Purchase Orders & the Purchase Order Process Explained (Example Included)


2021-04-10 07:50 project manager


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Much of your project will be done in-house, but you’ll likely also contract with suppliers and others to deliver needed materials or services. How do you make sure that the goods are of the type you need, the quantity agreed upon and for the price that meets your financial constraints? These parameters are all agreed upon through a purchase order. It’s a way to reach an agreement about the outside services required in the project to make sure you can schedule them to fit into your project plan on track. Track your purchase orders from request to execution with ProjectManager.com’s kanban boards. Click to learn more! What Is a Purchase Order? A purchase order is a legally binding contract between a buyer and a seller that details what the buyer wants and the seller agrees to deliver. Those details include the price, quantity, date of delivery and terms of payment. Purchase orders also include a tracking number. Depending on what type of system you use, this is instrumental in tracking the purchase—from the time it’s placed to when it’s delivered and paid for. Why Use a Purchase Order? The purchase order makes exactly what a buyer wants from a seller clear. It helps to avoid any confusion in terms of what a buyer wants, how much of it, what the cost will be, when and where it’ll be delivered and so forth. The purchase order also serves to protect both the buyer and the seller. For example, if a buyer doesn’t pay as agreed upon in the order, or the seller doesn’t fulfill the details of the order, they can pursue legal avenues to get their money, goods or financial compensation. Of course, a lawsuit is not what any project manager wants. Therefore, the purchase order acts as a legal document to avoid any such disagreements by creating clear communication between both parties. Elements of a Purchase Order A purchase order varies in detail, but all share the following elements. A number to identify and track A date to capture when the order was agreed upon Vendor information, including the name of the vendor and their contact Buyer’s contact information Date the goods or services are due Shipping method, if the goods are being shipped to a job site Any requirements for shipping Items that are included in the order Payment Due Date Terms of Payment The total cost of the entire shipment Taxes for total items purchased Price for the entire shipment Terms for payment Your business might need further detail, which is fine, but if you have at least the above information in your purchase order, the owner and vendor are protected by contract. Therefore, to legally protect all parties, it’s critical that all the details of the transaction are clearly stated and agreed upon. Purchase Order Process The process of a purchase order includes writing it up through to delivery. The process breaks down into these steps: Creation Once a purchase requisition has been made, the purchase order is generated, usually by the procurement team or an administrator to the project. Approval If everyone involved is in agreement to the items, quantity, price and delivery requirements, the document is approved by the signature of the vendor agreeing to the terms. Dispatch The purchase order is sent to the vendor through whatever channel has been accepted. This can be done in person, by paper, sent by fax or email, etc. Delivery The vendor delivers the goods outlined in the purchase order. Those goods are examined and approved when the quality is acceptable, such as no defects or missing items. This is usually done by an administrator or procurement manager on the job site. Closure If everything is fine with the order an approval invoice is sent to financing for payment processing. Once paid, the purchase order is closed. A Purchase Order Example Let’s take a look at a theoretical purchase order example to get a real-world view of how this process works. To do so, we’ll use ProjectManager.com’s purchase order template, which you can download for free here. Imagine a construction job, where Acme Construction realizes they need more particle boards. They contact their vendor, Joe’s Lumber, and discuss the order over the phone. Coming to an agreement about price and delivery, Acme writes up a purchase order. They include their company name and contact information, create a PO number, date and vendor ID for Joe’s. Vendor Contact Info The next part of the purchase order is the contact info for the vendor, or who Acme is making the purchase from. This is followed by where the goods will be shipped, in this case, the job site. The approved delivery date is noted and the method of shipping, which in this case is