IATE Term of the Week: Digital Green Certificate


2021-04-09 22:00 terminology Coordination


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On March 17, the European Commission put forward a proposal to issue a Digital Green Certificate, the main objective of which is to ensure the free movement of citizens inside the EU during the COVID-19 pandemic. The implementation of the Digital Green Certificate would ease travel inside EU territory, as it is expected to lift movement restrictions in an organised and coordinated way, as soon as all EU Member States accept the certificate. One of the key characteristics of the tool is its non-discriminatory nature, as both vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals will have the right to take advantage of the certificate. The Digital Green Certificate will serve as a reliable proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or as an indication that a person received a negative test or recovered from COVID-19. In addition to it, not only EU citizens will benefit from the certificate, but also travellers from non-EU countries staying or residing legally on the territory of any EU country. The holders of the certificate will be freed from movement restrictions, connected to the current pandemic outbreak. The certificate will be issued in national language and English. The Digital Green Certificate is planned to be issued free of charge and available in both digital and paper formats. The QR code will be included to prove the authenticity of the document. The QR code will contain key personal data and digital signature. Regarding the safety of personal data, the Commission assures that the certificate will contain basic information including name, date of birth, date of issuance, information concerning the vaccine/test/recovery, as well as a unique certificate number. The data will be used exclusively for checking the validity of certificates. How will the certificate function? The QR code and the digital signature will be scanned through a special software Each issuing authority will get access to a digital signature key that is stored in a special secure database The European Commission will organise a gateway allowing to verify all certificates in any EU country National establishments will be responsible for the distribution of the certificate. It might be issued by health authorities, test centres or hospitals. The citizens will have access to a digital version of the certificate on their mobile devices, however, the paper version might be requested as well. The next steps of the European Commission regarding the introduction of certificates will include organising a digital infrastructure aimed at facilitation of the authentication of the Digital Green Certificates. European Commission. 2021. COVID-19: Digital green certificates. [ONLINE] Available at: https://ec.europa.eu/info/live-work-travel-eu/coronavirus-response/safe-covid-19-vaccines-europeans/covid-19-digital-green-certificates_en [Accessed 8 April 2021]. European Commission. 2021. Coronavirus: Commission proposes a Digital Green Certificate. [ONLINE] Available at: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_21_1181 [Accessed 8 April 2021]. European Commission. 2021. Questions and Answers – Digital Green Certificate. [ONLINE] Available at: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/qanda_21_1187 [Accessed 8 April 2021]. Written by Olena Khomiakova, Schuman Communication Trainee Terminology Coordination Unit. Currently she is enrolled as a Master student in Learning and Communications in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts at the University of Luxembourg.
3月17日,欧盟委员会提出一项关于颁发数字绿色证书的提案,其主要目标是确保新冠肺炎大流行期间欧盟境内公民的自由流动。一旦所有欧盟的成员国都接受了该证书,将会有组织地、协调地解除出行限制,这也会使在欧盟境内的旅行更加方便。 该工具的关键点之一就是它的非歧视性性质,因为不论是接种过疫苗的人,还是未接种疫苗的个人都将有权利使用该证书。数字绿色证书将作为接种新冠疫苗的可靠证明,或作为一个指示,表明一个人接受了新冠病毒阴性检测或已经从新冠肺炎中康复。除此之外,不仅欧盟公民将受益于该证书,来自非欧盟国家的、在任何欧盟国家领土上停留或合法居住的旅行者也将受益于该证书。证书的持有者将不受与当前大流行病爆发有关的行动限制。 该证书将以国家语言和英语颁发。数字绿色证书计划免费发放,有数字版和纸质版两种形式。证书上有包含重要的个人资料和电子签名的二维码,以证明文件的真实性。 关于个人资料的安全,委员会保证证书将包含姓名、出生日期、签发日期、有关疫苗/测试/回收、以及唯一的证书编号等基本信息。这些数据将专门用于检查证书的有效性。 证书将如何发挥作用? 二维码和数字签名将通过专用软件扫描 每个颁发机构都可以访问存储在特殊安全数据库中的数字签名密钥 欧盟委员会将组织一个门户,允许在任何欧盟国家验证所有证书 国家机构将负责证书的发放。它可能由卫生当局、检测中心或医院颁发。公民可以在他们的移动设备上获得数字版本的证书,但也可能要求使用纸质版的证书。 欧盟委员会在引入证书方面的下一步工作将包括组织一个数字基础设施,以便促进数字绿色证书的认证。 欧洲委员会,2021年。COVID-19:数字绿色证书。[在线]可查阅:https://ec.europa.eu/info/live-work-travel-eu/coronavirus-response/safe-covid-19-vaccines-europeans/covid-19-digital-green-certificates_en[2021年4月8访问]。 欧洲委员会,2021年。新冠病毒:委员会颁发数字绿色证书。[在线]可查阅:https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip21_1181[2021年4月8日访问]。 欧洲委员会,2021年。问答-数字绿色证书。[在线]见:https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/qanda21_1187[2021年4月8日访问]。 由舒曼通信培训生术语协调单位的Olena Khomiakova撰写。目前,她是卢森堡大学多语言和多文化背景下学习和交流的硕士研究生。

