportunity to scale their business. Indeed it is not enough to simply convert pricing to local currency equivalents. Unfortunately, we see this happening all the time with companies that offer web-based and mobile app digital products: prices are converted to the local markets automatically, ignoring, for example, that purchasing power and the cost of living in countries such as the United States and India are oceans apart.
米格尔·塞普尔韦达撰写的报告。 国际增长迟早会成为许多公司的目标,不管它们经营的是哪个行业,也不管它们提供的是什么产品。然而,如果不采取坚实的本地化战略,国际增长就无法得到适当的支持或维持。 全球增长是一项复杂、复杂和多层面的事业,需要大量的技能和专业知识,而在向新界扩张的计划刚刚开始成形时,这些技能和专业知识往往被忽视。随着公司离实施其全球扩张计划越来越近,路线图很有可能(事实上也是高度推荐的)包括一个阶段,用于测试市场,看看是否有对产品或服务的需求或愿望。 但在任何扩张战略都有一个非常重要的组成部分,而这一部分往往被遗忘: 定价。 如果本地化定价不是一家公司全球化战略的一部分,那么该公司可能会错过一个扩大业务规模的巨大机会。事实上,仅仅将定价转换为当地货币等价物是不够的。 不幸的是,我们看到,在提供基于网络和移动应用程序的数字产品的公司中,这种情况无时无刻不在发生:价格被自动转换为本地市场,例如,忽略了美国和印度等国家的购买力和生活成本相去甚远。

