Reader Polls: Online Dating via Google Translate, Risk to Top LSPs


2021-03-24 23:25 slator


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Big Tech has been amply represented in machine translation news over the past four months. Amazon launched live translation for Alexa. Google improved the UX for live speech translation by reducing flickering text (although Google Translate was deemed not quite ready for use in medical emergencies according to a recent study). Facebook open-sourced 50,000 hours of audio in eight languages to improve automatic speech recognition. Microsoft rolled out a document translation feature that retains the layout of source files. Even the world’s most popular non-Big Tech machine translation provider, DeepL, added 13 EU languages to gain even more users. This growing competition from Big Tech as it makes translation / localization technology readily available to everyone — including clients of the top 25 language service providers (LSPs) — was recognized by more than a fifth of respondents to Slator’s March 19, 2021 poll. About the same number of respondents said it was workflow automation that posed the biggest risk to the business. A slightly greater portion of respondents, however, said the biggest threat to the top 25 LSPs comes from the top 5 Super Agencies (23.3%). Click on the Super Agency card in the Slator 2021 LSPI to see who they are and their reported revenues at press time. (The LSPI is updated as new info comes in.) Meanwhile, the majority said they did not know (26.7%), and only a few pinpointed startups as posing the biggest competition (6.7%) — interesting given how much VC money startups have attracted of late. This could indicate that startups are seen as more likely to go after the long tail serviced by smaller LSPs rather than the top 25. Did you know that more than half the LSPs listed on the Slator 2021 LSPI are based in just a handful of countries? The US, the UK, Germany, Poland, and Sweden are the headquarters for these LSPs, accounting for over 70% of revenues as reported by the more than 180 LSPs on the 2021 index. These same companies still maintain hubs in 38 different countries though, scattered across North America, South America, Asia, Australasia, MENA, and Europe. However, Covid may have mitigated the importance of physical proximity to one’s clients. An overwhelming number of respondents to Slator’s March 12, 2021 poll believe that being based close to one’s clients is now a non-issue (55%). Opinions were evenly split between those who said locating near clients is important (16.7%) and nice to have (16.7%), while only a few said client proximity is still very important (11.7%). Now that the world has passed the one-year mark since Covid lockdowns were imposed, the language industry has managed to get on. Bigger companies tended to do better during the pandemic as shown by a number of studies, such as the EU survey published last spring. The Slator 2021 LSPI also bears this out as Super Agencies posted the biggest growth both in percentage- and dollar-terms with none reporting negative growth. More LSPs reported declining revenues going down the rankings: 23% of Leaders, and roughly a third of Challengers and Boutiques. Still, the general optimism that accompanied the end of 2020 — when most readers said they were either very optimistic about business in 2021 or that it “should be okay” — has held up. The majority of respondents to Slator’s March 5, 2021 poll said that business was up strongly (32.7%) compared to the same period last year, while 29% said it was only up slightly. The rest were equally divided among those who said business was flat (12.7%), down slightly (12.7%), and down significantly (12.7%). No one was surprised that online dating powerhouse Match (, Tinder, etc.) would invest in tech that enables more users who speak different languages to communicate. The purchase of Seoul-based startup Hyperconnect for a cool USD 1.73bn may have raised a few eyebrows though as it was Match’s biggest purchase to date. (Match products are already available in over 40 languages, with certain brands targeting specific regions.) Even more interesting, Hyperconnect runs its apps on Google Speech and Translation APIs. So we thought we’d throw it out there to Slator’s readers: What do you think about taking advantage of Google APIs to date online in many languages. About half would have nothing to do with it (48.2%), while 30.4% declined to comment. A little over a fifth, however, said that it opens up a world of opportunity (21.4%).
在过去的四个月里,大科技在机器翻译新闻中占据了很大的位置。亚马逊为Alexa推出了直播翻译。谷歌通过减少闪烁文本改进了现场语音翻译的用户体验(尽管根据最近的一项研究,谷歌翻译被认为还不能完全用于医疗紧急情况)。 Facebook开源了8种语言的5万小时音频,以提高自动语音识别能力。Microsoft推出了保留源文件布局的文档翻译功能。就连世界上最受欢迎的非大型科技机器翻译提供商DeepL也加入了13种欧盟语言,以获得更多用户。 在Slator 2021年3月19号的民意调查中,超过五分之一的受访者认可了来自大型科技公司的日益激烈的竞争,因为它使得翻译/本地化技术变得容易为每个人(包括前25家语言服务提供商的客户)所使用。大约相同数量的受访者表示,对业务构成最大风险的是工作流程自动化。 不过,稍多的受访者表示,对前25家LSP的最大威胁来自前5家超级机构(23.3%)。点击Slator 2021 LSPI中的超级代理卡,查看他们是谁以及他们在新闻发布时间报告的收入。(随着新信息的出现,LSPI将被更新。) 与此同时,大多数受访者表示不知道(26.7%),只有少数人认为创业公司构成了最大的竞争对手(6.7%)--考虑到最近创业公司吸引了多少风投资金,这很有意思。这可能表明,创业公司更有可能追求由较小的LSP服务的长尾市场,而不是前25名。 您是否知道,Slator 2021 LSPI上列出的一半以上的LSPs都位于少数几个国家/地区?美国,英国,德国,波兰和瑞典是这些LSP的总部所在地,2021年指数中超过180家LSP报告的收入占70%以上。 这些公司仍然在38个不同的国家保持中心,但分散在北美洲,南美洲,亚洲,澳大利亚,中东和欧洲。 然而,Covid可能降低了与客户实际距离的重要性。在Slator于2021年3月12日进行的民意调查中,绝大多数受访者(55%)认为离客户近已经不是问题了。 16.7%的人认为离客户近很重要,16.7%的人认为离客户近很好,只有少数人认为离客户近很重要(11.7%)。 现在,自从贪婪的封锁实施以来,世界已经过了一年的大关,语言产业已经成功地发展起来了。一些研究表明,大公司在流感大流行期间往往表现得更好,比如去年春天发表的欧盟调查。 Slator 2021 LSPI也证实了这一点,因为超级机构在百分比和美元两个方面都取得了最大的增长,没有一家机构报告负增长。更多的LSP报告收入下降导致排名下滑:23%的领头羊,约三分之一的挑战者和精品店。 不过,伴随着2020年末的普遍乐观情绪--当时大多数读者表示,他们要么对2021年的生意非常乐观,要么“应该还好”--依然存在。 在Slator 2021年3月5号的调查中,大多数受访者表示,与去年同期相比,业务增长强劲(32.7%),而29%的受访者表示仅略有增长。其余表示生意持平(12.7%),轻微下跌(12.7%)及显著下跌(12.7%)的受访者各占一半。 没有人对在线约会巨头Match(,Tinder等)投资于让更多说不同语言的用户能够交流的技术感到惊讶。 不过,Match以17.3亿美元的价格收购首尔创业公司Hyperconnect可能会引起一些人的关注,因为这是Match迄今最大的一笔收购。(Match产品已有40多种语言版本,某些品牌针对特定地区。) 更有趣的是,Hyperconnect在Google Speech和Translation API上运行其应用程序。所以我们想把这个问题抛给Slator的读者:你对利用Google API以多种语言在线约会有什么看法。 约有一半的人(48.2%)表示与此事无关,而30.4%的人拒绝置评。不过,略高于五分之一的受访者(21.4%)表示,这会带来一个充满机遇的世界。

