Costa Rica: Fun Facts about a Country that Hasn't Had a Standing Army in Seven Decades


2021-03-23 20:50 GALA


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Rosario Traducciones continues the tour of Latin America in another edition of #ElEspañolEnElMundo. This month we land on a small country known for its biodiversity Do you need to communicate with a Latin American audience? Are you exporting or selling your products and services to Spanish-speaking countries? Rosario Traducciones y Servicios SA takes you on a virtual linguistic tour through the different countries of Latin America, exploring their diversity and cultural richness. This month we travel to Costa Rica, a small country in Central America with one of the highest standards of living in Central America, known for having abolished its army over 70 years ago. "Pura vida," the country's unofficial motto, almost translates into “life is good.” Costa Ricans use it in many ways in everyday conversation as a greeting: you can reply “how are you doing” with “pura vida.” It's also used to say goodbye, refer to a situation or describe one's mood. But it's not just a catchall phrase, it's also a way of life. These two words show the way Costa Ricans live: peacefully and simply with a large dose of optimism and joy. Costa Rica has almost 5 million inhabitants and a truly multiracial ethnography. The diverse population has its roots in the historical blend of cultures, from indigenous groups, Spaniards and Africans, to later waves of immigrants from Germany, Poland, Italy and France. This cultural diversity is reflected in the ease with which Costa Ricans can learn different languages. Most Costa Ricans speak English and love to show off their language skills, communicating with tourists who do not speak Spanish. Other languages such as Portuguese, Italian, French, German and even Hebrew are also spoken by many of its inhabitants. The citizens of Costa Rica refer to themselves as Ticos and Ticas. These Spanish diminutives are typical of the way Costa Ricans express affectionally, by adding the suffixes “-tico” or "-tica" at the end of a word, such as "mama" (mom) to say “mamacitica” (mommy) instead of "mamacita." This peculiarity is also reflected in their way of life, which is known as "Tico Time." For Costa Ricans, life does not revolve around strict schedules but rather flows at its own pace. In Costa Rica, there are two, not four, seasons a year. There is a dry season and a rainy season. The dry season—which is equivalent to summer, hot and humid—runs from November to April. The rainy season, which runs from May to October, is the equivalent of winter despite the mild temperatures. If you have to choose a time of the year to travel to Costa Rica, the best time is summer or the dry season. Although there are still plenty of attractions to be enjoyed during the rainy season. One of Costa Rica's greatest pride is being one of the first countries in the world to abolish its army. The decision was made eight months after the end of the civil war in 1948, over seven decades ago, by the Founding Board of the Second Republic chaired by José Figueres Ferrer. After the abolition of the army, the money that was previously used for the acquisition of weapons was devoted to education, health and other strategic venues to develop the country. The Ticos also boast of having the oldest democracy in Latin America. Their system of political representation celebrated its 200-year anniversary in 2019. In Costa Rica, no matter the time of year, dawn is always at 5:30 in the morning and dusk always falls at 5:30 in the evening, with just a slight variation of minutes depending on the season. This interesting fact is due to its geographical location. Perhaps because of this, Ticos tend to be early risers with most of them getting up by six in the morning. And, they rarely go to bed later than 11 p.m. The staple of Costa Rican food is rice and beans, the two main side dishes that accompany salads and meats at all three main meals. “Casado” (literally, married man) is the most common dish, a variety of meat or fish with vegetables served with rice and beans. "Gallo pinto" is a typical breakfast meal, which combines rice, beans, fried plantain and eggs. As a coffee nation, coffee is consumed a lot and Costa Ricans usually have a couple of cups at breakfast and several more throughout the rest of the day, along with a piece of bread or a piece of cake. Costa Rica is recognized for the great education and kindness of its inhabitants, known as courteous and hospitable people, always willing to help. The country has a mandatory, free education system, with a very high literacy rate, close to 95%. The importance of education in Costa Rica is such that the National Radio broadcasts primary and secondary classes for those children who live in isolated areas. Despite being a small nation, Costa Rica is the country with the greatest biodiversity on the planet per square kilometer. It is estimated that more than 500,000 species of fauna and flora inhabit this Central American country, which represents 5% of the total world species, although only a fifth of them have been identified. Large variety of plant species, mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, freshwater fish and other animals populate the land, many of which are endemic species. In addition, it is one of the countries with the highest ecological awareness in the world: more than 25% of all land is protected, within parks and nature reserves. Since 2015, Costa Rica's energy has derived almost entirely from renewable resources. In 2021, Costa Rica will be the first 95% green country in the world. For lovers of the great outdoors as well as adrenaline junkies, Costa Rica is the ideal vacation destination. As a country of wild and varied nature, there is a large variety of activities, from the sea to the mountains. Surfing, diving, kayaking and whitewater rafting, visiting hot springs, trekking through lush forests or hiking in a rainforest, seeing volcanoes and discovering the varied fauna are just a handful of the endless opportunities to enjoy an adventure.
