I-ATE Term of the Week: Tarte Tatin


2021-04-10 16:50 terminology Coordination


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The Tarte Tatin is a traditional French tart made with apples caramelised in butter and sugar. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is baked upside down so that the apples beneath stay soft and juicy and the pastry on top crisp. While baking, the sugar and butter on the bottom of the pan create a delicious caramel that becomes the topping when the tart is flipped over and served while still hot. The origins of the Tarte Tatin Like many other renowned dishes, the recipe of the Tarte Tatin is said to have been born by accident. At the end of the 19th century, two sisters, Stéphanie (known as Fanny) and Caroline Tatin, owned and ran an inn in the small town of Lamotte-Beuvron in the Loire Valley, in north-central France. Located right opposite the railway station, the Hôtel Tatin was very popular with hunters frequenting the nearby forests, also because of its excellent apple tarts. It was allegedly on a Sunday during peak shooting season that Fanny, who was in charge of the cooking while her sister was welcoming the many customers, started to prepare a traditional apple tart but, in her haste, forgot to add the pastry base. When she realised her mistake, she tried to remedy the situation by topping the apples with pâte brisée and put everything back in the oven to bake off. Other variants of the story recall she dropped the tart while bustling about the kitchen and tried to rearrange it as best as she could or even that she was so distracted that she shoved it into the oven the wrong way round. Anyway, it seems she decided to make the best of a bad job and to serve the dessert regardless, flipping it over on a plate. The guests loved it so much that the upside-down tart became a hit. The Tarte Tatin: legend or truth? According to the Grand Larousse Gastronomique, the eminent encyclopaedia of French gastronomy, the story of Stéphanie Tatin’s clumsiness is to be considered a legend. The two Tatin sisters really made this dessert popular thanks to their Hôtel at the end of the 1880s, but it was never the result of a mistake nor their original creation. It appears in fact that upside-down apple – and pear – tarts, known as gâteaux renversés, already existed in the area long before Stéphanie and Caroline began running their inn and that the tarte Tatin could actually come from the tarte solognote, a traditional recipe from the region of Sologne. Truth be told, the sisters never even called their dessert “Tarte Tatin”. It was the Parisian culinary critic Maurice-Edmond Sailland better known as Curnonsky and dubbed le prince des gastronomes who contributed to the diffusion of this name by recommending “the famous apple or pear tart from the demoiselles Tatin of La Motte-Beuvron” in his French travel guide, La France gastronomique, published in 1926. It is even said it was him who invented the story of the tart born by mistake just to entertain the journalists. Its final triumph arrived in the late 1930s, when the tarte Tatin was featured on the menu of the Maxim’s, the prestigious Parisian restaurant, as “La Tarte des Demoiselles Tatin”. Legend has it that owner Louis Vaudable sent a spy, disguised as a gardener, to Lamotte-Beuvron to discover the secret recipe and bring it back to Paris. Some even say Vaudable himself infiltrated the Hôtel Tatin and managed to steal the formula from Fanny. Since the future owner of the Maxim’s was only a child when the two sisters retired, both versions of the story seem unlikely, but the Tarte Tatin is still to date one of the most appreciated specialties served in his restaurant. Fun fact about the Tarte Tatin The Hôtel Tatin is still running, located in the same building in front of the station and, in its restaurant, you can still taste a slice of tart prepared following the original recipe. Bake from scratch. Origin of a classic: tarte Tatin. [ONLINE]. Available at: https://www.bakefromscratch.com/origin-classic-tarte-tatin/2/ [Accessed on 07/04/2021] Cuisine Actuelle. La vrai histoire de la tarte Tatin. 2020 [ONLINE]. Available at: https://www.cuisineactuelle.fr/guide-du-bien-manger/conversions-et-mesures/la-vraie-histoire-de-la-tarte-tatin-187034 [Accessed on 07/04/2021] Friends of the Tarte Tatin. [ONLINE]. Available at: http://www.tartetatin.org/home [Accessed on 07/04/2021] National Geographic. Deconstructing tarte tatin, the classic French dessert. 2019 [ONLINE]. Available at: https://www.nationalgeographic.co.uk/travel/2018/11/tarte-tatin-deconstructing-classic-french-dessert [Accessed on 07/04/2021] Stéphane Décotterd. La petite histoire de la tarte Tatin. 2017 [ONLINE]. Available at: https://stephanedecotterd.com/2017/01/17/la-petite-histoire-de-la-tarte-tatin/ [Accessed on 07/04/2021] The Telegraph. Stephen Harris: the story behind the classic tarte Tatin. 2016 [ONLINE]. Available at: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/food-and-drink/features/stephen-harris-the-story-behind-the-classic-tarte-tatin/ [Accessed on 07/04/2021] Written by Irene Zanardi, Schuman Trainee at the Euramis Pre-Translation Unit. She holds a Bachelor’s in Intercultural Linguistic Mediation and a Master’s in Specialised Translation and Terminology.
