DeepL Translator now offers both American and British English!

DeepL Translator现在提供美式英语和英式英语!

2021-05-28 18:50 DeepL


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DeepL has now made it easier to get English translations in your preferred style: DeepL Translator can now produce translations that reflect the particularities of American and British English. Variations in spelling are covered: American neighbors become British neighbours, and they can call each other on their cell phones or on their mobile phones, depending on your preference. Similarly, terms that have completely different equivalents across the pond are also taken into account. American cookies become British biscuits. That is, of course, unless they’re on your web browser. This expanded control over DeepL Translator enables you to more quickly get translations that respect the language conventions that you prefer. To set the language variety you would like, simply select either “English (American)” or “English (British)” as the target language. American and British English are now available as target languages on, via the DeepL API, and in our desktop applications, DeepL for Windows and DeepL for Mac. Combining this feature with other features, such as the Glossary, allows you to take full control of the English texts DeepL Translator produces for you. *Please note that these two language variants are not currently available for translations from Japanese and Chinese. These two source languages will be added in the near future.
DeepL现在让你更容易地获得你喜欢的风格的英语翻译:DeepL翻译器现在可以生成反映美式英语和英式英语特殊性的翻译。 拼写上的变化都涵盖了:美国邻居变成英国邻居,他们可以用手机或手机打电话给对方,这取决于你的喜好。 同样,在整个池塘中具有完全不同等价物的术语也被考虑在内。美国曲奇变成了英国饼干。当然,除非它们在您的web浏览器上。 对DeepL Translator的扩展控制使您能够更快地获得尊重您喜欢的语言约定的翻译。要设置您想要的语言种类,只需选择“英语(美国)”或“英语(英国)”作为目标语言。 美国英语和英国英语现在可以通过DeepL API在DeepL.com上作为目标语言获得,在我们的桌面应用程序中,也可以使用DeepL for Windows和DeepL for Mac。将此功能与其他功能(如术语表)结合起来,可以让您完全控制DeepL Translator为您生成的英语文本。 *请注意,这两种语言变体目前还不能用于日语和汉语的翻译。这两种源语言将在不久的将来加入。

