Why the Translation of Medical Insurance Claims Matter


2021-04-07 11:50 United Language Group


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Back in 2016, a survey found that just 4% of Americans were able to correctly define all four terms that determined how much they would have to pay for medical services and drugs under their health insurance plans. When it comes to healthcare, most people aren’t quite sure what they’re getting into. There’s often a significant amount of paperwork involved, and the technical and sensitive nature of documents can make information difficult to understand in your own language -- let alone in your second or third. Below, we’re discussing the importance of medical translation and why translating medical insurance claims matters. What is medical translation? Medical translation is the practice of translating medical documents or reports for healthcare, claims, pharmaceutical companies, regulatory, marketing, and technical documentation. The field is highly specialized and is critical to ensuring that patients abroad or immigrants to a new country are able to get the care they need. Having well-translated documents allows healthcare professionals to treat patients regardless of where they’re located or what language they speak. Here are some of the most common documents that require translation: Medical histories Medical procedure consent forms Post-discharge instructions Prescriptions Medical device labels Drug usage information Patient and doctor manuals Medical insurance claim forms What is a medical insurance claim form? Medical insurance claims are what a doctor submits to your insurance company so they can get paid after treating you. It shows what services were provided during your visit. While most medical services providers will often submit claims on behalf of the patient, some patients will opt to fill out the paperwork themselves and send it to the insurance company. In some situations, this is required because the service provider is not part of a patient’s health insurance network and cannot file a claim on their behalf. The translation of these documents is essential because the claim form is considered a critical document for health coverage access. When claim forms are not translated (or not translated properly), it can misrepresent the insured or limit the ability of LEP-speakers to properly complete the form in question. Often, this results in mistakes or misunderstandings that wouldn’t otherwise happen. What are the pros and cons of medical document translation? PROS Provides better information to healthcare providers about their patients Alleviates stress and tension for both parties about treatment Enables fewer mistakes and misunderstandings Facilitates accurate service between medical institutions and patients CONS Small mistakes can cause serious problems (lawsuits, financial claims, health/life risks) While diseases and human anatomy are the same worldwide, regional differences in language can result in differences in the words used to refer to certain conditions and treatments Medical documents contain specialize terms and concepts that may not have equivalents in other languages, which makes precise translation difficult Final thoughts To help everyone receive satisfactory healthcare, accurate translation of health-related documents is essential. Regardless of the language you speak, translation of medical insurance claims is necessary to equal access, and we should strive to make this available to all.
早在2016年,一项调查发现,只有4%的美国人能够准确理解这四个术语,这四个术语决定了他们在医疗保险计划下必须为医疗服务和药品支付多少钱。 当谈到医疗时,大多数人都不太清楚他们所从事的是什么。通常会涉及大量的文书工作,而且文档的技术性和敏感性会让你很难用自己母语理解其中的信息,--更不用说用第二或第三语言了。下面,我们将讨论医学翻译的重要性,以及为什么翻译医疗保险索赔文件很重要。 什么是医学翻译? 医学翻译是为医疗保健、索赔、制药公司、法规、市场营销和技术文档翻译医学文档或报告的实践。该领域是高度专业化的,对于确保国外的病人或移民到新国家的人能够得到他们所需要的护理至关重要。 良好的医疗翻译文件可协助医疗保健专业人员救治病号,不管这些病人来自哪里,也不管他们说什么语言。下面是一些最常见的需要翻译的文档: 病史 医疗程序同意书 出院后说明 处方 医疗器械标签 药物使用信息 病人和医生手册 医疗保险索赔表 什么是医疗保险索赔表? 医疗保险索赔是医生提交给病人投保的保险公司的表格,可确保医院在救治病人后得到报酬。保险索赔表显示了病人在医治过程中医院为其提供了哪些服务类型。虽然大多数医疗服务提供者通常会代表病人提交索赔,但有些病人会选择自己填写文件并将其送交保险公司。在某些情况下,病人亲自提交保险索赔是必需的,因为医护人员不是患者健康保险网的一部分,不能代表他们提出索赔。 这些医疗文件的翻译至关重要,因为索赔表被认为是获得医疗保险的关键文件。当索赔表没有翻译(或翻译不当)时,它可能会错误地描述被保险人或限制说LEP的人正确填写有关表格的能力。通常,这会导致错误或误解。 医学文献翻译的利弊是什么? 专业人士 向医护人员提供完整的病人信息 缓解治疗双方的压力和紧张感 减少错误和误解 方便医疗机构与患者之间的精准服务 缺点 小错误会引起严重问题(比如诉讼,经济索赔,健康/生命危险) 虽然世界各地的疾病和人体解剖学都是一样的,但语言差异可能会导致描述某些疾病和治疗方法的用词不同 医学文献中包含的专门术语和概念在其他语言中可能没有对应的术语和概念,这使准确翻译变得困难 最后的想法 为了帮助每个人都能得到满意的医疗保健,医疗相关文献的准确翻译是必不可少的。不管你说的是哪种语言,翻译医疗保险索赔是平等获取的必要手段,我们应该努力使所有人都能获得这一点。