by truck. Payment Details What follows are details about payment, when it’s due and if there are any terms. In this case, the payment is due upon delivery and only after the contact person listed in the shipping information has looked over and approved the wood. Line Item Information There’s a list of the goods, showing the item, describing it, the quantity, quoting the unit price and then a line total. For this order, there is only one line item, but there can be several. However many there are, they are totaled after the taxes for the purchase are added. Additional Info There is a box in which any additional information can be added. This might be how to reach the job site, how the goods need to be packed, etc. For this job there is no need for additional information, and the box can be left blank. Signature Finally, there’s a place for the signature of the vendor and the date on which the purchase order is signed. Once signed, this becomes a legally binding contract. How ProjectManager.com Can Help With Purchase Order Process ProjectManager.com is an award-winning tool that organizes work for greater efficiency. Using our software to streamline your purchase order process allows you to generate, track and close your purchase orders easier so you don’t have to get pulled away from managing the project. One of our project views is the kanban board, which visualizes workflow. The board is a series of columns with cards stacked underneath that can be dragged and dropped from one column to the next as they move through the purchase order process. Once you have a procurement need, you can use the customizable columns to outline your five-step purchase order process. Create a card to represent the purchase order. Attach the actual purchase order to the card and move it across the board as it is approved, delivered and closed. Your procurement can be tracked at a glance to make sure it’s delivered on time by creating a due date on the card. Add tags to designate it to a department or project and make it easy to find in a search. You can even assign the card to your procurement manager and comment to keep the lines of communications open. ProjectManager.com is an award-winning tool that helps you stay organized to improve productivity. It can manage your purchasing, planning, monitoring and reporting on projects. Join organizations from NASA to the Bank of America, which already use our tool to run successful projects. Try this free 30-day trial offer today. Cost Estimation for Projects: How to Estimate Accurately 11 Must-Have Project Management Excel Templates 5 Tips for Better Resource Scheduling Purchase Order Template
大部分项目会在内部完成,但你可能需要与供应商和其他人签订合同,以此来提供所需的材料或服务。你如何确保货物是你所需要的类型,数量和价格符合你的财政限制? 这些参数都是通过采购订单商定的。这是一种就项目所需的外部服务达成协议的方法,以确保您可以将它们安排到您的项目计划中。 跟踪您的采购订单从请求到 ProjectManager.com的看板。点击了解更多! 什么是采购订单? 采购订单是买卖双方之间具有法律约束力的合同,详细说明买方想要什么,卖方同意交货。这些细节包括价格、数量、交货日期和付款条件。 采购订单还包括一个跟踪号。根据您使用的系统类型,这有助于跟踪从放置到交付和付款的购买时间。 为什么使用采购订单? 采购订单清楚地表明了买方从卖方那里想要什么。它有助于避免在买方想要什么、多少钱、成本是多少、何时何地交货等方面出现混淆。 采购订单也有助于保护买方和卖方。例如,如果买方没有按照订单约定付款,或者卖方没有履行订单的细节,他们可以通过法律途径获得金钱、货物或经济补偿。 当然,诉讼不是任何项目经理想要的。因此,采购订单作为法律文件,通过在双方之间建立明确的沟通来避免任何此类分歧。 采购订单的要素 采购订单的细节各不相同,但都有以下几个要素。 识别和跟踪的数字 要捕获的订单达成一致的日期 供应商信息,包括供应商名称及其联系人 买家联系方式 到货日期或服务截止日期 运输方法,假如货物正在运输到作业现场 装运货物要求 订单中包含的项目 付款日期 付款条件 整批货的总成本 总采购项目的税费 整批货的价格 付款条件 您的业务可能需要进一步的详细信息,这很好,但如果您的采购订单中至少有上述信息,则所有者和供应商受合同保护。因此,为了从法律上保护各方,必须清楚地说明和商定交易的所有细节。 采购订单流程 采购订单的过程包括将订单写到交货。该过程分为以下几个步骤: 创造 一旦提出采购申请,通常由采购团队或项目管理员生成采购订单。 审批 如果涉及的每个人都同意项目、数量、价格和交货要求,则该文件由同意条款的供应商签字批准。 调度 采购订单通过接受的任何渠道发送给供应商。这可以亲自、用纸、传真或电子邮件等方式完成。 交付 供应商交付采购订单中列出的货物。当质量合格,如无缺陷或缺项时,这些货物才被检查和批准。这通常由工作现场的管理员或采购经理完成。 闭包 如果订单一切正常,则会将批准发票发送给财务部进行付款处理。付款后,采购订单即关闭。 采购订单示例 让我们看一个理论上的采购订单示例,以获得一个真实的视图,了解这个过程是如何工作的。为此,我们将使用ProjectManager.com采购订单模板,您可以免费下载。想象一下一个建筑工作,Acme Construction意识到他们需要更多的粒子板。 他们联系他们的供应商,乔的木材,并通过电话讨论订单。就价格和交货达成协议后,Acme写了一份采购订单。他们包括他们的公司名称和联系信息,创建一个订单号,日期和乔的供应商ID。 供应商联系信息 采购订单的下一部分是供应商的联系信息,或者Acme的采购对象。这是接下来的货物将被运到哪里,在这种情况下,工作地点。注明批准的交货日期和装运方法,在这种情况下,采用卡车装运。 付款明细 以下是付款的细节,何时到期,是否有任何条件。在这种情况下,付款应在交货时支付,并且只有在发货信息中列出的联系人检查并批准木材后支付。 行项目信息 这是一份货物清单,列明商品、描述、数量、报单价,然后是一行合计。对于此订单,只有一个行项目,但可以有多个。不管有多少,都是在加上购置税之后加起来的。 附加信息 有一个可以添加任何附加信息的框。这可能是如何到达工作现场,货物需要如何包装等。对于这项工作,不需要额外的信息,方框可以留空。 签名 最后,还有一个地方供供应商签名,以及签署采购订单的日期。一旦签署,这将成为一个具有法律约束力的合同。 ProjectManager.com如何帮助处理采购订单 ProjectManager.com是一个屡获殊荣的工具,可以组织工作以提高效率。使用我们的软件简化您的采购订单流程,使您可以更轻松地生成、跟踪和关闭采购订单,这样您就不必脱离项目管理。 我们的项目视图之一是看板,它可视化了工作流。电路板是一系列的列,下面堆放着卡片,当卡片在采购订单流程中移动时,可以从一列拖放到下一列。 一旦您有了采购需求,您就可以使用可定制的列来概述您的五步采购订单流程。创建一张表示采购订单的卡片。将实际的采购订单附在卡片上,并在批准、交付和关闭时全面移动。 您的采购可以通过在卡片上创建一个截止日期来进行跟踪,以确保按时交付。添加标签以将其指定给部门或项目,并使其易于在搜索中找到。你甚至可以将卡片分配给你的采购经理,并发表评论,以保持通信线路畅通。 ProjectManager.com是一个屡获殊荣的工具,帮助您保持组织,以提高生产力。它可以管理您的采购、计划、监控和项目报告。加入从美国宇航局到美国银行的组织,他们已经使用我们的工具来运行成功的项目。今天就试试这个30天的免费试用吧。 工程造价估算:如何准确估算 11个必备的项目管理Excel模板 改善资源调度的5个技巧 采购订单模板

