Creating a voice app to drive traffic to your brand


2021-04-11 08:56 RWS Moravia Insights


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Understand what “intent” means in the context of voice; Make sure you consider conversational design; Create the right app—a skill app, an action app or both; and Figure out the implications of dominant search engines and locales. Do your research to understand “user intent” Conversational design—keeping the consumer engaged Skill versus action apps—get it right for the right voice assistant Device technology You have to address voice
理解“意图”在语音语境中的含义; 确保你考虑会话设计; 创建正确的应用程序--技能应用程序,行动应用程序或两者兼而有之;和 找出主要搜索引擎和地区的含义。 做你的研究以理解“用户意图” 对话式设计-保持消费者的参与 技能应用程序与操作应用程序--为正确的语音助手提供正确的应用程序 器件技术 你必须处理声音