法式苹果塔是传统的法国果馅饼,由黄油和糖做成的焦糖放在苹果制作而成。倒放烘烤是该馅饼的独特之处,用这样特殊的烘烤手法,会使得下方的苹果尝起来松软多汁,而上面的苹果因为最先被烘烤,则会有一种酥脆的口感。在烘烤时,表层的糖和黄油会变成好吃的焦糖,馅饼弄正以后,这层焦糖就成了浇头。 法式苹果塔的来源 就像其他闻名于世的菜肴一般,法式苹果塔产生于偶然。十九世纪下半叶,斯蒂芬妮(又名芬妮)和卡罗琳·塔廷姊妹俩于法国中北部卢瓦尔河谷小镇,拉莫特-博夫龙开了一家客栈。法式苹果塔酒店在火车站正对面,因其美味的法式苹果塔十分吸引附近森林的猎人。 那是拍摄旺季的周日,芬妮负责做饭,她的姐姐则负责招待客人。正当芬妮在做传统的法式苹果塔,一不小心忘记加入糕点的底料。意识到自己出错后,她试图补救,在苹果上加了其他东西,接着放回烤箱。另一个版本是,她在厨房仓促间弄掉了馅饼,想重新摆盘,却因为过于粗心,将馅饼放入烤箱。过后这个美丽的错误还是被她呈现给客人了。让人处在意料之外的是,客人们对这样的点心爱不释手,这让这款法式苹果塔火了起来。 法式苹果塔:是传说还是确有此事? 根据著名的法国美食百科全书《拉鲁斯美食大全》,斯蒂芬·塔妮的故事堪称传奇。因为19世纪80年代末的法式苹果塔酒店,两姐妹真正让这道甜点火了起来,但并非错误结果,也不是独创。其实在斯蒂芬和卡罗琳开始管理这家酒店前,这里就有了苹果梨果馅饼,而且这种馅饼实际上可能来自索隆地区的传统菜谱。 其实姐妹俩甚至从来不叫这个甜点“法式苹果塔”。巴黎烹饪批评家莫里斯-埃德蒙·赛兰德(Maurice-Edmond Sailland)更为人所知的名字是柯农斯基,人称为“美食王子”,1926年出版的法国旅行指南《法国美食》中,他推荐了“莫特-伯夫隆的苹果或梨馅饼”。 它最终的完全出名是在二十世纪三十年代末,当时,法国著名的巴黎餐厅马克西姆餐厅菜单上的法式苹果塔。传说主人路易·沃达贝派了一个间谍,变成园丁,到拉莫特-伯夫隆去寻找秘方,带回巴黎。有些人甚至说他自己潜入法式苹果塔酒店,设法从芬妮那里偷走配方。由于两姐妹退休时,马克西姆餐厅未来的主人还只是个孩子,这两种说法似乎都不太可能,但法式苹果塔餐至今仍是他餐厅里最受赞赏的特色菜之一。 关于法式苹果塔有趣的事实 法式苹果塔酒店仍在经营,地处火车站前同一栋大楼内,在那,仍能尝到原始配方的法式苹果塔。 从头开始烤。经典起源:法式苹果塔。[在线]。[访问日期:07/04/2021] 真正的烹饪。法式苹果塔的历史。2020年[在线]。[2021年7月4日访问] 法式苹果塔的朋友。 国家地理。解构法国经典甜点法式苹果塔。2019年“在线”。网址:https://www.nationalgeographic.co.uk/travel/2018/11/tarte-tatin-deconstructing-classic-french-dessert[2021年07/04访问] 史蒂芬·迪克特德,法式苹果塔的历史可以在https://stephanedecotterd.com/2017/01/17/la-petite-histoire-de-la-tarte-tatin/找到[访问日期:07/04/2021年] 电报:斯蒂芬·哈里斯:经典法式苹果塔背后的故事。2016年 网址:https://www.电报.co.英国/食物和饮品/特征/史蒂芬·哈里斯-the-story-behing-the-classic-tarte-tatin/[访问日期:07/04/2021] 作为尤拉米斯翻译前单位的舒曼实习生,艾琳·札纳尔德拥有跨文化语言学士学位和专业翻译及术语学硕士学位。这是由她写成的。

