IATE Term of the Week: Carbon Leakage


2021-04-02 20:00 terminology Coordination


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Carbon Leakage is a term that originated within the walls of EU institutions. It is a phenomenon that happens when businesses generating a high level of carbon emissions decide to move their production to non-EU countries where policies against greenhouse gases are less strict. As a result of this transfer, the global amount of carbon emissions would see a rise. The causes of carbon leakage The EU has set deadlines and rules for achieving the goal of a climate-neutral Europe by 2050 through the Emissions Trading System (ETS). The ETS controls the amount of greenhouse gases that businesses located in the EU can emit by giving them a limited amount of emission allowances. These can be traded or saved according to businesses’ needs. However, there is the possibility of ETS measures leading to carbon leakage. For some businesses that produce elevated quantities of carbon, this system creates additional costs that they can avoid by moving their production abroad. If these businesses were, indeed, to move their factories to certain foreign countries, the overall global emissions of greenhouse gases would increase and, thus, the entire purpose of having anti-greenhouse gas policies in place would be defeated. The measures taken by the EU to tackle carbon leakage To support a greener industrial development, the EU has decided to grant free allowances to those businesses that are more likely to cause carbon leakage. The characteristics that these businesses must have are defined in official lists compiled by the European Commission, the Member States and the European Parliament. The first list dates back to 2013, while the latest one was published in 2019. The list of businesses at risk of generating carbon leakage is drawn up by calculating the additional costs these businesses face due to anti-greenhouse gas EU policies and the volume of their trade with non-EU countries. These are the factors deemed to be responsible of motivating businesses to move their production abroad. Recent studies have shown that the goal of decreasing future carbon emissions would be reached more effectively by imposing stricter rules to businesses. Therefore, new policies have been launched as part of a phase 4 project that starts in 2021 and will end in 2030. Carbon Leakage and Industrial Innovation | Climate Policy Info Hub. 2021. Carbon Leakage and Industrial Innovation | Climate Policy Info Hub. [ONLINE] Available at: https://climatepolicyinfohub.eu/carbon-leakage-and-industrial-innovation. [Accessed 31 March 2021]. Carbon Market Watch. 2021. Carbon Leakage – Carbon Market Watch. [ONLINE] Available at: https://carbonmarketwatch.org/2014/08/29/carbon-leakage/. [Accessed 31 March 2021]. Climate Action – European Commission. 2021. Carbon leakage | Climate Action. [ONLINE] Available at: https://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/ets/allowances/leakage_en#tab-0-0. [Accessed 31 March 2021]. Climate Action – European Commission. 2021. EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) | Climate Action. [ONLINE] Available at: https://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/ets_en. [Accessed 31 March 2021]. Written by Maria Bruno, Schuman Trainee at the Terminology Coordination Unit. She holds a master’s degree in Translation and a bachelor’s degree in Italian Language and Literature. She is trained in websites and social media management, content writing and SEO. Currently, she is studying for her Diplôme Universitaire in Terminology at the University of Savoie-Mont Blanc.
碳泄漏是一个起源于欧盟机构内部的术语。当产生高水平碳排放的企业决定将生产转移到非欧盟国家时,就会出现这种现象,因为这些国家的温室气体减排政策不那么严格。由于这种转移,全球的碳排放量将会上升。 碳泄漏的原因 欧盟为通过排放交易系统(ETS)实现2050年欧洲气候中立的目标设定了期限和规则。ETS通过给予欧盟企业有限的排放限额来控制其可排放的温室气体量。这些可以根据企业的需要进行交易或保存。 然而,ETS措施有可能是导致碳泄漏的主要原因。对于一些生产大量碳的企业来说,这种系统会产生额外的成本,因此他们会通过将生产转移到国外来避免这些成本。如果这些企业真的将工厂迁往其他国家,全球温室气体排放总量将会增加,这样,制定反温室气体政策的整个目的都将落空。 欧盟针对碳泄漏的应对措施 为了支持更绿色的工业发展,欧盟决定对那些更有可能造成碳泄漏的企业给予免费补贴。这些企业必须具备的特征在欧盟委员会、成员国和欧洲议会编制的官方名单中有定义。第一份名单可以追溯到2013年,而最新的一份名单是在2019年公布的。 存在产生碳泄漏风险的企业名单是通过计算这些企业因欧盟的反温室气体政策而面临的额外成本以及它们与非欧盟国家的贸易额来制定的。这些因素被认为是促使企业将生产转移到国外的原因。 最近的研究表明,通过对企业实施更严格的规定,可以更有效地实现未来减少碳排放的目标。因此,作为2021年开始、2030年结束的第四阶段项目的一部分,新政策已经出台。 碳泄漏与产业创新气候政策信息中心。2021碳泄漏与产业创新气候政策信息中心。[在线]网址:https://climatepolicyinfohub.eu/carbon-leakage-and-industrial-innovation。[查阅日期:2021年3月31日]。 碳市场观察。2021碳泄漏——碳市场观察。[在线]网址:https://carbonmarketwatch.org/2014/08/29/carbon leakage/。[查阅日期:2021年3月31日]。 欧洲气候行动委员会。2021碳泄漏;气候作用。[在线]网址:https://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/ets/allowers/leakageO-O。[查阅日期:2021年3月31日]。 欧洲气候行动委员会。2021欧盟排放交易系统(EU ETS)气候行动。[在线]网址:https://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/ets[查阅日期:2021年3月31日]。 作者Maria Bruno,术语协调组的Schuman实习生。她拥有翻译硕士学位和意大利语言文学学士学位。她接受过网站和社交媒体管理、内容写作和SEO方面的培训。目前,她正在萨沃伊-勃朗峰大学为迪普大学学习术语。

