DeepL wins first-ever Honorary German AI Award


2021-05-28 18:50 DeepL


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The night of September 26th was very special for DeepL. In a ceremony at Factory Berlin am Görlitzer Park, DeepL was awarded the first-ever Honorary AI Award at the inaugural German AI Awards (Deutscher KI-Preis). To say that we are honored would be an understatement. Being singled out for this award is an extremely gratifying recognition of our efforts over the past two years. The German AI Awards were created by Bilanz Magazin with the support of Airbus, BMW Group, Maschmeyer Group, McKinsey & Company, Otto Group, and Presight Capital. In addition to the Honorary Award awarded to DeepL, Dr. Elmar Rückert of the University of Lübeck won the Development Award, and Professor Dr. Kristian Kersting of the “Machine Learning Lab” at the Technical University of Darmstadt took home the Grand Prize. “We are extremely grateful to Bilanz Magazin and the German AI Awards jury. On behalf of everyone at DeepL, thank you very much!” said DeepL CEO Jaroslaw Kutylowski. “I’d like to congratulate the other award winners and all the nominees, as well. We look forward to seeing the exciting AI developments they are working on.” The German AI Awards are an excellent initiative to promote and drive innovation in artificial intelligence and show that Germany has incredible potential to be a world leader in this field. We at DeepL are thrilled to be at the forefront of artificial intelligence research worldwide, and to be Germany’s leading AI company. We view the Honorary AI Award as confirmation that DeepL is a prime example not only of highly-advanced AI technology, but also a meaningful application of that technology that helps millions of people in their everyday lives.
9月26日的夜晚对Deepl来说很特别。在柏林工厂的Görlitzer公园举行的仪式上,DeepL被授予首届德国人工智能奖(Deutscher KI-Preis)的荣誉人工智能奖。说我们感到荣幸未免太轻描淡写了。获选获此殊荣,是对我们过去两年所作努力的一种极为可喜的认可。 德国人工智能奖由Bilanz Magazin在空客,宝马集团,Maschmeyer集团,麦肯锡公司,奥托集团和Presight Capital的支持下创立。除了授予DeepL的荣誉奖,吕贝克大学的Elmar Rückert博士获得了开发奖,达姆施塔特技术大学“机器学习实验室”的Kristian Kersting教授将大奖带回家。 “我们非常感谢Bilanz Magazin和德国人工智能奖评审团。DeepL首席执行官Jaroslaw Kutylowski说:“我谨代表DeepL的每一个人,非常感谢你们!”“我也要祝贺其他获奖者和所有被提名者。我们期待看到他们正在致力于的令人兴奋的AI发展。“ 德国AI大奖是一项极好的倡议,旨在促进和驱动人工智能领域的创新,并显示出德国在这一领域具有令人难以置信的潜力成为世界领先者。我们DeepL很高兴能站在全球人工智能研究的前沿,成为德国领先的人工智能公司。 我们认为这一荣誉人工智能奖证实了DeepL不仅是高度先进的人工智能技术的一个典型例子,而且也是该技术的一个有意义的应用,它帮助了数百万人的日常生活。