Rosario Traducciones在另一个版本的#ElEspañolEnElMundo继续拉丁美洲之旅。这个月我们来到了一个以生物多样性闻名的小国家 你需要和拉丁美洲的观众交流吗?你是否向西班牙语国家出口或销售你的产品和服务?罗萨里奥Traducciones y Servicios SA带您进行虚拟语言之旅,通过拉丁美洲的不同国家,探索他们的多样性和文化丰丰性。这个月我们前往哥斯达黎加,这是中美洲的一个小国,它是中美洲生活水平最高的国家之一,以70多年前废除军队而闻名。 “Pura vida”是这个国家的非官方口号,几乎可以翻译成“生活是美好的”。哥斯达黎加人在日常对话中用它来打招呼:你可以用“pura vida”来回答“你好吗”。它也被用来说再见,指一种情况或描述一个人的心情。但它不仅仅是一个笼统的短语,它也是一种生活方式。这两个词显示了哥斯达黎加人的生活方式:和平、简单、乐观和快乐。 哥斯达黎加有近500万居民和一个真正的多种族民族志。从土著群体、西班牙人和非洲人,到后来来自德国、波兰、意大利和法国的移民浪潮,人口的多样化源于历史上的文化融合。这种文化多样性反映在哥斯达黎加人可以轻松地学习不同的语言。大多数哥斯达黎加人说英语,并且喜欢炫耀他们的语言技能,与不会说西班牙语的游客交流。其他语言,如葡萄牙语,意大利语,法语,德语,甚至希伯来语,也有许多居民说。 哥斯达黎加的公民称自己为Ticos和Ticas。这些西班牙语的昵称是哥斯达黎加人表达感情的典型方式,在一个词的末尾加上后缀“-tico”或“-tica”,例如“mama”(妈妈)说“mamacitica”(妈妈)而不是“mamacita”。这种特质也反映在他们的生活方式上,被称为“红毛丹时光”。对于哥斯达黎加人来说,生活不是围绕着严格的时间表,而是按照自己的节奏流动。 在哥斯达黎加,一年只有两个季节,而不是四个。有旱季和雨季。旱季相当于炎热潮湿的夏季,从11月持续到4月。雨季从5月持续到10月,尽管气温温和,但相当于冬天。如果你要选择一个时间去哥斯达黎加旅游,最好的时间是夏天或旱季。尽管在雨季仍有很多景点可供观赏。 哥斯达黎加最大的骄傲之一是成为世界上第一个废除军队的国家之一。这一决定是在70多年前的1948年内战结束8个月后,由José Figueres Ferrer担任主席的第二共和国创始董事会做出的。在废除军队之后,原先用于购买武器的资金被用于教育、卫生和其他发展国家的战略场所。提科斯还夸耀自己拥有拉丁美洲最古老的民主制度。2019年,他们的政治代表制度庆祝了200周年。 在哥斯达黎加,无论一年中的什么时候,黎明总是在早上5点半,黄昏总是在晚上5点半,根据季节的不同,时间有微小的变化。 这个有趣的事实是由于它的地理位置。也许正因为如此,Ticos倾向于早起,他们中的大多数人早上六点就起床了。而且,他们很少晚于11点睡觉。 哥斯达黎加的主食是米饭和豆类,这两种主要的配菜与色拉和肉类一起出现在三顿正餐中。“casado”(字面意思是已婚男子)是最常见的菜肴,是各种肉或鱼搭配蔬菜,配以米饭和豆类。“加洛平托”是一种典型的早餐餐,它结合了米饭,豆子,炸车前草和鸡蛋。 作为一个咖啡国度,人们会大量饮用咖啡,哥斯达黎加人通常会在早餐时喝几杯咖啡,在一天的其他时间里还会喝几杯,再配上一块面包或蛋糕。 哥斯达黎加是公认的教育和其居民的善良,被称为礼貌和好客的人民,总是愿意帮助。该国实行强制性的免费教育制度,识字率非常高,接近95%。哥斯达黎加的教育十分重要,全国广播电台向生活在偏远地区的儿童广播小学和中学课程。 尽管是一个小国,哥斯达黎加却是地球上每平方公里生物多样性最多的国家。据估计,超过50万种动植物栖息在这个中美洲国家,占世界物种总数的5%,尽管其中只有五分之一已被确认。大量的植物种类、哺乳动物、鸟类、两栖动物、爬行动物、淡水鱼和其他动物居住在这片土地上,其中许多是特有物种。此外,它是世界上生态意识最高的国家之一:在公园和自然保护区内,超过25%的土地受到保护。自2015年以来,哥斯达黎加的能源几乎全部来自可再生资源。2021年,哥斯达黎加将成为世界上第一个95%绿色的国家。 对于热爱户外运动的人以及肾上腺素迷来说,哥斯达黎加是理想的度假目的地。作为一个野生和多样的自然的国家,有各种各样的活动,从海洋到山区。冲浪,潜水,皮划艇和漂流,游览温泉,徒步穿越茂密的森林或在雨林中徒步旅行,看火山和发现各种各样的动物群都是享受冒险无尽的机会。

