CEF Building Block Dashboards update: Significant increase in translation requests processed by eTranslation


2021-04-21 12:00 ELRC-欧洲语言资源协同化


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Every three months, the CEF Dashboards give an update on the uptake, service availability and the financial management of Building Blocks, Digital Service Infrastructures (DSIs) and Connectivity initiatives of the CEF Telecom Programme and provide information about the reuse of the CEF Building Blocks. The most interesting highlights of the fourth quarter of 2020 were recently published on the CEF Digital Portal, with impressive news for the European Commission’s machine translation service eTranslation. It turned out that from Q1 2018 until Q4 2020, eTranslation processed 328 million translation requests. Comparing this achievement with the requests processed by Q3 2020 (253 million), this was a considerable increase of 30%. Since 2018, more than 220 million pages were translated by eTranslation. These numbers reflect the ever-growing need for multilingual support of public administrations and SMEs all across Europe. The eTranslation team is also steadily improving and adapting the eTranslation engines to their users’ needs. Since 2018, the engines were updated almost 360 times, including e.g. access and service improvements, the extension of language coverage and the introduction of new features such as Multilingual Tweet translation or Named-Entity Recognition – and of course, further improvements and additions are already on their way. If you want to learn more about the dashboard highlights of the other DSIs and Building Blocks, have a look at them here.
“持续发展基金”资讯汇总表每三个月提供最新资料,说明持续发展基金电讯计划的基础架构,数码服务基础设施和连接措施的使用情况,服务供应情况和财务管理情况,并提供有关持续发展基金基础架构再利用的资料。 2020年第四季度最有趣的亮点近日在CEF数字门户上公布,其中有一条对欧盟委员会机器翻译服务eTranslation令人印象深刻的消息。结果显示,从2018年第一季度到2020年第四季度,eTranslation共处理了3.28亿个翻译请求。将这一成就与2020年第三季度处理的请求(2.53亿件)相比,增加了30%。2018年以来,通过eTranslation翻译的页面超过2.2亿页。这些数字反映出整个欧洲对公共行政部门和中小企业的多语种支持的需求日益增长。 eTranslation团队也在稳步改进和调整eTranslation引擎,以满足用户的需求。自2018年以来,引擎更新了近360次,包括访问和服务的改进,语言覆盖范围的扩大以及新功能的引入,如多语言推文翻译或命名实体识别--当然,进一步的改进和添加已经在路上。 如果您想了解更多关于其他DSI和构建块的仪表板亮点,请在这里查看一下。

