A Look Into the Human Side of Localization


2021-04-13 08:25 multilingual


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We’re now over a year out from the start of the pandemic and one thing is clear: it was a historic time for business. The pandemic fast-tracked digital trends, making remote work the norm and ultimately blurring the lines between personal and professional lives. As the coronavirus forced people into this digital-only way of life, many of us found ourselves craving connection. With a profound lack of physical presence, it became important for businesses, including those in the localization industry, to infuse virtual experiences with a more human touch. Uniting People Through Language While it’s important for LSPs to connect clients to their audiences, it’s equally important to connect as an industry and talk through important issues. The demand for authenticity, empathy, and social consciousness at work has never been stronger. And we cannot be shy about voicing our concerns, stressors, and challenges. LocLife™, an online event series hosted by Acclaro, provides an interactive platform to do just that. Exploring the human side of localization, each session brings together industry insiders and the business community at large to share stories about personal and professional challenges and successes, trends, and the future of localization. It’s become a true community, giving self-proclaimed “LocLifers” the chance to connect over the real-world impact of personal, societal, and industry issues. A Welcoming Community. Engaging Conversations. From professional development to diversity to leadership experiences, LocLife™ topics spark inspiring conversations among localization novices and experts alike. Take a recent session on expatriation and immigration-related challenges. Panelist Alessia Felici, head of localization at IKEA, mentioned a feeling of longing that accompanies global living, which happens to coincide with what many have felt throughout the pandemic. “Wherever I am, there is always somebody I miss, a place I miss — a dish, a smell, a color, a perfume — because I can’t have it all in the same place,” Alessia said. Another human element of business that often does not come up in conversation is diversity, especially among the LGBTQ+ community. At a LocLife™ session centered on the topic, Patrick Chew, internationalization manager at Change.org, noted, “Without any overt assurances like safe spaces, ambassadors, or externally visible affirmations, people are going to err on the side of being a little bit more cautious.” The LocLife™ community is striving to become that safe space full of ambassadors where people can find affirmation and belonging. Perhaps the most inspiring session to date focused on gender equality and featured localization leaders sharing spectacular insights on how we can continually learn from each other, achieve work/life balance, and stay motivated in our careers. Carrie Fischer, manager of globalization services at Subway, said, “Show everyone that you have just as much right to lead as anyone else. Don’t let anyone else’s opinion of you keep you from becoming everything that you want to be. Find your people. Find the ones who support you. Encourage you. Mentor you. If you don’t have people, I’ll be your people. And I bet every one of the ladies on this panel will be your people. Connections are your strongest ally.” A New Normal With a Human Touch With the possibility of life soon returning to some kind of normal, let’s not lose sight of the importance of nurturing the human side of business. Businesses that lead with empathy will deliver meaningful experiences that build lasting relationships with their customers and employees. And companies that focus on fostering a genuine feeling of human connection will create safe, fulfilling workplaces for their employees. That’s what LocLife™ is all about. Join this community of industry insiders and take part in insightful discussions. We hope you’ll join us at the next session on Thursday, April 22 at 12:15 EDT as we tackle the topic of ageism in our personal and professional lives. You’ll feel like you’re a part of something big — because you are.
我们现在距离大流行开始已经一年多了,有一点是明确的:那是一个具有历史意义的商业时代。大流行加速了数字化趋势,使得远程工作成为常态,最终模糊了个人生活和职业生活之间的界限。 当冠状病毒迫使人们进入这种只依赖数字的生活方式时,我们中的许多人发现自己渴望联系。由于实际存在的严重缺乏,对企业来说,包括本地化行业的企业来说,注入更具人情味的虚拟体验变得非常重要。 通过语言团结人民 虽然LSP将客户与受众连接起来很重要,但作为一个行业进行连接并讨论重要问题也同样重要。工作中对真实性,同理心和社会意识的需求前所未有地强烈。我们不能羞于表达我们的关切,压力和挑战。 Loclife™是由Acclaro主办的一个在线活动系列,它提供了一个互动平台来实现这一点。探索本地化的人的方面,每一个会议汇集了行业内部人士和整个商业社区,分享关于个人和专业的挑战和成功,趋势和本地化的未来的故事。它已经成为一个真正的社区,让自称的“Loclifers”有机会就个人,社会和行业问题对现实世界的影响进行联系。 热情好客的社区。引人入胜的谈话。 从专业发展到多元化,再到领导经验,Loclife™的主题在本地化新手和专家之间引发了鼓舞人心的对话。以最近一次关于外派和移民相关挑战的会议为例。小组成员,宜家本地化负责人阿莱西亚·费利西提到了一种伴随全球生活的渴望,这与许多人在流感大流行期间的感受不谋而合。阿莱西亚说:“无论我身在何处,总会有我想念的人,想念的地方--一道菜,一种气味,一种颜色,一种香水--因为我不可能把这一切都放在一个地方。” 另一个经常不会在谈话中出现的商业人文因素是多样性,尤其是在LGBTQ+群体中。在Loclife™会议上,Change.org的国际化经理Patrick Chew指出,“如果没有任何公开的保证,比如安全空间,大使,或者外部可见的肯定,人们就会犯错误,变得更加谨慎。” Loclife™社区正努力成为一个充满大使的安全空间,在这里人们可以找到肯定和归属感。 也许是迄今为止最鼓舞人心的一次会议集中在性别平等问题上,本地化领导人分享了我们如何不断相互学习,实现工作/生活平衡,以及在职业生涯中保持动力的精彩见解。 赛百味全球化服务经理凯莉·菲舍尔说:“向所有人展示你和其他人一样有领导的权利。不要让别人对你的看法阻碍你成为你想成为的一切。找到你的人。找到那些支持你的人。鼓励你。指导你。如果你没有人,我就做你的人。我敢打赌这个小组里的每一位女士都是你的人。人脉是你最强大的盟友,“ 有人情味的新常态 随着生活可能很快回归某种常态,让我们不要忽视培育商业人性化一面的重要性。以同理心领导的企业将提供有意义的经验,与客户和员工建立持久的关系。而那些专注于培养人与人之间真正联系的公司将为员工创造安全,充实的工作场所。 这就是Loclife™的意义所在。加入这个业内人士社区,参与有见地的讨论。我们希望您能参加4月22日星期四美国东部时间12:15举行的下一次会议,届时我们将讨论个人和职业生活中的年龄歧视问题。你会觉得自己是一件大事的一部分--因为你确实是。

